is the kindle a Sup Forums approved device? Can you root it and use it with your own PDFs?
Is the kindle a Sup Forums approved device? Can you root it and use it with your own PDFs?
Newer Kindle software is locked down pretty tight. At best you can install Google play services on it
You can literally just copy-paste pdfs to a kindle over USB afaik, no need to root it.
E-reader or tablet?
Get kobo for an e-reader
Get Samsung Tab S 3 for tablet.
Who gives a fuck if it's Sup Forums approved? Spend half an hour doing the research yourself and decide if it's right for you.
has anyone written an app that can steal .mobi files from the kindle app? i kind of resent that they want $15 for an Umberto Eco book that i can get from libgen for nothing.
>Spend half an hour doing the research yourself and decide if it's right for you.
part of that research involves asking Sup Forums, salty bitch. go have your morning coffee enema and then come back when you're feeling fresh.
>making other people do research is research
jesus why is there so much of this cancer on here and reddit
Just download from libgen and manage with Calibre. God, everyone here is fucking useless. Make your own informed decisions and stop trying to impress Sup Forums.
>Who gives a fuck if it's Sup Forums approved?
Because Sup Forums is most likely an informed bunch when it comes to tech? Thinkpads, Linux, Ayymd, Seikos - Sup Forumsentoomen have good taste
So, can you just open your pdfs on it without ever connecting to Amazon botnet?
Sup Forums has terrible taste tho
>Sup Forums is most likely an informed bunch when it comes to tech?
you're just as likely to get a complete retard as someone informed on Sup Forums.
There's no point in rooting a kindle. The only benefit is changing the wallpaper. To root it now requires opening the device and soldering on a new connection. Not worth it.
Kindles are shit for PDFs. Get an Android tablet for PDFs and a Kindle Paperwhite for everything else.
Calm the fuck down neckbeard
Hes not hes asking people that would have prior knowledge. No one fucking cares about your autistic rage or reddit browsing
I'm planning on getting a Kobo since that's what the general consensus seems to be. Which one should I get though without spending a shitload of money for the newest model?
>Kindles are shit for PDFs.
Citation needed.
>Just get a device with glare and 1/50 of the battery life, it's better!
Kindle paperwhite owner here.
it's awesome but because PDF text can't reflow it's pretty much useless for PDFs - the text is way too small. i had some better results with removing as much margins as possible from the pages but it's too much work....
TLDR - the kindle's screen is not big enough for pdf.
Is there a way to reflow/split PDF?
I own a Kindle and later bought an Android tablet because the Kindle is shit for PDFs.
Which Android Tablet is best for Lineage OS?
You can literally email PDFs to the Kindle wirelessly.
Too bad the Aura One is the only one worth getting. The Aura Edition 2 is worse than a kindle if you want 6", and if you're willing to pay for the H2O, then you might as well spend a few extra bucks and get the Aura One with its bigger and higher dpi screen.
unrelated to OP's question but I work for Amazon and I want to mention that the apps we build and use internally on the kindle are hilariously pisspoor. the process of provisioning a kindle for internal use is also a complicated nightmare that fails half the time.
What are kindles used for at amazon?
I do IT for the fulfillment centers, where they're adopting them in place of paper for training materials. the most used tool though is the trailer docking tool, which is basically just a step by step form you use when locking a trailer to a dock door. other tools are just like item inventory type stuff. not sure if corporate uses them for anything.
Not OP but I do, because many eyes make bugs shallow.
There is no easy answer to that, get latest aura one, it is the best e-reader on the market, software and hardware wise
Paperwhite is pretty good but has smaller screen, no sd card, locked down and even jailbreaking pw which is unlikely unless you have the right sw version wont give you much, pw is so low (processing) power that running anything on it is pretty much a no no. I have mine jailbroken and its like an app that you run on top of OS, it crashes constantly, if you try to shutdown the os it usually crashes in the process and so on.
FOR PDF FILES get 8-10 inch android tablet, galaxy tab 8 or 11" with amoled is perfect because ereaders dont handle pdf very well (kindle treats each page like picture and quick going through pages forward and back is impossible). Ereaders are mostly good for continuos reading, fiction, novels etc
Can you upload some of these tools to public net?
Fuck amazon, they must die. They have CIA as client and their hands in all kinds of mess. People starve on $11 in the warehouse and Bezos prick is richest man in world. Stop buying shit from this ape.
for reading and notes unironically this device
Nigga just use your phone and an app like FBReader