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Why would anyone use notepad++?

>not 0%

IDK about dev stuff but I use it as a network engineer.
Only do python, powershell and a little bash and gotta use windows, what would be an better alternative

Not surprised at Visual Studio. Notepad++ is a little surprising though, I thought it would be something like Atom or Sublime.

Small, no bloat, easy to learn.

emacs > *

I use Eclipse or Sublime Text at work because our development machines are running Linux but at home I use Visual Studio. Far better than anything else out there.


This makes sense. Visual Studio is the most advanced IDE. The dumb fucks who unironically use vim when you can use VS (with vim bindings if you're seriously that autistic) are working at 20% of their capability. The debugging and refactoring tools are especially hugely helpful, especially when working in a large and poorly maintained codebase you're unfamiliar with. But the true benefit is the IDE is truly all-in-one. It's like emacs if emacs could be effectively used without spending 100 hours writing scripts. Everything is just there, and just werks.

>Visual studio
>bloat hell
Pick two

>Visual Studio is the most advanced IDE
IntelliJ IDEA shits all over it

Yeah but once you get through the one and a half hour startup and disable all background shit on your machine it works pretty OK

Not 2017. They're close to equivalent with one or the other capturing the edge in certain areas. Of course you'd use Intellij IDEA if you were mostly writing Java and Visual Studio if you were mostly doing C# or another Microsoft language.

I'm sorry user having 3000 botnets installed on my pc is not something I want.

>he fell for the botnet meme
enjoy having the usability of a 1990's PC

What's Sup Forums's go to developer software?

exactly the reason I installed a VM
I got too tired working on a laptop with a small screen and not using my PC, so just installed a VM for that pile of shit

bash: *: ambiguous redirect

Only sane way to use botnet.
It's literally called .NET, you can't spell botnet without net.

dotnet = botnet?

Best _editor_ anyone could ever ask for

the only decent editor on Windows

Only non-IDE editor installed on every university computer in existence.

>Vim 4.61 times more used than emacs

Textpad is pretty good for huge documents. N++ struggles beyond ~100MB.

Use whatever the fuck works best in your environment
maybe I'm a brainlet but all the special visual studio features seem like a gimmick to me. The most important feature of an IDE is the debugger, everything else is kinda secondary

Fake. It doesn't even mention CodeBlocks, which is the best free IDE in existence.

I'm hopeful that one day Vim will surpass Notepad++, it's so much better in terms of productivity.

>have to install a bunch of plugins
>have to set up some cryptic config


My negro

It's as good as Visual Studio, can be used on fuck tons of languages and compilers, you can extensively mod it, can be used on every system, and so on...
What the fuck is wrong with you beoble?

Falling for vim.

Tell me it is worth by naming the 5 most useful commands that you learned in the past six month. Quick!
