>his pillow is only a single core
I bet you haven't even overclocked it faggot.
His pillow is only a single core
>dual core pillows in 2018
I bet it isn't even liquid cooled
Is it able to convert dreams to .flv
Nice bloat
Enjoy your viruses
>tfw hackers can hack my dreams because of spectre and meltdown
Do you sleep 30% less since the patches?
itt: cringe-tier nerd "jokes" with a fucking pillow
t. salty amd pillowlet
Will the PillowManagementEngine spy on me?
>no fun allowed
>the cores aren't even multi-threaded
>He has an analog pillow
Hey, it made me laugh buddy
> 500 thread count
i rate this thread 5 out of 7.
>he doesnt own a dreampad
>moar cores
lel can you even compile your own fabric on that thing?
Where's the option to open it up and freely modify, and redistribute the polyester and foam inside of the pillow?
How many threads on that bad boy?
t. Single core pillow user
It's not an Open Sores pillow.
You must make your own.
>he doesn't eve have a copper heat sink
>not dreaming into a superior mkv container
That one isn't dual core though.
>stitched together individual dies with inconsistent fluff
lmaoing at you right now, desu.
seriously though, what the fuck is a dual core pillow?
a pillow with two cores, duh
Best thread on Sup Forums in a while, thx for the keks.
What is this clocked at?
What's the proper way to wash a pillow
with gasoline
>no hyperthreading
>that image
itt: your reddit-refugee ass fell for the "this is a Christian image board" meme.
Here is your (You) anyway.
Needs the copper though, it's a netburst.
best one since pic related
>Buying anything from AMD
I'll stick to my trusty Intel quad core pillow that services my cervix.
Mine is overclothed
It's about a third of a 6-core Coffee Lake pillow.
I see no bursting netting around it.
Forgot image.