Mpv is about to get itself an official GUI, niggers. Get in here and help us replace MPC-HC for good

Get in here you fucks. MPC-HC is gone and there's nothing you can do about it.

We have the chance to make the best video player easy enough for you MPC-HC retards to use, so get in the discussion and lets work together to make video playback great again with mpv!

Other urls found in this thread:

Previous thread

muh gUi

Will this replace YouTube?


>my player died and I still wanna use it lol becuz I dun know nuttin else lol

I don't have a github account but my favorite gui so far is mpc-qt, though looks like the devs on github are reluctant to use qt.

See, I'm not about to raid a Github issue because I have no stake in the development of MPV.

Can we get our meme magic behind a RetroArch version?

GUI is for brainlets. mpv does not need GUI. if you can't figure out how to use mpv as it is, you should be using VLC.

>t. filthy casual
Power users need GUI because the 20 minutes a day wasted typing in console could be used to watch more hentai.

You could say the same about the OSC. Personally I think this is a good chance for mpv to open itself to the normie market. Just because mpv may be getting a proper GUI doesn't mean that we will loose features.

Hopefully it's optional.

fucking pleb. I bet you also use Winshit.
fuck normies.

BUT I LIKE HOW MPV IS :( if i wanted gui i would have installed gnome-mpv

to all retards who can't read properly:
mpv is not getting a built-in gui. it's just that they are going to make one of the guis "official", and endorse it on and such

Maybe if good software was accessible to normies, there wouldn't be so much shit software.

Every software that peddles to normies becomes retarded and too dumbed down because normies are fucking retarded.
Lowest common denominator in action.

That's why you fucking plan ahead. Decide the shape this GUI should have, and stick to it

I would like the right click options like in mpc-hc with all the settings available that you could configure

I dont need that gui look for mpv, the osc is enough. I check out last thread and found glow so I'm just gonna use that for config.

Oh okay. I'm glad you found something!

And thanks for the rec, fampai

You're welcome. I'm debating swapping to it from mpc-hc.

VLC is fine for most use cases. Why would you bother with this?

mpv is fine for most use cases. Why would you bother with VLC?

Is there a setting I can use if dialogues are too soft and explosions etc are too loud?

Because it's easy to use and has a GUI so there's no reason to change.

Use a front end

couldnt this be embedded to jewtube to use as a player years ago?

I don't think madshi and nev will allow this to happen.

Should I install a linux distro or linuxize my windows machine?

Why bother with a front end when VLC already has everything packaged together and ready to go.

Isn't pseudo-GUI good enough?

Converting/streaming on vlc sucks throbbing cocks

Glow is a virus. No joke.

Nice, as long as it's (semi-)optional I don't mind.

Could be good for playlist management, but else I don't see much use for it personally.

why would i use mpv tho ?
>winamp for windows
>qmmp for linux

What are you faggots watching? post em!

does MPV on Debian lack a volume button just because it's old (v0.23.0)?

Just use the keyboard or map your mousewheel to it. There's no volume control in the latest version.

Yes there is. There's a volume icon on the osc. Put your cursor over it and use the scroll wheel. I prefer the up and down arrows on my keyboard though.

It would be very easy for madshi to create a wonderful media player for windows (yes we are in 2018, linux is now a garbage for desktop) to destroy mpv in any ways.

lol, he would have to start from scratch poozoor. Directshow is dying.
mpv using vulkan > mpc-* + madvr

holy shit it's over a year old. debian sucks dick

Directshow is rock solid and it's pretty easy to convert to media foundation.
Vulkan has currently no advantages on windows...

Vulkans advantage is it has a future

Yes, vulkan2 aka rewriting 99% of your previous code...

How do I set the audio channels (aka downmixing if I am not wrong) to stereo? I have to use an amp every time to listen to the audio streams with 7.1/5.1 channels and the --audio-channels=2.0/stereo command line doesn't seem to work for some reason. Am I doing something wrong here, if so how do I get it right?

