Post a neo/screenfetch with no other windows open. I would be interested in seeing how much memory individual WMs use.
Thinking of dropping XFCE but am a ramlet.
Post a neo/screenfetch with no other windows open. I would be interested in seeing how much memory individual WMs use.
Thinking of dropping XFCE but am a ramlet.
Other urls found in this thread:
Inb4 people just post a screenshot of their vm desktop
i use xfce so it may eat some ram with daemons and bloat
Also a ramlet, just made switch to i3. You can easily cut off another 100-or-so mb by not using compton and other bloat like I did, though. And if you want even more savings you can use dwm.
As far as the other DE's go, I've been on almost all of them at this point, and I think KDE is a good compromise between the rambloat of Gnome and something like XFCE, whilst still having the ability to look just as nice if you rice it up. I think my KDE install was something like 420mb @ idle. But then again I was using Arch's minimal package which doesn't have nearly as many widgets.
Was thinking about a i3, or another tiling manager, but don't know how good it will look on my 1366x768 ideapad screen. The main thing about tiling managers is that you can get the best out of a large screen real estate, it's not so good at smaller screens.
So I've heard anyway.
you can still use a tiling manager and display all your programs maximized
Gimmie your PS1, boy
Is there wm for people who likes floating windows?
i3/any twm makes more efficient use of screen space than any DE. Works great on my 768p laptop.
hello fellow ramlet
>implying that i would close everything im using just to take a screenshot for you
How much is deepin ram usage without any programs open?
>only terminal open
what is this bloated shit
How do you get these system information dumps into your terminal? Is it some kind of script you've put into your ~profile or ~rc files? If so don't it fuck up your terminal when using stuff like tmux?
sudo apt-get install neofetch
shit, didn't notice big neofetch on the screen
I use Arch btw
dam... arch huh? thats for the pros i hear
VM faggots ruin every thread
No bulli
What a meme. Arch base, a browser, video player, office suite and gimp alone are more than 460 packages. I bet you're real productive on that machine huh user. Anyone can build a 400 package shitposting machine and flaunt it around in screenfetch threads.
Almost every wm supports floating, even tiling wms
This my first linux.
i3 with i3bar+i3blocks, no compton
>unironically getting that mad because of a VM I exclusively use for browsing dodgy anime pornsites
Also you're wrong about the package count
>ryzen 7
>4GB of ram
what a waste of a processor
its very likely a vm
That's a lotta memory
What's your hacker name?
Xfce has always been light for me.
i have all those things and am at only 400 or so packages tho
Since when is a virtual machine not a legitimate OS installation? Fuck off with your one OS at a time shit. OS are merely tools to run applications. More tools, more choice. Also faggotfetch is retarded.
>but penguins
inxi is for men.
Now I miss my Scirocco
cowsays you're an idiot
Not so bad considering I have a lot of stuff running in the background
Nice conky
>everything i'm using
>nothing important is running at all
dtwm? That looks almost identical to CDE.
Backup machine.
It is CDE, dtwm is CDE's window manager
xfce with i3 on my chromebook
wow I did not realize how much ram I use at idle. I used to have 4gb but I needed to run a win10 vm for a class at school so I got way more than I need now :/
>I turned myself into a pickle morty!
>4gb ram usage
>firefox/chrome open
every fucking thread
I hate OS X and Virtual Machines...
>not under 200mb
And I'm not even trying to have a minimalist setup, i'm not a packagelet, i run compton, polybar, mpd and some shitty scripts in the background (weather for example).
Using more than every other DE+webbrowser without eanything open.
>logged as root
hes risky rices, yo
why do you always share your screenfetch? is because you feel important for use a lame OS?
maybe you think you are cool but, in fact, you aren´t, you can´t run a decent software in dat shit,and i, using windows i can do run anything, that you can and tons of more, maybe sounds stupid but, that freedom shit unsense, so have a nice day sharing your stuff
install Gentoo. After that you will do sreenfetches every day.
We run linux because it's comfy and It's fun to show off
... s-score?
*gag* that i3 bar ruins everything pls rice or at least auto hide
Ask in /o/ why they rice their cars... To show off. And maybe to improve or share cool stuff.
We do the same.
recently hooked up to a viewsonic PT795. This thing is fucking godly
am not a ramlet so I dont need to close my browser
Xfce is bae
Wow I just got fired
>Scrot goes before echo and lolcat
very nice
>dell xps
>normal i3 rice
My clipboard manager is the heaviest thing on my desktop.
post lewds to ease the pain
Macos has good memory management
too bad the latest screenfetch picks up your ram usage wrong
how so?
... Wow nice
you are not consuming 4842 mb of RAM user, KittyKat fucked up with OS X
htop matches screenfetch
you don't need to use linux to run screenfetch
in fact, linux on desktop is pretty much obsolete now