How many of you guys use linux as your main os?
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kde neon
OP here, i just want to know who does and why?
Me me me
Both at home and at work.
Yup, use Lubuntu.
go away microsoft
me because
>just werks
>i do a lot of development anyway and linux has better tools
>free as in freedom and beer
Only at work.
Only have a laptop and it's running Solus great.
I thought I'd miss games, but not really interested in the new stuff and Linux already has some good emulators like dolphin, pcsx2, and PPSSPP.
Only at work, only on servers.
Linux is useless for anything else desu.
>get bored of windows
and that's it. I use Windows nearly twelve years and I get sick of it.
>microsoft really fuck up windows
>disgusting tablet design on a desktop
>unresponsive system messages
>decide to give linux a try, all those rice screenshots look really comfy
>try ubuntu
>its also a tablet os
>try mint
>its super comfy
>basically as windows should be, but libre
>decide I want to make it my own
>install arch with cinnamon
>it just werkz™
>dad brings an old machine from work, needs an os
>wants windows 7
>i make him try mint live for a day, say I'll install windows if he doesn't like it
>he thinks it's more comfy and wants to test it for a week
You know you really fucked up when normies don't want your os anymore
Me. Windows is just a pain in the ass and has 0 customizability, and reboots to install updates whenever the fuck it wants. Linux is lighter and faster, is way easier to develop and compile programs with it, and allows me to do a lot of stuff that Windows doesn't (FUSE file systems are an example, I use SSHFS a lot)
Everyone here that's not from Sup Forums or reddit does. I have 4 machines running GNU/linux
+1 for sshfs, it's maximum comfy for accessing a docked laptop
I like Linux and I'm a developer. I don't really need Windows software in any frequent capacity so I'm very cofortable as a Linux user and I like having first class access to all the tools I use in my development.
While I could do everything I wanted on Windows or Mac, I get an overall better user experience for the things I do on a daily basis on Linux based platforms.
I do.
I converted my Manjaro install to Arch and I use that at work. Run great, I like it. The reason I converted Manjaro to Arch is because for some unknown fucking reason I can never get Xorg to function properly. I've read wiki entries, articles, and form posts day after day and have literally never found a solution that works. So I basically said "Fuck it, I already have Manjaro, I'll just convert it."
watch the battlestation thread
>literally everybody use windows
of course nobody who wants to use a computer to do productive things use linux, just use it as a tool, not trying to be cool for install a primitive shit that only can runs the browser and video.
Count me in
It's a server OS. Who would use it as a main OS?
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>Battlestation threads
Pick one faggot
Those fuckers should fuck off to Sup Forums
Me, at home and at work
>battlestation thread
You mean the Sup Forums refugee thread?
In house Debian testing repo with openbox/i3/gnome (user chosen)
GNU/GuixSD for personal interest of capabilities (and philosophy)
Gentoo for garage (scientific and mechanic stuff)
I run Arch btw
Closed source software is going to become more and more privacy invading.
The Windows update model is completely retarded.
The Linux desktop lacks some of the polish of Windows but is getting better rapidly.
I do, it's suffering.
But Windows fucks up on just 16GB of RAM. I legit have programs running out of RAM when I don't have a page file. This is horrible design.
Also, OBS runs like dogshit on Windows so I can't stream on Twitch
Legit question:
How can businesses actually work under Windows 10? I assume they have the Enterprise edition and not LTSB
Converted exclusively when M$ pushed the autoupdates to Win10. For some reason I had ~5KB/s speed on downloading updates (maybe mirrors were shit?) and it turned out Lenovo did not active the Win7 license for my laptop. So I just started using loonix. It was nearly 3 years back and I haven't seen a good distro yet.
Been dual-booting for years, then after some fiddling I switched to Lunix + PCI-passthrough Win7 but after a few months I realized it's far from perfect so I'm back to dual-booting.
TL;DR: Dual-booting Windows 7 for games and software, Lunix for browsing and media.
I am literally too poor to afford anything other than a RPI
it just doesnt quite werk
linux is just too comfy not to use, especially considering windows is not even free
Is an old thinkpad or chromebook not an option?
I moved my windows 10 license to my studio computer therefore i had no license for my main rig.
My laptop came with window 7 and i dont want to use a end of life os and therefore i installed linux.
So its because im cheep like that... and i like it alot
I'm so happy I made switch from OS X a couple of years back.
It's entirely reasonable to expect that I'll be living for another 60-80 years. I can't imagine having to take progressively larger dicks in my ass and mouth throughout that time period, which is exactly what is going to happen to those using one of the propietary operating systems.
I run Ubuntu with dualboot windows because certain school things require windows.
but if I had the choice I would use Ubuntu primarily.
when I boot Ubuntu it boots and is finished loading everything in under 15 seconds on an old i3.
when I boot windows 10 it might get to the desktop in 25 seconds, but after that I have to wait forever for Intel's shit and Microsoft's maintenance and other nonsense to come up so I can click out of it and then I can go about my work.
Me. The trick is to use a proper *buntu instead of fucking around with meme distros like Arch.
>end of life
Someone sterilize this giant fucking retard.
Every one.
