Female who built MyEtherWallet

Name a better looking woman in tech

protip: you can't

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>a better looking woman
You know what's the real problem with women in tech?

Checkmate atheists.

t. fuggly

If you do incredible things people will speak to you no matter how you look.
MyEtherWallet is literally what so this girl is nothing worthwile but a fap material.

Women """in tech""" competing over appearances is cancer. If you're going to prance around and try to attract a man do it on your own time. The workplace is for getting things done.

But how's her penis?



For the record, not only did she jack the company's official Twitter, but there's an ongoing court case where she is the defendant and OP is the plaintiff.

drive . google . com / file / d / 1CHz_Fe5DqM7Aszsr5LwTdol85YsEJaaZ / view

medium . com / @badrinat / myetherwallet-mycrypto-the-litigation-story-between-kosala-kvhnuke-hemachandra-and-taylor-36d88f4786cb

Here's a /biz/ summary of the case:

> Hemachandra (Hema) - member and manager of MEW
> Monahan (Mona) - Member an manager an CEO
> Mona has access and possession of all of MEW's company books, records and docs
> Hema does not. Hema asks Mona for copy of company books, as is his legal right to see them.
> Mona refuses.
> Hema gets his lawyer and tells Mona's lawyer he wants to see books
> Mona refuses.
> Asks again, Mona and her people refuse, and have as of yet not given Hema copies of MEW docs.
> Mona claims that Hema already has access to these docs, even still, refuses to give him access to docs that she claims he already can see.

> Turns out the two had a disagreement over, and Hema wanted the docs because of, the "potential dissolution of, and/or he acquisition by one member of the other's membership interest in, MEW"
> Seems like she wanted to buy his share of the company or vice versa, but in any case, she didn't want him to know of MEW's operations and its finances before going through with this move. (My edit: after reading the docs, he had offered to buy her out.)

And then she split, making a new company for herself and those who chose to go with her, and now she's trying to pass it off as a re-brand without being transparent about any of this. Regardless of who is in the right about anything that transpired before, how can we as users trust MyCrypto with anything after moves like that?

I wonder what kind of impact this court case will have on the new company, if any.

get a girlfriend, this is beyond cringeworthy

Show bobs, send fempene.

Now THIS sheds some light on what the hell is really happening and explains why none of them will talk about it. Behind the scenes things appear to be very hostile.

> appear to have been in negotiations as of October 2017, for tayvano to sell her share in MEW to kvhnuke for $1 million, which would leave him in sole control. In the course of the negotiations, kvhnuke felt (justifiably, IMHO) that it is difficult for him to commit to a purchase price without seeing all the accounting records and documents for the company, because he can’t conduct his due diligence on the company without them. Tayvano’s refusal (or more precisely, what appears to be inadequate production of documents) resulted in this case being filed.

And there it is. Damn.


>what are variables

>The workplace is for getting things done.
I used to think that too. Boy, was I wrong...

>why don't girls like me

because i'm gay

This triggers my autism.


what a mess lol. I took one good look at her and knew there was no way she created MEW or had a large part in it.

Lesson learned. DON'T TRUST FEMALES






we get it now

she still wont suck your peepee

So she dindu nuffin?

i actually value my peepee, thanks

go back to crossdressing feminism and shilling rust you disgusting subhuman filth

>what is a linter

>Tayvano emphasizes how hard she worked on MEW in 2017, to the point of exhaustion, but pointedly says nothing about any work put in by kvhnuke. She only includes graphs of their respective code contributions over the years which appear to show that she has contributed significantly more code to MEW in the last couple of years. The implication is clear.

You could probably peel the layers of makeup off of her face, christ




>there was no way she created MEW or had a large part in it.
She is actually arguing that she did most of the work, because she has more commits.
But look at the commits ...

how women manage to fucking ruin everything? now there is a trend of women making a profit from trash commits, to the point that in the future wouldn't count to others that at least do something

Women take social control say begin equal or better just because self promotion.

I remember two female teacher take credits students works.

>She'll probably turn out to be a post-op man-pretending-to-be-a-woman.

oh c'mon. that's cheating.


How'd you know you were gay

That's airbrushed af, bruh.

someone use the makeup app on her. I'm too jewish to buy it.

Margaret Hamilton was a major cutie

Alexandra Elbakyan, creator of SciHub.

Why does she look like this?

someone post the dyke abomination sys admin


I dunno. That's just the way she looks?
Someone post that cryptographer woman who broke something having to do with VMs. Cute AF.

IT ruins the appearance of women, same with soyboys with vidya.

Still cute

Yes, good job. That is certainly the way she looks. The question posted was "why?"

What's even more funny is that even the guy who did the "real work" on mew is a fucking joke. All they did was put a web wrapper on ethereum code that was written by MEN. Let this fucking disaster roastie be a lesson to you all. NEVER HIRE A WOMAN. Women belong at home making and raising babies. This dumb cunt would have likely used false harassment and fake sexual assault charges if her business partner was heterosexual but judging from his twitter profile pick he gets more dick than her.


She's Kazakh. Mix of Slav and Asiatic genes.

Now, now, don't bash on Alexandra. She is doing good work benefitting us all, unlike the broad posted by OP.


too easy it's obvious who's the hottest and got gazillion dolla

>raspy smoker voice

Lol nvidia founder cross dressing

her hair makes the thumbnail look like a dude in a cape

she needs to join our startup

Amber Baldet

DJ Bun in the hizzy

That bitch is so annoying, I wonder how she ever got a man to get close enough so he could penetrate her.

really shows you what a bit of hair/makeup/glasses tune up can do, compared to her current PR shots

why does she have serial killer lips?


yup, tho plenty of thirsty faggots will continue enabling them
it's the human condition

excellent example

Not optimized for appearance, but for efficiency.
Give her the standard makeover and she'd look a whole lot more attractive, (((nose))) and everything.
Just have a look at those porn stars before/after makeup galleries, e.g.

Good lass tho, SciHub's a boon for science, humanity needs more peeps like the SciHub/libgen folks.

>what do you do all day

the fatty who created scihub

I'd spill my registers all over her stack, that's for sure.

Linux "const" committer, anyone?
not that it's a bad contribution, but IIRC she used the sheer number of commits to market herself misleadingly and do other sales-tier scummy moves.

Karli Kloss is the hottest

40% of relationships used to start in the workplace
given most of yall are 4chin-tier spergs, you're perfect targets for #metoo manipulation tho, so I wouldn't take my chances if I were you

now if she'd only focus on an honest career, and quit scamming it up in the 'tism sector, she'd be less hated
then again
Kloss, honest career? pfft

>you can't be good looking and be good at your job
why do I get the feeling that you are really ugly?


Literally who hates her?
Neckbeards don't count.

go home Kloss, no use shilling here

