>live in europe
>have """net neutrality"""
>1 isp available in area
>70 euro a month for up to 8mbps
>unlimited but has a """fair usage policy""" which is a limit because you get throttled to unusable speeds after it
>they create an extra ssid on the router that you cant disable to share with their other customers
>cant use your own equipment under the t&c's
>block sites they dont like
Remind me why NN is so great
Live in europe
Other urls found in this thread:
haha nncucks have literally no argument
>live in europe
>have net neutrality
>Multiple ISPs available in area
>30 euro a month for 1000mbps up and down
>can use whatever I want
>full access to everything
I don't know OP, try living in a less shit country.
>be OP
>post something unrelated to net neutrality
You have shitty ISPs, it has nothing to do with net neutrality.
>live in bongland
>two dozen ISPs serving my house
>all of them using the same lines, 19/38/76 down for reasonable pricing
>except for one ISP that offers 100/200/300 for the same price
Still confused. And some ISPs promise no throttling, so you pick one of those and let the terabytes rack up.
Which country?
Same here, however you can disable it. But if you do you cannot log into other people's. Since I live remotely I leave it on.
only right answer
op does not live in europe
op is an amerifat
op is a trumpcuck
op is still in denial
op is a tribalist
op is a faggot
>Live in europe
>Have separated owning the cable and providing internet to the open market
>which leads to many ISP's to choose from
>25 euro / month for 100/20mbit
>unlimited data
>you don't have to use their router
>DNS blocking is enough in my country and you can just use another DNS
Amen OpenNet
>unlimited but has a """fair usage policy""" which is a limit because you get throttled to unusable speeds after it
Then it's not unlimited, that's what a data cap does, usually.
>live in Ukraine
>have net neutrality
>10s of ISPs available in area
>less than the equivalent of 10 EUR per month for 1Gbps
>unlimited traffic
>dynamic IP
>ethernet connector is plugged into my own router
>nothing is blocked
You live in a shit country.
>live in europe
>have net neutrality
>6 ISPs available in my area
>ISP I chose doesnt throttle
>I can use whatever router/modem I want
>no sites blocked
>20€/month for 50mbps
>live in Ukraine
But that overrides pretty much every advantage...
Ah, you have female privilege. No fucking wonder.
>But that overrides pretty much every advantage...
On the contrary, it's a nice country, we don't have the faggotry and degeneracy from the west.
>Ah, you have female privilege. No fucking wonder.
Nope, we're not feminazis here.
>live in america
>modem and router both owned by me
>100mbps for 60 dollars a month
>cisco router that is set to log any connection made
>data cap is 1000gb before throttle would occure
OP definitely does not live here faggot.
Yep, that's what happens when you have no shitty infrastructure to hold on to forever and lots of competent people to build a new one, using modern approaches.
>On the contrary, it's a nice country
Which is why all the youth seems to be desperate to move to the EU, of course.
>we don't have the faggotry and degeneracy from the west.
You have plenty of your own, though. Much of which would leave Westerners brutally horrified
>Nope, we're not feminazis here.
You're right. You have insane "traditionalism" instead, but with a modern anti-male twist.
And what happens when that infrastructure itself becomes outdated?
>Same here, however you can disable it. But if you do you cannot log into other people's. Since I live remotely I leave it on.
You should get the same speeds regardless.
Foe example: your subscription might say 100Mbps, but the connection might actually be 150Mbps with 50Mbps reserved for the access point.
You might even be able to exploit it by connecting to your own access point and using it as a secondary "line".
>all the youth seems to be desperate to move to the EU
Seems, to you maybe. It isn't.
No. Especially the younger generation (I mean anyone who is at most in their middle 40s or younger).
>anti-male twist
>Which is why all the youth seems to be desperate to move to the EU, of course.
It's normal to want to improve living conditions, there's no desperation in that.
>You have plenty of your own, though. Much of which would leave Westerners brutally horrified
We definitely don't.
>You're right. You have insane "traditionalism" instead, but with a modern anti-male twist.
What? No. Go fuck yourself, you have absolutely no idea what you're trying to talk about.
>>live in europe
Why do southern and eastern euros always do this? Isn't it a bit pathetic that you're unwilling to admit what shithole you live in?
>be me
>live in southern France
>low-cost student residence
>6 MB/s
>no limitation
>included in the rent
>be my father
>live in northern France
>public city-owned ISP
>12 MB/s
>>NN unfairly benefits liberals and their propaganda outlets
I can't wrap my head around this total retardation. I can't even imagine the mental schema that would lead to such a stupid and senseless conclusion. My guess is that this guy is trying to look so stupid that every last intelligent person on this site leaves so that he can indefinitely circlejerk with other retards without opposition.
