Ember JS

Come on guys, lets make EmberJS popular again!

With 3.0 around the corner, we will disrupt the web dev one more time!

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>furry mascot doing the nu male smile


Wearing fucking problem glasses on top of that.

Mascots don't mean shit...

Conventions over configuration, full featured framework, massive addon community etc. Thats the shit that matters

stfu soyboy, no one cares about that nerd shit

>it's another useless framework
>mascot is literally furry soy
I wish making JS frameworks was illegal. because any dumbfuck makes some garbage and then shills it until companies finally adopt it and developers need to learn how to use your trash.

Fuck you and fuck your soy framework.

>because any dumbfuck makes some garbage

The creator of Ember is Yehuda Katz, the co-creator of the following:

- jQuery
- Ruby on Rails
- Rust

And you are still sitting there unable to get over the mascot.


No wonder all those other things you listed are trash

I don't give a shit about your mascot, really. It might as well be a pink penis and a pony. What I care about is useless dumb people make their shit, because JS is easy as fuck, hype it up and others have to learn something new when there's stable alternatives. Good thing I'm not a front end guy. I only write pure JS for my own shit, so I don't have to deal with this framework fuckery.

Holy fuck, i think that post gave me cancer.

So you're basically saying... why do you need something to make your life easier when you can just go full nerd and just code in assembly.

Did you literally just read only the last sentence? Read the whole fucking post, brainlet.

Meme mascot aside, I have heard it's actually quite a good framework. Has anyone used it extensively? How does it compare to angular/react/vue?

Exactly the same component garbage. The only difference it has is the soy mascot.

If you mean a bunch of half thought out ideas that every user has to painfully rediscover then sure. It would be nice if the documentation was kept up to date at least.

It has more incommon with Angular than React or Vue.

It's a full featured framework, so it has a router, data-layer, cli, build tools etc built in.

If you are coming from the backend and like how Rails/Laravel/.NET MVC does things then you'll find Ember very easy to adopt.

The documentation is great too:

It is like the java of js frameworks, so much unwieldy opinionated policy that you trudge through to get anything done.

>It's a full featured framework, so it has a router, data-layer, cli, build tools etc built in.
So basically Angular. Got it.

Yeah but Angular tries to re-invent the wheel with shit like derivatives, scopes and infecting the view with all the ng tags.

Ember is just an MVC JS framework that uses handlebars as its view layer.

Do you mean directives? Sounds interesting, most importantly sounds like it's not going anywhere

Ember is just more intense angular cancer. Use vanilla JS or riotjs and stop being soyboy faggots with all your framework shit.

Frameworks are pure faggotry, and jquery is aids. They're all soyboy magnets.

Forgot to mention, anyone who uses the word 'disrupt' like that needs to have their penis sliced off.

>Coding in pure JavaScript is akin to assembly programming.
Maybe most frontend devlopers are just shitty low-T developers who can't code, so they have to abstract things in terms of their own autism (aka emberjs) to become productive and then just assume that everyone else is as dysfunctional as they are and need similar training wheels.

Your not invented here mindset is worse than people who rely on frameworks as a crutch

The other problem here is letting backend developers into frontend. Some can swing it, but most get triggered and try to normalize and abstract the DOM away. The DOM is the UX contract. It is the canvas. The more layers of shit you pile on top the harder it becomes to edit tiny details.


Thanks user.

I'm going to start shilling for vanilla and riot js around here. Maybe I can save some junior engineers from the same traps my team fell into with angular, ember, react, et. al.

what's bad about react?

>Let me take you on an adventure.exe

>Mascots don't mean shit...
lel, this is Sup Forums we are pro logo developers nigger