god fucking dammit i love linux, and i love you. this is so cool to be sitting here in an apartment on this planet, downloading information into my brain from some region of the collective knowledge of humans.
God fucking dammit i love linux, and i love you. this is so cool to be sitting here in an apartment on this planet...
Agreed, sometimes I have moments of amazement over GNU/Linux and the community that builds it.
holy crackers that's a lot of document icons
yeah i'm high ah fuck
can you post your wallpaper please
mmm maybeh, who's askin
thank you
reverse image search wasn't bringing up anything larger than 480x360
I know that feel of comfyness bro
yeah, but what of it?
Where is the blur in your DE?
what are you using to display system info
Spirited Away?
comfy island
Yes. The track that plays during this scene (thre 6th station) is my favorite in the whole movie. Really sets a great mood. Worth a listen.
Nice. Yeah.
>excited_nu-male_screenfetch_uncompressed.png ( 4.2 MB, 1366x768 )
Nope, Linux-chan is a cutie, so Linux lovers can't be gay.
I love linux too OP. I have lots of incredibly old desktops and laptops that I'm able to breathe new life into thanks to the customization linux allows. On my newer machines, its a fuckin beast.
Pic related. Windows 10 rejected this 2001 desktop. Linux was nice enough to work.
What are you reading OP?
Just use windows, fucking neckbeard virgins.
But I don't play video games that often.
nice try NSA
black people haven't contributed much to linux, so you know, they're pretty much freeloaders
a bunch of shit. idk man i'm drunk and high
Winners don't use drugs.
>just use windows
yeah. let me use the operating system i don't like as much as preferred to using an operating system i like. great thought process there buddy.
what is winner? what is drug?
Meh, I'm black and I develop software on linux. I've contributed a few things toward graphic software.
bash was written by a black dude bro
>I'm black and I develop software on linux
wtf i hate linux now
>things that never happened
Script kiddie but willing to learn, wake up at 5 am feeling motivated.
Finally get running the db for msfconsole with the moon light's reflection on the wrist pad of my atom netbook as my only witness.
Comfy as fuck.
>wasting hours just to be able to get sound and wifi
Thanks but no thanks freetards
>Athlon 64
jUst UsE wIndoWs
Agree, the whole train scene is the best part of the movie by far.
maybe it's just not for you, friend.
>Those specs
>Using genkernel
So this is what neo-Sup Forums looks like huh?
Wtf I'm migrating to some other OS now!
or, the lack of knowledge.
My nibber. I was never truly satisfied with linix until I ditched the DE's and went with OpenBox, good shit.
Why openbox and not i3?
>god fucking dammit i love linux
Seems a redditor post. You need go back!
How do you even survive being this retarded. I bet you also spend hours trying to figure out how to wipe your ass.
When will you idiots realize nobody gives a flying fuck about your 'riced' window manager with your shitty ass distro, autistic wallpapers and obscure themes you got from reddit?
Yeah because unaudited system d isn't nsa. Not to mention they had a hand in Ubuntu
install gentoo
nah, spending hours tweaking your window manager's config files is retarded but there are legitimate reasons to use linux
I say use whatever the fuck suits your professional needs
all things equal I'd go with mac just because it's aesthetic and shows people you aren't a poorfag
My girlfriend is right by my side as a post this.
It really is fucking great. Just about anything I need to do with a computer has some free software in the repository to do just that. And I'm a total fool for Openbox too. OP is a straight white male.
Winners don't push outdated propaganda.
sudo apt-get install networkmanager pulseaudio wow that was so hard it must suck typing at 2wph.