Can someone explain to me how in the actual fucking hell someone would interpret "ISPs must treat all data equally" as something that could help "liberal" websites?
>live in europe
Can we please stop sayng "I live in Europe" as if it were a country? Italianfag here, when I have to say where I live I just say "I live in Italy".
Anyway, providers here respect NN and I've never had a single problem like the ones you mentioned.
>hurr you must use obsolete units that are used by literally no modern program except speedtests so that people have to divide by 8 in their heads to understand how the speed compares to their files
It's probably just a paid comcast / AT&T shill trying to rile up the right wing people against net neutrality.
Live in actual europe
Internet free with rent
One billion trillion terabytes per second
End of blog
>Can someone explain to me how in the actual fucking hell someone would interpret "ISPs must treat all data equally" as something that could help "liberal" websites?
Imagine that you have many millions of uneducated people. Like, not just uneducated, but aggressively dumb and proud about it. You have to make a business decision that potentially affects all of these people. Just recently, there was a massive campaign that brainwashed this 2-legged mass into thinking that world is very polarized, "us" are good and "they" are really bad people. Not using this polarization for your own campaign would be just dumb, everything is already done. So they didn't waste money on brainwashing masses with some new shit, they just used recent shit, still hot and steaming, as a trampoline.
...how does that related to NN?
OP wouldn't do that
Just coming on internet to tell lie
I mean
OP have internet neutrality
He sure have access to actual sources
>divide by 8 in their heads to understand how the speed compares to their files
That's not how networks work.
You also have error correction and overhead.
You're better off dividing by 9, and even that's a rough estimate.
>live in Brazil
>be a communist third worlder
>have net neutrality
>100/50 mbit connection
>unlimited data
>45 burger bucks or 37 yuro bucks per month
It's related to any informational campaign. For retards, all complex problems will be degenerated into "us vs them" for a long time.
>live in Australia
>had 6mbps for 15 years
>roll of the dice if NBN speeds will be any good
>paying $90 a month for 500gb cap
At least it's stable now... The only plus side.
What counts in the end is the rate at which GTAV is loading, no one gives a fuck about the speed without error correction costs or overhead.
Complete bullshit. You're not even trying with your trolling at this point, unlike this other user.
>It's normal to want to improve living conditions, there's no desperation in that.
Escaping conscription into a civil war is very different from "improving living conditions".
>We definitely don't.
You have horrific levels of substance abuse in all categories (alcohol, tobacco, and just about every drug you can think of) that are unheard of in many developing countries, let alone developed ones. And all of the associated societal problems that come with that.
>you have absolutely no idea what you're trying to talk about.
Tell me user, who pays for dates in Ukraine?
Net neutrality has very little to do with the amount of isps you can chose from or the speeds they offer.
Every single one of your complaints has literally nothing to do with what net neutrality solves. Then again, you knew this and you're just a sperging little faggot.
>shit weather
yes the north and west are truly not a shithole
>Escaping conscription into a civil war is very different from "improving living conditions".
Going to war is your own choice, even if you're conscripted. Avoiding conscription is as easy as not living in the place that your military enlistment office knows about, police won't search for you unless you sign all the papers and then escape through the window. Just as everywhere in the world, I guess.
>You have horrific levels of substance abuse in all categories (alcohol, tobacco, and just about every drug you can think of) that are unheard of in many developing countries, let alone developed ones. And all of the associated societal problems that come with that.
"You" is who? Hobos on the street? Most of the people I know don't even smoke. Student days were wild and full of alco parties, but everyone settled down. We do weed sometimes, though. People like to behave like gopnics sarcastically, though: youtube.com
Just as everywhere in the world, I guess.
>Tell me user, who pays for dates in Ukraine?
Youth is progressive and usually splits the pay, oldfags insist that male should pay, but nobody gives a fuck about those dinosaurs. When you have an established relationship, one who carries the money pays, usually male, but it's considered "family money", so nobody gets too rich&wild with their food. Just as everywhere in the world, I guess?
in my 30k town in germany we had isdn till the late 2000s, germany is notorious for the worst internet and the mobile provider market with the least competition
Yeah, they can still label it as unlimited, lots of virtual carriers in the US do it. Verizon too, even.
plus unlimited celldata for one (1) more (((euro))) a month.
The amount of overhead depends on the protocol.
So instead of one number you'd need separate figures for HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SSH, etc. etc.
