How many fingers do you type with Sup Forums?

How many fingers do you type with Sup Forums?



most, I touch type pretty much 95% of the keyboard
I switched caps lock and control so that I don't have to turn my hand as much when pressing keyboard shortcuts, also made ijkl into arrow keys when scroll lock is turned on, and I set right alt to scroll lock. it's a pretty comfy setup not having to move your hands very much


Joke's on you because thumbs are also fingers.

Why aren't you using Colemak, the keyboard layout that respects your freedoms, Sup Forums?

>thumbs are fingers lol

4 fingers. One hand only.

Yeah but I never use my left thumb

literally this

>tfw I touch type with just 2 fingers too

>not typing with your mind

You only need one thumb to hit the spacebar

Well I tried ten but my little fingers are retarded

I type with a keyboard at my feet for extra speed

8, the maximum humanly possible

>being human
lol fucking pleb


None. I press the keys with the tip of my penis.

8 fingers.


12 if you count the foot pedals.

I use four. The middle fingers and index fingers.

Unfortunately this was just how I picked up typing without any formal training, and formally learning is something I either forget or can't be arsed to pursue.

8, plus two thumbs.

4+thumb. The other hand alternates between mousing and fapping.

I hit the space bar with left my thumb, I use my left pinky for shift, my left thumb for ALT, my left pinky for control

all other keys are my index fingers

I type around 75 wpm with about 92% accuracy

You really should, it doesn't even take that long to learn.
All in all, when I gave up typing with four fingers, it took me only a month to reach my original speed with touchtyping. After that the sky's the limit.

here's one I just did on that racing typing game

I use 9 fingers (8 + right thumb) but I underuse my pinky. For example I hit the 0-= and 21` with my ring fingers.
They are just too hard to reach with my pinky, sometimes I also use it for Q and P.
I don't type that fast tho, using pretty much only laptop keyboards is not helping me either.

right thumb for space bar.
left thumb for like ctrl shift in a keybinding, but that's not really typing.

Well I'll try it mate. Is it just memorizing a color-coded picture illustrating which fingers need be dedicated to which keys? I've seen one like that before.

>typing is a physical act involving digits
>attributes typing to an analog interpretation of autist's beta waves


Yes, and practice it over and over, I'd say 30 minutes to an hour everyday.
Also the two resources I used most when learning were and GNU Typist.

>Find an old type writer
>It's not QWERTY
>Back to writing 1 letter a minute

Cheers. I'll really do it though.


right thumb space, ring fingers modifier keys and backspace, index+middle blind hunt&peck


Good luck out there, the first days are gonna pretty hard.

Can't use my right hand to type, but my left hand is fast enough.

I type 100wpm with my left ring and middle and my right ring middle and index

also my right index is my space bar pusher.
5 fingers total

8 + 2/1, I basically only use my thumbs for the spacebar.


I lied actually I also use my right pinky for shift only

I wish split spacebar were more common, each thumb really needs it's own key, either that or something like pic related where each thumb gets its own cluster

Something like this completely forfeits being normal.


I'd like to learn to type with just my left hand, exclusively, on a standard keyboard layout. Are there any online resources to facilitate this?






I blame WoW for this.

Hunt 'n' peckers need to die.

Right hand: all fingers
Left hand: index finger only

help me Sup Forums

beyond help my friend


Six fingers.
Left pinkie for caps lock and left shift, right pinkie for backspace and enter
Left thumb for space, right thumb for right shift

tgb and leftmost, left hand. yhn and rightmost, right hand.

8 + right thumb for space

Four, two on each hand.

also i trained myself in using all, when during vacation season while being a junior i got a task to document all codebase. Might as well get something out of a shitty task like this.

Now i'm trying to get a proper hang of vim, and not bottom out on mechanical keyboards. Next step is propably only using some weird ergonomic keyboard and starting to live in a cave.


fingerlets btfo

>how many fingers do you type with?
>12 if you count my feet


My as well! Although, the fingers vary for different keys.

7, although I occasionally do use my pinkies

apperently only 8. Don't use my right pinky finger and right thumb really. I should improve that. Thank you for this thread, OP.


Unless I'm fapping, then I only use 5

at least 1

index-middle-ring on both hands. left thumb is used exclusively for the spacebar, right pinky used exclusively for newline

Everything, but I only use my pinkies for shift/ctrl/etc and not the keys I'm supposed to use

one. sometimes I type with my nose or my penis.

Not enough.

I 10 finger type
My WPM is 90



when I type the word "point" i use my pinky, ring and middle fingers on p, o and i respectively and its highly satisfying

I use around four to six fingers when writing. The pinkies are stuck to control, alt, backspace and so on
Both thumbs are on the spacebar
My penis is also very hard for weight balancing on very fast typing sessions

8, I don't use my pinkeys.

10 and sometimes when I squat behind my computer, I press spaced bar with my either toe, so it makes it 11(or 12 but I only press one button so 2 toes count for 1)