How long till spinning rust is completely BTFO of the consumer space and everyone is purely on solid state storage?

How long till spinning rust is completely BTFO of the consumer space and everyone is purely on solid state storage?

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When they reach price parity


Normalfags who have low local storage amounts and most of their data on the cloud are either already on SSD on their laptop facebook machine already or will be the next time they upgrade.

(((cloud))) photo storage combined with laptop superseding desktops is making this happen already.

the other annoying thing is the fact that complete drive wipe/copy time keeps growing with HDDs since transfer rate increases with only roughly the square root of capacity. adding new drives to a NAS is starting to be a more than one day activity, and nobody has time for that shit.

Fuck that!! Give me one really fast 80gb ssd for my linux os and I will save money on the cheap terabyte hdd's that will flood the market. That is until they stop producing them.... Oh she's fucking hot, op!!!!!


Moniicow, my nigs.

You can have a 8tb HDD for the same price as a 500gb SSD.

please shut up before they raise the price of HDDs to $600 for talk like this

remember when people would post 'derp 8gb is the same price as 16gb'

and look what happened to ram prices

I dont even think she's cute but she's definetly impressively THICC

Who is that semen D I A B L A?

damn, i just found out she lives in my city

get in there son

when you make me an ssd that is guarenteed to last forever and doesnt include a built end end of life date.

Nothing lasts forever user.

You were born with an end of life date.

Long-term storage is still performed on magnetic tapes, for Zulu's sake!

>spinning rust
whats it like living at the bottom of the ocean?

user, user! POST HER!

how long until genetic engineering creates a perfect global-race of thicc futanari girls that reproduce via cloning

How long until Adolf Hitler reincarnates and rids this world of all the degeneracy?

Why would they use cloning if they have futa dicks?