I tried Sup Forums..I really tried, but this Windows 10 garbage is terrible. I want to downgrade (to be honest it is a upgrade) back to Windows 7. Tell me, which is the best version (including the custom ones)?
Best Windows 7 version
Use LTSB 2016, you retard.
Im using it currently dickface, and it is fucking horrible.
No, thank you.
Fuck off.
Install a GNU/Linux distribution.
I got win7 ultimate, legit with dvd bought in 2010. Find a cheap one like this, then just activate the key from phone. Disable auto-updates, install the updates manually up to july 2015, don't go further (with exception of that 2017 update to fix the ransomware exploit) because you're gonna get fucked with telemetry and pre-upgrade updates for windows 10, they broke half of my eroge and 2000s games, like kamidori and hitman 2, glad I had a 2015 backup on a secondary hdd.
>Tell me, which is the best version
Stupid question.
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate
I believe it's the most seeded on The Pirate Bay.
its still better than fucking windows 7 lmao
install gentoo you cuck, no amount of windows can save you
>they broke half of my eroge and 2000s games, like kamidori and hitman 2, glad I had a 2015 backup on a secondary hdd.
My W7 is up to date and I played Kamidori Alchemy Meister two weeks ago and I also have Hitman 2 installed on Steam.
I believe you're not very good with computers.
I got the original 2002 cd, newfag.
Also, enjoy your botnet.
>I believe you're not very good with computers.
Say that after you manage to install mobo drivers in live win7 boot from cmd, bitch.
>using windows
>good with computers
pick one
>steam user talking shit about anyone else
just let emacs run straight from the kernel. its not like anyone needs anything other than emacs anyway
>impossible to activate without literally hacking your hardware
Okay then.
>install mobo drivers in live win7 boot from cmd
like that's hard
W E S 7
> Or Win7 Ultimate
>tfw waiting for react os to get at windows 7 levels of compatibility
>Disable auto updates
>Don't go further than 2015
Enjoy your exploits you stupid fag
Good, I welcome them, when are they coming? it's not like I've been using the same win7 install for the past 3 years and more.
Faggot wear that "this copy of windows is not genuine" sticker with pride
This. You can choose what to install really detailed like (such as codecs or services).
Fuck off shill.
It's easier to just use a blacklisted update remover tool.
Your prays will be answered once you realize you were needing Debian all this time.
Enjoy your Russian botnet
switch to win 8.1 then (install classic shell and you are good to go)
Windows 7 x64 Ultimate BLACK edition.
>installing an OS that wants to eradicate all the ningen
>can't use registry and services.msc
Go with Ultimate or Enterprise 64x. If you're still looking for a complete edition but with a little less of bloat, go with Professional 64x. Be sure to compare between the editions to see which is the best for you.
>this half of the thread ignoring OP's question and shitposting instead
GNU and Richard were a mistake.
Daz Loader.
Not good. The options at the installation react on their own and still require you to install some minimal bloat, such as IE and NET Framework. Wasting hours to tweak everything, and then discover that you're still unable to go next unless you submit to the "obligatory" bloat isn't worth of it. You're better off with the normal editions, and 7 is already fast and great out-of-the-box.
>If you're still looking for a complete edition
Thanks for answering OP's question. What makes "Ultimate" or "Enterprise 64x" a complete version?
how do i get windows xp?
>What makes "Ultimate" or "Enterprise 64x" a complete version?
They are a complete version because they feature all the features exclusive to 7 you may or not need them, and they are the editions developed in mind of professional tech users. In any case, you can disable the features you don't want.
Like I said, compare the editions and see which suits the best for you.
Enterprise, it's pretty much identical to Ultimate but it has volume activation and no win10 upgrade nags
>inb4 you don't, cause you're not actually using LTSB
Reminder that literally none of the (serious) complaints regarding other versions of Win10 apply to LTSB.
Thank you!
Is that a full collection of all Windows 7 editions?
No, those are Vinyl Disks.
Since Microsoft even released Windows 98 on floppy disks, this decision doesn't surprise me at all
Not op.
I installed win10ltsb, have no problem with the release itself, but I just cant stand the changes, the stupid UI, everything is ugly and i can't make sense of it.
I feel like an old man that just wants his comfortable place in the past to rot and die peacefully in.
Home Premium if you have
Debloated Win 10 Pro with MDT. Took endless hours messing around with powershell scripts before it finally worked out. Waiting for the next Update from Microsoft to finally kill myself
>I believe you're not very good with computers.
This is Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Ultimate on MBR
Enterprise on GPT
Or, Server2008R2
LTSB is garbage
You can unlock all Windows x64 to use up to 2TB of RAM. It's just a registry key.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
; Raises memory cap
Save as .reg and run.
>Daz Loader.
Since when does that work without a SLIC table?