Why would madshi use media foundation when vulkan is crossplatform and offers low level control?

Why not just use Baka mplayer?


Because it's easier to convert his directshow code.
He will maybe rewrite some little things for full d3d11 rendering.
Rewriting everything to support vulkan is useless!

gas yourself

>crossplatform is useless
this is why mpv will have the advantage poozoor

Is this bait?

yep, I used it to get usable youtube playback in my pentium 4 back in 2013

The madVR 0.93 will make mpv users cry. ;)

MPC-Qt is the mpv+gui.
The standard mpv needs nothing other than a standalone gui setting manager (something to read from and write to the config file). And perhaps a playlist manager similar to bomi (abandoned mpv-based player).

Mpv also has a gui and it doesn't waste space.

It'll be optional, right?


Boy, can't wait to use a redundant program made by people with outright giggling contempt for me and my desire to interface with it in the manner which has been standard for nearly 30 years.


Debian doesn't get package feature updates until the next release

everyone should run testing imo, stable is fucking ancient

Is there something about Vox I should know? I find their videos informative and well put together

My apologies for having friends, enjoying the outdoors and not having a neckbeard

>I find their videos informative and well put together

Go bait someplace else. Stop shitting up the mpv thread.

This is stupid. I don't use vanilla mpv, but there are a couple issues I have with this:
1. mpv already has a GUI. It's a minimalistic GUI, but it's there.
2. as a library, libmpv can and has already been used to make media players with more featureful GUIs.

Don't fix what isn't broke. I'm already happily using smplayer as a GUI for mpv.


Perhaps a picture in the OP would have been better

So they want to take someone else's project and somehow make it an "official" part of their own project? Sounds like a retard-tier decision.


How would one theoretically hook in a GUI to MPV?

using the library called libmpv

Go back.

you could've downloaded a version which downscaled to stereo properly
normalize the audio

With libmpv

>being portable is bad! do not use qt!
>gtk is THE native linux toolkit

At worst, they're simply shirking responsibility.
At best, they're funneling interest to a particular project, which will both indirectly improve the quality of that project, and make users happier, assuming that the project is already of good quality.

>all those retards getting buttblasted because mpv is getting an optional gui as part of a different package
>waaah, they don't want to edit config files and use cli like I do ;-;
This is why the year of the Linux desktop will never happen.

read the fucking page

There talking about between OS like windows, mac, and linux. Some shit works better than other shit because of the OS. It would be better to utilize the the best part of the OS.

Why are people so mad about an optional "official" GUI?

Yeah it's pretty clear that no one in there has written a cross-platform gui program.

>Yeah it's pretty clear that no one in there has written a cross-platform gui program.
Enlighten me

They should do something like IINA player

Typical Sup Forums but aside from that they all seem to have gotten this ridiculous idea into their head that the OSC will be removed, forcing them to use the GUI.

I don't want casuals to use my favorite anime player.

Yeah, it's weird that they think that Qt can't look native on different platforms.

The idea was to have one official GUI frontend but people want it to have a completely separate implementation for each platform. No one in their right mind would maintain that shit.

"they're" not doing anything. Most if not all core mpv devs don't care about a GUI, just helping an existing GUI or new one with whatever's needed for proper support.

Do you have your homepage set to The Verge?

i thought mpv was a gui for libmpv which was an interface for ffmpeg

why are you using that instead of gradfun3? that shit is mega old and doesn't even work with high bit depths.
gradfun3 also has vapoursynth ports that you would be able to use in mpv. they're much slower than the built-in shader though.

>to have a completely separate implementation for each platform
user, don't go complaining about Electron apps in the next thread you post in. Either write the GUI for each platform, or get ugly shit everywhere. It's the law.

Not all cross-platform toolkits are javascript cancer, user.

Exactly what I thought. No objectivity in any of your same fag responses - typical

Absolute STATE of freetard ebin hackers

mpv can't downmix properly

Everyone's too busy installing VLC 3.0