Ok so im not really smart enough to understand electronics and programming, but i have a burning question. Why do so many people say that there is alot of mathematics in programming and if you cant do math then programming is difficult or impossible. What math is there to it, i have seen some programming in lua script and it didnt seem it took alot of mathematical knowledge to write it.
Ok so im not really smart enough to understand electronics and programming, but i have a burning question...
It isn't so much math as it is a way of thinking
That's a boy and i can prove it
The only math in programming is basic logic, anything more is what seperates a dev / computer scientist from a code monkey.
even better
prove it
that's clearly a girl you moron
Most programming is logic based, ie sequencing actions in a way to get your expected outcome. For the most part, you won't need to know any complicated mathematics to do this kind of thing, having an understanding of your problem statement and knowing what needs to be done is about all you need. For that, you have to be knowledgeable (as in, know it's capabilities, limitations, etc.) in the programming language of your choice, or the best one for the job.
Having knowledge of advanced mathematics, like higher level calculus would help in some theoretical problem solving, but ultimately only useful in the mathematics side of things.
Knowing combinatorics is definitely helpful though, it helps you break down seemingly complicated problems into rather simple algebraic questions.
thats a pretty smooth crotch, pretty sure its female bud
For doubting me you owe me a blowjob
they are female??? I see no benis
and either way i will pretend they are female
that dude is a photographer... it's not him in the photo
Probably not math based in the sense tbat you think it but there is a lot of logic and abstract concepts such as sets, matrices and algorythms that are all derived from and based upon mathematics.
Math is the foundation of all science and engineering.
This only makes my penis harder
this is the girl
> girl(male)
computers are not used for computation any more and programming reflects that now. just because you know php and the lastest javascript frameworks does not make you a programmer. you're basically someone who just knows fancy computer commands. furthermore needless ocd data abstraction to make everything generic and organizing data or commands is not mathematical either, it's just code organization. unless you're using mathematics to write or do something within a computing system you're just an advanced user at best or colloquially -- a code monkey. if you're not thinking about what you want to do at a numeric level, you're not using mathematics at all. simple really
Lmao what a fucking fag. I can guarentee this kid write shitty C++ applications that perform some obscure math function that will never be used or needed.
nope php dev and i see the dumbest shit on a daily basis because people have to adhere to muh mvc model. querying a db then passing a data object through three layers of abstraction because wew lad architecture models. now retarded shit like laravel is happening where they're trying to backpedal away from layers of meaningless abstraction to using routing to go directly to what's needed because the entire mvc arch ends up being such a terrible mess
You will never be married.
>59 patrons
LMAO pathetic
its paying for less than softcore porn even, no one cares enough to do it. Art is nice but in physical form, so of course they are not getting shit.
Let's be radical here and answer the OP's questions.
>Ok so im not really smart enough to understand electronics and programming, but i have a burning question.
Knowledge is one thing but true understanding is really important to solve the problems in the right way.
>Why do so many people say that there is alot of mathematics in programming and if you cant do math then programming is difficult or impossible.
Getting Boolean logic and binary maths right require a bit of maths. Not an enormous amount but just an understanding. i have seen programs committed by the ignorant and it is hideos, slow and hard to maintain.
>What math is there to it, i have seen some programming in lua script and it didnt seem it took alot of mathematical knowledge to write it.
First off, was it a good example? Also the point here is not about a wide field of maths but a true understanding of the subset that you need.
If you want a tour de force of a real programmer taking on a task, developing the algorithm fitting the platform and then render that into assembly code, the Woz is hard to beat. Behold:
embedded dev here working for a webhost
I got into a internship for dev and theyre making me use mvc's and it seems like alot of work to accomplish something usually simple to do.
Personally I know enough about wordpress, php, javascript, and SQL to accomplish pretty much anything I need a site to do. I recognize using php or wordpress for everything is probably not the solution, but we dont really use C or anything else.
I've kinda wanted to drop out because I've identified it as a sorta lame form of development, but on the other hand I work nightshift IT administration and fix pajeets server several times throughout each shift, while dealing with his attitude and blaming. Which do you think is worse?
whats the highest level? i mean the levels above code monkey? i dont want to be a code monkey. these days it's become hip to be a 'coder' fuck that. gay af
There is a lot of mathematics in a lot of stuff , to be more precise there is mathematics in everything, on different levels of abstraction. Programming often breaks down problems to the mathematical level, math goes hand in hand with programming it's the same thing because you can express everything with math. Math is just the way we break down/
/abstract reality.
>does not make you a programmer
But that's exactly what it does, that is the definition of "programmer".
