I messed up

>Be me, doing a Java project for a class in college.
>Class is taught by a professor I enjoy very much .
>Realized I name some random class loli after I emailed him the zip file of the project .
>The next day he jokingly says I have interesting naming conventions for my variables etc and he'll have to Google them .

I'm fairly certain he Googled loli . He treats me in s completely different way. I'm afraid he's going to pull his recommendation for me to participate in a required course. Every student must "give back to the community" and my selected course was teaching little kids about general computer stuff. Honestly this is the worst .

>Makes a pedophile coding comment in an environment that has a zero tolerance for that sort of thing, in a society that also doesn't tolerate kiddy fiddlers.
>Is upset he's being targeted for being a pedophile after being caught being a pedophile due to own stupidity.

What did you expect rock spider?

The most logical thing to do is to make up even worse variable names for your next project then he'll get confused and assume it's just something you do.

>spaces out periods like a retard when typing online
typical pajeet/yuropoor

I'm not a pedophile..

you might aswell become one at this point

>Gets caught knowing the term for animated child porn, albeit jokingly at best even though your professor only has to google it to see straight through you.
>"I'm not a pedophile."

Therapy. Take it up before you rape a six year old and stop watching children getting fucked by old men.

Then stop watching "loli". Either you're mentally ill or you peverted yourself into finding that shit erotic. In the latter case you deserve this.

Lol your professor has no taste.

When I was in college we had to submit some form of website with accounts and all that nonsense. I named my site LoliTutes and wrote tutorials for technical subjects like I was a loli teaching her oniichan. That was considered totally ok.

To be fair, my college was full of weebs turning in stupid shit like boob physics programs.

There is NOTHING wrong with pedophilia.

>t. pedophile

anime loli website

>my selected course was teaching little kids about general computer stuff
>Calling a class loli

Are you fucking kidding me??? My god you set yourself up for some shit now, m8.


Lolicon artwork is, most of the time, pretty far removed (proportionally speaking) from anything resembling real life. Most of the time. Hell, I would argue that anime artwork in general is fucking retarded and doesn't really resemble human proportions - especially in regards to the face.

>Be retard
>Post your stupid blog on Sup Forums
>Suck cock

>i dont wanna fuck kids!

You guys are falling for this bait again... was posted like 2 weeks ago already...

This desu, name a class in your next project necrophilia or something, keep doing this and when questioned tell him you have a sick sense of humour.

Go to hell

> anime website

Yeah. Keep telling that to yourself. That is why we post on Sup Forums.

Fuck off, love is love. Imagine your first time now triple it for the first time of an innocent little girl. They will experience love and pleasure unlike anything we can fathom.

Well, I don't want to fuck 3d in general. Gross.

Sounds like your prof is a bro then

*american website

more like been tipped off to big bro

>owned by Jap
Anime website

How could a Prof. seriously think that you named it loli on purpose? "Loli" primarily sounds like some random name you can make up during extensive coding, maybe it's even a morphing of lol. As long as you don't show you're worries and keep a straight face (it should be easy) I wouldn't worry about it.

It's alright user he has an account on ex too, just start naming the rest of your classes after anime lolis and you should get a 4.0 for sure

Reminds me of when I played fantasy football with my Physics teacher, my team name was lol icons with a picture of a loli. I think he knew what it meant too, cause he was about to say it in class one day and stopped himself.

>created by an american for americans sold to jew who resides in france

still an anime website desu

>still in denial
the state of nu-weebshitters

>created by an american for americans
To discuss japanese culture an anime

>anime imageboard

Name the next classes you submit lollipop, kitkat etc. So he'll think you like to use candy names and loli was meant to be lollipop. Maybe misspell it as lolipop.

>watches loli
>he's so into it, that his obsession about drawn little girls being fucked, that can't think of anything else and names a class loli
You are pedophile. Doesn't matter how much you gonna deny this, but one day you'll come after children. I hope college will inform authorities and they'll check your computer for CP.
Fucking degenerate.

>tfw enjoy loli every now and then
>people somehow think this means im attracted to the real thing
>Am completely disgusted by the real thing and would never consider it

I will never understand why people associate them together. Loli hentai is just drawings, its completely unrelated to pedophillia. There is litwrally nothing wrong with enjoying a bunch of drawings.

But yeah OP, you're fucked. Society simply fails to see the clear difference. Legally speaking at least in the US the difference is well defined but socially speaking, associating yourself with that kind of stuff is still social suicide. Its always better to keep that shit private. If he says something just say you where naming shit at random.

Well in that cast everyone who says nigger on Sup Forums is a racist. Everyone who says fag is homophobic.

This tbqh
I just enjoy cute 2D things. Whether they come in small or big package.

Out of all the websites you could come to you come to the loli anime website, wow

And anyone whos ever played a first person shooter is a future serial killer.

You have to be retarded to think like that.

actually fucking useful advice right here

american website

>american anime imageboard
>futaba clone
kys faggot

sometimes i wish i had as much free time as you guys

It's not hard if you only sleep 6 hours a day user

There is nothing inherently bad in loli. It's literally translated like "little girls".
Nothing wrong with liking to be with little girls. Now, of course, if you confess that you want to fuck them, it's another story.

dude you cant be this retarded

he's not

it's a repost

i wish he at least put more effort to make funny

slav kots a best

I wish your mum would put in more effort when she garbled on my cock mate.

Anime was a mistake

I handed in my masters thesis yesterday and the centerpiece is a program named after my favorite anime girl, what's the big deal? Just think of some backronym.


Seriously, if this guy is able to do the mental gymnastics to see drawn children as not children because of the anthropomorphic aesthetics behind the drawings down to an analysis of bone structure in the artform, then honestly he needs help. That's a ridiculous justification to watch kids get fucked by tentacles or whatever weird shit he's into.

>It's not child porn because of the length of the arms and the face is a different because of the bones and stuff.

Pablo Picasso painted pictures of people made of fucking shapes and colours and we still know they're people. This guy watches drawn child pornography and we all know, it's child porn still.

>loli is cp
only in australia

no, just use lol

>love is love
that's just something the jew uses to get people to stop thinking. it's about as sensible as saying freedom is slavery, war is peace. you're lustful, dirty, and the actions you think you want to partake in lead to nothing but two ruined lives.

And shitain. But everything's banned there.

>g-god save the queen

You've got one chance OP, start naming other classes shortened versions of controversial literature.

l, o, and i are pretty close on the keyboard. You should have just said that you wanted to name it "lol", but made a typo.

You did nothing wrong desu. Just go with the naming schemes recommended to you if you really want to avoid the professor thinking less of you. Don't listen to the tsundere larpers ITT. Also make sure to give girls lots of headpats and cake.

> and cake
I disagree with that part, since sweets make people fat. I't better to give proper training.

he could use it in for loops, so it would like they are just _ variables with lol prefix, or in vectors as in loli, lolj, lolk

>pedophiles confession ITT

>Loli loli = new Loli();

I don't wanna get in trouble with my gf either, she's already yelled at me for staring in public .

You're a 2d pedophile at the very least

I guess that'll teach you to write code in a way that is anything but professional

For all you freshman dorks out there, this is what happens when you try to be "lol so random XD"
Get fucked.

>that picture
I sure started loving mine too after I fell for anime lolis, and I'm being 100% serious.

Dumb normalfag.

It wasn't me trying to be edgy , it was more of me having a compulsion of sorts. I didn't really want to do it in Al honesty

This happen to me a while back working for a startup. I usually name subsystems after girls that I liked.

They knew about it, I remember the chuckle one day I was talking about Andrea3.