>buying Amazon crap
>not buying Android e-reader, rooting it and using it as a tablet
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It's always fatso hands
But why?
Sorry Im not poor I can afford to buy as many books as I want.
How much cheetos must one eat until the body thinks storing fat in your hands is ok?
Why the fuck are you talking about?
It's all muscles.
But I only need to read books on my e-book... Fun project, though. How's the refresh rate, enough to ssh comfortably?
Only if you use fastmode screen refresh hack.
You will get 15-20 FPS on e-ink.
Sure thing
Are there keyboards out there with e-ink keycaps?
Just read from your phone you fucking autist.
Do you also watch movies on your phone?
>watching movies on a tablet OR phone
>ruining a good ereader by turning it into a shitty tablet
>that hand
>Being too Indian to figure out how to install debian on a kindle
I think it's just the weight of that abomination pressing on his palm, pic as example.
Or maybe not. I don't really know what is considered "fat hands".
Wow... Can it run GNOME 3?
>having 3" bezels on all sides
fuck running gnome 3 on it, rig something to let it get video over usb and use it as a sweet e-ink programing monitor.
>Working on that ugly fucking thing
>Just to use it as a tablet
Nigger, Office Depot has decent Acer tablets with Android 6 for $100 (ONE HUNDRED) burgers
does it really run debian or is this just another of those stupid chroot ssh things?
i think is stupid to reuse an ereader because the limitation of the hardware and the battery but... what about reuse only the screen? Can you put the screen in a raspberry? so you can have a monitor of the system with low energy consumption?
could be nice to have in mind when an ereader fails in the battery or something that is not the screen
>Can you put the screen in a raspberry? so you can have a monitor of the system with low energy consumption?
Yes and yes
also Dasung.
This may sound retarded, I might have been living under a rock. What exactly is an e-reader and why does the screen look so weird?
Technology killed by Amazon.
We had color eink ie Mirasol and triton but Amazon killed them with their b&w shit at dumping prices.
>I might have been living under a rock
Yes you have.
E-ink is a screen that doesn't rely on a backlight, is designed to be visible in normal light, like paper would
and it's passive, it doesn't consume energy when displaying, only when it updates
Interesting. Can you link me up to some articles / tutorials?
Nook Simple Touch on XDA
Root it, install VNC, enable one of 3 fast refresh modes.
I will check my inbox this month.
Did you see the picture of the obese women eating pizza with fat in their fucking forhead?
Not sure if useful but nice proof of concept nonetheless.
And the refresh rate on these things?
For how long of constant use do you think the battery lasts?
With fast refresh enabled and browsing the Internet? One day tops.
It's gay though, lets hope the chinks make something better
The swindle of Amazon.
>Root it, install VNC
so it's fucking nothing. jesus fuck.
If you root if you get normal Android, duh?
how long until we get e-ink displays with 30hz refresh rates?
We had them and Amazon killed them.
Blame burgers.
how did amazon kill them?
will amazon ever release them?
Amazon sells their shitty readers at dumping prices. This killed color Mirasol, Triton and Pixel Qi technologies...
that's the most ugly, useless, dorky piece of shit I ever saw
print the shit out dude
or get a vertical monitor if you really need to
This makes no fucking sense
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>1399$ to save a little power
>a 21" LED display consumes 15W
>you'll probably die before it will be repaid back
That's a whole another level of Delusion™
yes but its android 2
Stop painting your fingernails,faggot.
>Amazon sells their shitty readers at dumping prices
oh, so they did nothing wrong. carry on then
spierdalaj jebany polaczku
There are Android e-readers with e-ink screens?
Fucking where? I've always wanted that.
Wow. That's an ugly looking monitor.
is this the language of ewoks or some forgotten dialect of dwarvish
thats not a fatso hand, nooks are so fucking small its pathetic.
its like if you took a picture of your hand next to your penis, no your hand isn't giant, you just have that small a penis
nooks aren't good, the have such fucking shit compatibility out of the box that rooting, getting android, and getting an e reader app is better than the built in one.
yes, whats wrong with that?
and these things can be had for 10-30$
e-ink/e-paper is also SO much fucking better to read off of there is no comparison.
if you don't need color or pictures, e readers are the best to read off of.
wish they would make e-ink/epaper monitors so I could push text to one to read it there.
Since at least 6 years?
Nooks, Sony PRS Tx, Some Onyx, Pocketbook etc.
i.e. Not a fucking Kindle
I guess I never noticed that those ran Android because they don't seem to have the Google Play Store installed.
I've really like an e-reader than I can read my Google Play Books on.
and here is someone who never read off an e paper display.
if it cost 500$ or less, I would get it.
It is in Polish I believe. I've put some of the words from OP's pic into a translator and it detected them as being Polish. I then copied the insulting phrase they usually respond to each other here on 4ch in slav threads.
This is the biggest problem with e-ink.
At the time I manage to scrape that much cash together, the product is discontinued and some random person on eBay is the only way to get them and they are not cheaper.
$1.3k is more than I usually spend on a computer and also more than my yearly electronic budget.
That said, I do want one and I will probably get one if they still make them in 3-5 years.
so you sperged out because someone had a tab with their language present open on their own device?
you have issues, even considering the mental-wellness of people who frequent this board
Oh, not at all, I thought it would sound funny. I've got nothing against Polish dudes man. Besides this and a few other words (like kurva, chuj and gonwo I guess) I know jack about them or their language.
i will take the eyeache over spending that much
>he has the time to hack ereaders
>he doesn't spend his days out drinking with friends
I might consider it if I found some very solid evidence that it would actually reduce eye strain
I am the hero XDA needs.
What happens if you try to view a video?
i remember when i was 17 too
but only with screen refresh hack enabled
I read nearly all day so it would be nice to have something that is very comfortable to read off of.