>is not mathematical
Trust me , everything is, and can be expressed by mathematics.
An actual engineer that uses programming as a tool to solve real world problems and not live for it.
>i dont want to be a code monkey
That's the wrong way to tackle it and the wrong mindset, you're not supposed to make being an engineer your goal, that's just an after effect. And mind you there is nothing wrong with being a "code monkey" , you're a blue collar worker that lifts with his brains except you're paid better.
>understand electronics and programming
Grouping these together I consider a mistake that put alot of people off electronics.
Electronics uses formal logic extensively. From my experience and also watching other people, people struggle with electronics until they get the concept of formal logic (which is not used as much in programming), then it all just falls into place, it 'clicks', its still not easy afterwards but once you understand uts just hard work thats left.
yall are fuckin gay
Read the thread retard. He is the photographer.
the math is what separates a true software engineer from some pajeet code monkey. Being able to understand and analyse algorithms is an absolute necessity when working on big projects where such decisions make the difference between practical and too slow/too greedy. This requires a decent knowledge of combinatorics, probability, graph theory, calculus, predicate logic, etc..
So no, you don't need math if you're making some basic scripting stuff for lulz, if you wanna make a solid career in the field though,you definitely need the math
Really this
I have come in contact with trig and some algebra here and there but mostly it's just thinking like a programmer
You take that back you sick fuck
Asuka is life
except if you look at his pics its clearly the same person you sad faggot
Except it isn't, shit for brains.
im a brainlet, so how would you actually do pic related well
lel keep telling yourself that
first of all, you dont need to write a method to compare two ints. jusy writing x
depends on the programming in question, this took a little bit of math to work out.
def solve3_1(input_):
ringmax = lambda x: (2 * x + 1) ** 2
ring = 0
while input_ > ringmax(ring):
ring += 1
ringmax = ringmax(ring)
side = 0
sidelength = (2 * ring) + 1
diff = ringmax - input_
while diff >= sidelength:
diff -= (sidelength - 1)
side += 1
corners = (
ringmax - 1 * (sidelength - 1),
ringmax - 2 * (sidelength - 1),
ringmax - 3 * (sidelength - 1),
middle = (corners[side+1] + corners[side]) / 2
return ring + abs(middle - input_)
see pic related
You would do it with a switch statement, e.g. use cases instead of writing if else everytime
ok yeah i get that
for other things where you have to cocmpare a bunch of shit is there a better way than an elseif block
i know this is really autistic but what's a switch statement
How is it "autistic"? Do you know what that word means? Calling this autistic is what is autistic you weirdo. A switch statement takes in some variable and then proceeds to check it against a list of cases, when a case matches it executes the statement attached to the case. If no cases match it does nothing or executes a default statement. See here: en.cppreference.com
you must be the autist here for not understanding that i meant my asking what it is
>You would do it with a switch statement
Found he cs grad
>Asking someone to explain something to you is autistic
This is the power of nu-Sup Forums.
How would YOU do it then, faggot
And what about other cases where the average newbie would use a huge else if block
This really depends on the specific example. If you feel the need to use a "huge else if block" there are probably bigger problems with your code structure than determining how to switch on 50 cases.
How about (((yandere sim)))
I'm using a huge else if block for command line interpretation. I thought about using case switch, but the difference is negligible. What I really wish I had, but which is apparently impossible in c#, is a dictionary whose values could point at the appropriate method to use.
>fe(male) asuka
I don't spend enough time on Sup Forums to keep up with the memes anymore, sorry. It looks like this is an adventure game so I'm assuming your question is about branching narrative choices? There are a lot of approaches there, a classic one is a finite state machine. Going into detail on that topic is better handled by the many excellent posts other people have written, so just google it if you want to know more.
Not exactly sure what you mean (handling args to a program? something akin to a REPL? etc) but generally speaking dicts are definitely a good solution to this problem when you can't solve it through better architecture. I don't see any reason it wouldn't work in C#.
To be specific, its a 3D scene editor. I don't to spend a lot of time messing with a gui, so i've just been using a command line to place objects and customize them, eg "create pointlight," "setspecular .8 .9 1". From what I've read, it looks like the methods to which the dict's values point would have to have the same number and types of params.
LMFAO you fucking retards
The USA is fucking degenerate, you're used to seeing (*shudder*) "traps" almost everywhere.
Russia is literally anti-degenerate, the country is full of "reverse traps". In cosplay especially, I can't tell you how many times I've been fooled in that direction myself.
accept for the Moscow/St Petersburg faggots who are the same libtard degenerate SJWs you find in any major city today. And this trap is from Moscow