Alright boys - you have one choice and only one
The base model of the surface laptop or a Macbook Pro (base). Which one will you pick to use?
Alright boys - you have one choice and only one
The base model of the surface laptop or a Macbook Pro (base). Which one will you pick to use?
Why would anyone get a modern Macbook Pro? It doesn't even come with a keyboard.
fite me
Can you choose the year of MBP?
most recent
In that case, both options suck.
If you're homosexual, Macbook.
If you're heterosexual, Surface.
That's a silly comparison, the base MBP costs $500 more.
MBP - just built better mate
MacBook, because I can sell it for quite much and buy a laptop
>fabric keyboard
I hate the shit keyboard on the Mac but if I wanted shag all over my computer I'd do it myself. Gotta go with the MacBook.
I'd get the surface and install gentoo.
>paying to have microshit spy on you
base surface is ass so its gotta be the macbook.
get better options faggot
Whatever is cheaper, then install Xubuntu on it.
dont cheap out.
get the mid level one for only a few 100 more...