What is "neo Sup Forums" and what's the difference between Sup Forums and neo Sup Forums?
What is "neo Sup Forums" and what's the difference between Sup Forums and neo Sup Forums?
the original term is "neo-Sup Forums", a shitposting term that's been reappropriated for Sup Forums with "neo-Sup Forums"
old Sup Forums likes brand A, complains about technology Y, and is annoyed at the costs of product type N
neo Sup Forums likes brand B, complains about technology Z, and is annoyed at the costs of product type M.
>Sup Forums
Free software
>neo Sup Forums
What is software?
I've been here since maybe '09 - '10 so I can probably answer this.
Things really haven't changed that much. The daily threads and the memes are pretty much the same. The board has more or less kept similar attitudes, but it does seem like the average technical skill is lower. I guess the thing we don't have anymore is as spirited discussions on more complicated technical topics.
>le battlestation
>Speccy thread? Speccy thread.
>Smartphone general
>Just picked up a macbook pro
>MINeRS are making my gayming more expensive!!!!!!!!
I have no idea what Sup Forums is or does, sorry
Sup Forums needs extra Computer Customization and a Consumer Electronics boards.
>I'm representing Sup Forums
>You (stupid frogposter) are representing neo-Sup Forums
It's that simple ^.^
I like Sup Forums Neue. But no one seems to use it.
There weren't so many "generals" bullshit. We did have an invasion of desktop threads, which were just as bad when coupled with the few generals we had then though.
I don't want to return to whatever Sup Forums you represent
I'm not even using a trip code, you stupid redditor.
I do have on though :^)
(you can google it, i posted even on Sup Forums)
Neo g is the opposite of g.
One could argue that it's actually Sup Forums tech support.
If you post in a speccy thread, you're neo g.
Sorry sweetheart, but neo Sup Forums is for redditors and not allowing us to use whatever terminology we want is bigotry :)
Le frog meme = neo/g/
Neo Sup Forumslet spotted.
>old Sup Forums - programming and shit
>neo Sup Forums - consumer general threads
That's why I don't browse Sup Forums as much as I used to be. I am poorfaq and I won't switch my hardware every year. Also unironically I believe there is lots of advertisement on Sup Forums
You forgot the constant audiophile shit on old Sup Forums. I absolutely don't miss that
Yandex is better, but I know neo-Sup Forums is afraid of muh russkiy boogeyman. I had to speak your simple language for you to understand me.
> old g
Desktop Thread
> nu g
Homescreen thread
We would still have desktop threads if Sup Forumsutists weren't abusing this board.
anime feet saving it though
Generals were an over-all problem that swept every board.
Be here since 2007. As others have said, main difference is the generals. There was a period of time where Sup Forums was spammed with crypto. It was so bad that m00t went against what he previously said and created a business/financial board.