t. JavaScript developer
T. JavaScript developer
Other urls found in this thread:
>earn money
>blowing it all on an overpriced italian car
Midlife crisis, much?
That car is a 100k. He must be using React.
le fox and le grapes
>get a bit of money
>immediately blow it on attention-seeking products so that even the poorest of people know you “have money”
Typical Java logic, needing extreme levels of power for mundane tasks.
t. basement dweller living off NEETBux or min wagie
>not getting the joke
Wow you really are a brainlet javafag.
how did you do it user
average income here for JS fags is $50. So just get a credit for buy a liability - sound about right for the average JS dev IQ.
thx 4 showing your key
gonna steal your car now
Even a homeless person can get a car lone. It means shit and proves you are dumb with your money. I bought a home instead.
t. JavaScript developer
>you wouldn’t download a car
>you'll never know how it feels to sit your asscheeks in Italian leather, to hear the scream of a V12, to pilot the horse
Hold me Sup Forums
>to pilot the horse
>buying a home
somebody's not listening to grant cardone
a home is not an investment
t. JavaScript developer
>a home is not an investment
Not the user you're replying to, but it is where I live.
>massive tax deductions if you have a mortgage
>real estate prices are climbing every year, you literally make money buy buying property and holding on to it and selling it the next year
In the end you'll get tired of taking the damn thing to the shop all the time, nothing worse than an italian coffin on wheels.
t. C developer
>Luxury car manufacturer can't spend $100 on a pair of strong crypto keys
>JavaScript developer purchases car with weak key
>Shows off by immediately posting "secret" groove
>Car stolen the following week
>t. JavaScript developer
Who do you sell a stolen Ferrari to?
I like those odds
Admins earn more then devs, what?
It is when property prices are increasing in the area.
This is so stupid because 1 out of 100000 million minecraft youtubers make that much money whereas 1 in 10000 developers make a lot of money.
If you're gonna buy a Ferrari, don't buy a California.
This is like office space
when the nerds are trying to figure out
how to crime
I cant live in an investment.
t. python developer
the dba at my workplace drives a Cayman GT4. Jelly desu.
I don't think Indians can afford Ferraris.
>land and property is not an investment
Point and laugh at him brothers
>not a Bentley or an Aston Martin
Kill yourself faggot.
JavaScript is like a car that breaks every week if you use it.
javascript kiddie BTFO
>a home is not an investment
try not living in hurricane belt
>LARPing with a picture from an old F430
>doesn't even realize why this is sad
>laughing C++ developer in a LaFerrari dot jay pee gee
If you can't afford a nearly ten year old Ferrari normiebait road car as a full time developer, then you should consider suicide.
although houses can
blow up
burn down
you can't escape being murdered in one by putting your foot to the floor
you can't drive to the local store
you can
raise a family
take a shower
take a shit
take a leak
watch tv on a big screen
get fiber optic broadband
keep a car in a garage
take your shoes off and walk on a soft carpet
have a party
have a orgy
sleep reasonably soundly and comfortably
leave the house to your next of kin
so ye
i'd rather put my money into buying a house
>Overtakes you
>on the inside and then smashes into the side of a car turning right
>t. assembly programmer
i know that feel
I'd rather sell a kidney than have to learn Javascript.
Why did you wait nine years to post it here though :^)
>assembly programmer
parts only
no power tools allowed
>javascript dev
>cant spell loan
oh my god.
Not a problem. I did it a while ago. VW Beetle it was.
Things you'll never hear:
"Is that the Javascript dev's Ferrari?"
>>assembly programmer
Takes just as long as high level coders but with fewer bugs.