I live in Europe and I don't have whatever it is you described.
>they create an extra ssid on the router that you cant disable to share with their other customers
Hahahaha what the fuck? The absolute state of Europe.
Bullshit. I can disable it on my ONT and that's what I did the moment I got fiber installed. It has custom firmware but there's still options to disable it on mine.
>europe is a country
>some meme about le based trump
I wish the amerimutts who came here during the elections would at least stay in Sup Forums
>1 isp available in area
Where? I have a choice of 3 ISPs not counting mobile net providers.
>70€ for 8mbps
27€ for 20mbps, 4G. Was initially 100mbps, I'll have to call them about this.
>blocks sites they don't like
I can literally visit any site I want and torrent whatever I want.
Hi Yuliya. Switch away from windows already
Emigrated ukrainian here, this is right, and is what half of the EU thinks about it. The ones who can point it on the map, at least.
because 3/4 of the retarded amerifats on this site have trouble pointing out Europe as a continent, let out a single country.
dio col culo magnetico in una foresta di ferro, stop taking the bait - it's painfully obvious that OP is not european and trying to stir up some shit here.
Oh, and
> live in europe
> 1Gbit symmetrical connection with mobile traffic included
>he didn't know femanon is a girl (male)
kek, another victim falls for the bait
>Live in Europe
Europe is a large continent you brainlet, tell us which country or better yet, what city.
>Have "Net Neutrality"
NN Has nothing to do with your choice of ISP
>70 Euro a month
NN has nothing to do with prices of plans
>Fair usage policy
Has nothing to do with NN
>Extra SSID
Has nothing to do with NN
>Cant use your own equipment
Has nothing to do with NN
>Blocks sites they don't like
Give an example.
I rate your bate 1/10
You managed to get a (You) out of pity, but I assume this doesn't matter because you already got all the attention you wanted by pretending to be retarded for TEAM DRUMPH XDDDDDDDDDDDD. Hope you got what you wanted, an internet where you can ACTUALLY be censored.
>live in america
>own my own router
>1000mbps $70/month
>10TB soft data cap
Europe has "net-neutrality" yet they actively censor torrent and "hate" websites.
Why is that? NN was supposed to prevent censorship.
Pretty much everywhere else outside of Europe doesn't have NN nor do they have censorship.
Seems like the only places that have censorship are the places where NN is implemented.. hmm
>Reddit spacing
>Dumbass argument
What a coincidence.
NN is nothing more then stating that ISP's must treat all packets equally as such, if they are going to throttle Netflix then they need to throttle everything else and do so at the same rate. The exemption is for Mobile plans where they are allowed to zero rate. It prevents the ISP's from doing the censorship, not the government. So if you have an issue with that in your country, then mandate to have those laws brought down. However, I doubt you even live in Europe.
Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
But you can't do it in Europe, which is another reason why OP is an americuck faggot.
> data cap
>not knowing difference between censorship and respecting the law
Full retard.
Pictured: Nazis unable to access their webshites
10 meg down/1 up - cable w/no caps. ISP don't give a fuck what I download. Could upgrade to 100 meg/10 meg but I'd pay $80 for it (before tax). But they got issues with bandwidth. The Ten meg plan is really only one where you get that speed constantly. This "ISP" is only game in the city to so your stuck with them.
It's a 10TB soft data cap, which is entirely reasonable. It means if you go over 10TB once, nothing happens, if you go over 10TB twice, nothing happens, even if you go over that 10TB 2-3 times throughout the year, it's fine.
The only reason they have that soft data cap is for assholes who are using 10TB+ EVERY single month. Like their customer in California who was using over 40TB a month, every month, consistently. He was obviously hosting actual servers and running legitimate businesses from his home, this requires a business connection, not residential service. So they forced him to sign a business contract for 3-4x the cost.
If you're regularly using that much data every single month, you're obviously doing it for commercial means. No residential user could defend 10TB+ every single month and claim none of it is business related.
Can we get Russia to also invade USA and bring interwebs?
Artificial scarcity. If I want to host my shit at home and upload/sync every day, what then? Or, give access to it to my friend who lives elsewhere? This is the bullshit I'm talking about - why must there be a difference between a "business" contract and a "residential" service?
>nothing is blocked
good luck accessing mail ru group and yandex without vpn
your posts prove you have no idea what net-neutrality means, you're just a retard trying to have your own controversial thread
>Also live in america
>modem and router owned by me
>6mbps dn, 768k up (yes, "k")
>shitty latency
>This is the best available in my area.