All windows post are ppl trolling with VM
Linux is not an operating system. It's an operating system kernel, used in various operating systems such as Android and a GNU.
I use android/linux as my main mobile OS. I normally use windows 10 with bash so I can have the loonix terminal and video games.
Fuck off retard. I'm using Alpine which has no GNU components installed by default.
I am legally required to inform you that I use Arch
Gentoo w/ i3-gaps here.
The main reason is because I lost interest in gaming. I only need a computer to code, browse the internet and for practicing guitar through. Since Reaper now works on Linux I don't know what I need Windows for....
I do because free as in beer and also not as much spying
couldn't care less about RMS, it would be 100 times better if everything had a BSD license
Not an argument. Linux is still just a kernel.
I've used GNU+Linux as main desktop.
I used (for long time) openSUSE with KDE, and Xubuntu.
At this moment I use Fag OS X 10.9 of FagBook Air, but I can't live without GNU/Linux, because FagOS is shit. You can't run on normal version, because some apps like TeamViewer require 10.13 to run for some fucking reason. I had it enough, and I've installed openSUSE with XFCE on virtual machine, and Intel's Hyper-V is a cool thing, because efficiency is 99% I think. And now I am working on script that will compile Linux and GNU for mine machine, because Linux eats too much power, and the problem is in the kernel, that is configured badly and eats a lot of power. Also systemd likes to mine bitcoins.
GNU is not an operating system. It's a collection of tools used in various operating systems such as Linux.
gnu/linux user here
Normally Debian with KDE. But at the moment I use Kubuntu live from a DVD because my hard disk has problems.
Gentoo user for the past 5 years
your thread sucks
you should try lucy tewi as your terminal font, it's really nice.
>cuck license
I use Xubuntu. For one it's comfy as fuck, second sort of required to use it for work.
Because the engineers behind windows and all that comes with it is just horrible. I mean look at the FAT file system, the design is beyond pajeet.
I don't because I don't hate myself.
Yes I do, linux mint since 2012
it's my main os for remote logging into from my iPad
>mfw the only thing keeping me from going 100% linux is fucking vidya
If only I could let go.
Will my laptop fan run at full speed 24 hours a day like it did every other time I tried switching to Linux?
I tried several distributions.
Sometimes my monitor would go blank until restarted. Other times, the screen locker would lock my computer, and not accept the password, requiring a reinstallation. Clumsy and inconsistent UI design that feels either "early 2000s lumpy" or "I like straight lines and I post furry pornography on deviantart," and a lack of programs suitable for commercial photo processing.
People who work on Linux might know a lot about programming, but fuck all about anything else. That's why Linux doesn't cut the mustard for most people. You need artists, designers, behavioral psychologists, all of that business. To make a tool, you need to know what the tool can and will be used for.
Standards for what is considered acceptable are too low in the Linux community.
I begrudgingly returned to Windows 8.1. It might violate my privacy, but at least I can use it to put bread on the table, and have some confidence that my computer to not suddenly fail catastrophically while I'm working. I'll keep an eye on Linux, but I expect zero progress.
This is a retarded question. Around 40% of gentooman used Linux as a main driver on Sup Forums based on some polls.
GNU/Linux*. Linux is just a kernel.
or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux
how is participating in a battlestation thread your idea of "productive"
Linux is just taking full advantage of all of your laptop's capabilities. Either that or your laptop has dirty proprietary hardware.
Chiming in as well. Since 2012.
Got tired of having to enter product keys. I'd rather have a Mac but too much of a poorfag and hackintosh isn't enough of the real thing.
>have some confidence that my computer to not suddenly fail catastrophically while I'm working
You mean a system that suddenly fail catastrophically after every minor hardware failure? It's ok to hate linux, but don't justify it with arguments that equally or more legit against windows.
I use xubuntu cause it just werks
there is nothing comfier on God's earth than sshing into your debian box and having tmux+vim on your ipad pro tm
Fell for the Sup Forums arch linux meme and never looked back. Haven't used windows for 5 years now. I never actually thanked you faggots for that.
>and why
Linux is like masturbation. Once you discover it, do you really need to have a reason to use it?
Linux is a kernel.
Yes, and?
using ubuntu here because im a fucking normalfag
Linux is the IoT
Im not yet, but im slowly moving in that direction. soon ill get to a point where i only use windows for muh gayman.
Admin here.
How do you guys deal with the fact that you need cuck studio for C#?
VM with win7?
Mono is shit and I blame Microsoft.
I don't because I don't use it :)
Main OS for my phone.
>Linux is like masturbation
>both mean tfw no gf
I don't because I have a laptop so there's a bunch of driver problems (audio being the worst of them) and it uses an nvidia video card so that's even more driver problems
That's what you get for buying exotic hardware. Also, man the fuck up, install proprietary nvidia driver and google how to fix your audio
Because: why not.
or i can continue to run windows 10 ltsb and have everything just werk
it's funny, i used to run slackware back in 1999-2006 or so and never had problems with drivers on any machine but it gets worse every year that new hardware comes out
Stop using shit distors and install Ubuntu MATE and then update it and reboot.
Win10 is spyware.
Arch all the way
is mate good on an old laptop? what about the amazon spyware ? im on mint mate and its been freezing once i n a while