Buy iphone

>buy iphone
>can't transfer files from PC to Iphone
I paid several dollars for this.

iToddlers will defend this.

Mommy look i used the itoddlers meme! That means I'm accepted on the Sup Forums! Can I stay up another hour so I can troll some more like the other kids in the club?

>t. assblasted iToddler

>What is itunes
>not streaming everything

How have you retards not realised you're the minority on this shit

it's like when apple removed the optical drive and everyone on here suddenly saying they did daily dvd backups

top FUCKING kek

>transfering other than music you bought on Apple Corporations
I bet you don't even have an original Iphone.

I know I'm going to respond to obvious bait, that'll sure teach them to never post it again!

>thinks you can't transfer music, pictures, videos and even apps

lol bet you think iphone can't copy paste still

>needing to transfer something the device can't play

>ishit cant play every format

i transfer all my encrypted cp on my anderoid bro

I just copped an iPhone 8. What do I do with it? I heard the networking API is gimped now, so I can't really make a decent wifi analyzer app.

Insert it into your anus to get the full Apple experience.

Now what?

>needs an application just to transfer a file
meanwhile, androids just need a cord to transfer files.
Even then, android users can just install one of the plethora of 'apps' out there to wirelessly transfer files, without even the need to install some software application on the computer.
iPhones are trash

You are now enjoying the full Apple experience.
Lie face down and naked on your bed and reflect on your life choices.

It's pretty fast desu. Reminds me of the nexus 4, since it's glass on both sides. Removing the metal except for the antenna has improved reception by about 3dBm, or 2x improvement

You could jailbreak it if some chink finally made one

Start sucking dicks.

>hur durr

>t. iToddler

I'm gonna respond to this so newfriends know you are an idiot.

That’s not an argument against airdrop, that’s just an argument for setting your phone up properly.

Protip: receiving files from anyone is not the default option.

>go to public place
>suddenly penis pictures show up on your iDildo
>i-i-i-it jus werx!
The ABSOLUTE state of iFaggots.

Still not an argument.

iToddlers have defended this.

Still no argument :)


>iToddlers will defend this.

iToddlers will show you how to do it.

Can you guys get a room or something? Christ.

They can’t unfortunately, all the Google employees here only have a street.

Same thing happened when I tried to put some movies on my parent's iPad.

Apple customers must enjoy being bent over the rail.


>from PC
Found your problem. PCs are known to have a lot of compatibility problems with a wide range of devices from many manufacturers.
Buy a Macbook Pro, it works perfectly with the iphone

I now have an iPhone for work purposes. I can directly compare it to my Android (Note 8).

Explain why the fuck turning Wifi or bluetooth off doesn't mean actually it turning off?

Its funny, I had an mp4 file on my android and wanted to send it to my friends iphone, it was several hundred mb and we tried bluetooth, emailing and none of it worked, then we done a wifi transfer (basicly run hotspot/web server on my android and other person connects, goes to server address and then downloads the file), my done that and then the file wouldnt play and other apps like some player app could even even find it because there is no user filesystem! Hiw fucking retarded is that

Because the companies don't want you being able to "use" competitors devices. Apple does it, Samsung does it, Google does it. Same reason you can't put a PS4 game in a Xbox.

How is samsung doing it?

woah are you best buy

samsung uses the standard known as a "filesystem" which is known to work well with other competitor's phones
I like the iphone but all those restrictions prevent me from getting one cause I fear I'll regret it

>t. assblasted droidjeet

Dont do it, you will regret it, its literally a dumb phone disguised as a smartphone

Yfw you cant play emulators in iphone
I had one. Not bad but i dont like app store games

They are actually very smart phones. The only things I can't do with this that I could on an android is split screen multitasking and themes. Other than that... Literally everything I needed to do from gaming to work to fitness to shitposting I can do just fine on this device with no lag, no crashes, no problems.

Its locked down as fuck, you may be content with that and what you get from apple store, but a lot of people are not.
Also decisions like not having a filesystem is absolutely retarded, when pretty much every type of computer in use in the world has it, it works and it is useful as fuck.

No clue, it’s pretty retarded. Only thing I dislike about my iPhone desu


iOS not having a central filesystem is pretty retarded.

Though I think it could be easy to transfer files, but most developers choose not to.

For example with the VLC app on iOS, you can literally just enable filesharing, access the phone through browser, then just start dragging and dropping files onto the iPhone.

The problem with that is that those media files you copy can only be read by VLC and nothing else.