>why must there be a difference between a "business" contract and a "residential" service?
because the buisnesses subsidies the network for the residential customers.
Would you rather them charge 2x as much as residential for EVERYONE?
Currently they have a base price, which the business connection costing 3-4x as much.
They have to pay for the network and employees somehow, and considering they're currently doing backhaul upgrades to NG-PON2 which will cost several billion dollars of investment, they aren't going to magically reduce the price for those business connections. The alternative would be to increase the residential customers so they arne't being subsidized, but then your residential customers complain about high prices.
Obvious falseflag, but here's a real one not far from it
>various isp's, but one (previously state owned, and this is important because the real fucked up shit started after they went privately owned) owns the cable network
>found a legal loophole in the regulations, they can make the centrals serving DSL (also theirs) "incompatible" with other isp's
>no issue for the larger metropolis, but for the smaller areas, other isp's don't bother laying fiber for the shit cost-benefit and ROI
>so effectively they end up with a monopoly in these areas
Case in point, I'm paying 65€/month for a 12/0.8 connection. Ok, this isn't really related to NN, but here's something that is: it's the same isp that also found a loophole in the euro NN regulations and did this. Once you go scum, you'll always be scum.
Just use any of the mobile networks, they're better than what amerimutts have anyway
Sounds like the exact thing NN would fix.
$15 a month for 30 mbps because SSI household. Spectrum doesn't really care about torrenting either.
0 rating is allowed even in Yuro NN. That's literally creating fastlanes for companies willing to pay up..
Explain why that's allowed, Yurotards.
>Explain why that's allowed
It isn't, the regulation is just poorly made, and these fucks capitalised on it. They can't segregate data and make fast lanes regardless of website visited, so they went with apps instead, these were left in an unregulated grey area that they took advantage of.
is this UPC?
What does that have to do with net neutrality? That's just a problem with lack of competition, which is what the US broadband market also suffers with.
>which is what the US broadband market also suffers with.
And what exact proof do you have?
>being a flyover
>people like this guy will get marginalized for the simple fact that they don't live in a highly populated area
>some of them are retarded enough to blame the government for this, and not the ISPs, who actively ignore those areas cause it's too expensive to improve infrastructure
>despite the fact that they've been guzzling money for decades
You people don't recognize the Jew when he's right in front of you. It's big business. It's always big business.
Do you have 5 providers to choose from right now?
Nah, "their" guys have been telling them the truth for decades, it's those damn liberals fault for not destroying the government.
It's why we see the current state of the government, the republicans love to bitch about how broken and terrible the government is then when they get in power they actively make sure it is broken and terrible just to prove their point so they can go "See look how broken and terrible it is like we told you"
It's fucked up and destroying the country, but you can't argue with morons who couldn't use logic to find their way out of a wet paper bag.
Well, if you count mobile providers, then yes.
>Country 404
>speaks about shit country
Nice try, XOXOJI
>Live in shithole 3rd world country.
>Pay 749 mexicoins (40 dollars) for 10mbps and cable TV I never watch but have to get in the pack.
>Feel like changing to other companies that give more speed for the same money.
>Realize all the others are owned by US companies so they disconnect you any time you try to download huge files, they block you the exact second your service expires instead of giving you a reminder to pay in the next 72 hours and they pretend they are not throttling but they totally are.
>Stick to my shit 10mbps with my Raspberry Pi 2 running torrents 24/7 uninterrupted for years now.
Could be worse. At least I don't live in the US.
>mail ru group and yandex
A shit
t. based ruski
>the jew
everything you said was right up until this. Why is it so hard for you people to believe that private enterprises that are allowed to do whatever are only going to look out for their profit margins. They aren't worried about satisfying the needs of the people, if it means putting any kind of dent in their already massive profit margins. Why does your outdated jew conspiracy even exist anymore ? Not all of the major banking dynasties/oil barons are jewish. And that stigma came from a long time ago when Christians were banned from handling money and only jews could take up the jobs of money lending.
You have to ask who it hurts. Google, Youtube, and Netflix are the answer. TV is the opiate of the masses and streaming is how most of it is delivered now. It doesn't really stop anything. It just just makes Mr. Goldstein's shekel generator less efficient.
god bless the donbass fighters and fuck you NATO bootlickers
>>have """net neutrality"""
>>block sites they dont like
You do not have NN faggot.
isp available in area
So you have problem with antitrust laws but do not mention it at all?
>reduces complex political problem to black vs white
Гepoєм cлaвa!
Cмepть Mocкaлям!
>th-the answer is somewhere in the middle