Why would I need linux on my phone?

why would I need linux on my phone?

Why not?

You don't, you can always buy an iPhone

what for?

For operating your system

You need a kernel for your OS to function.

Two words.



There's nothing inherently wrong with propietary software if you aren't forced to use it. That's why distros that give you options are the best.

get the fuck off this board you microsoft buying cocklover

Thats a mighty big IF there buddo, too bad all proprietary software worth using forces something unwanted on you.

Also this.

To power the android operating system.

Android's kernel that's why. wew lad.

Not all of them

BC Im not a fan of ios and I hate android. 200$ chink phone and lineage os is amazing.

What kernel to your phone do you suggest as an alternative to Linux?


>voluntarily electing to use a product line that was canceled because it was too shitty
do not do this

So Windows is a kernel now?

>I hate android
>android is awesome

You should use Windows CE. It has all sorts of wonderful features, including Stylus Support. Enjoy the comfiness of Windows Vista in a sleek new PDA format.


>doze windoz hav karnehl?
Windows NT

Sure there is.

1) make closed source shit
2) use your position in the market to force it on all normies
3) no one knows any alternatives
4) keep adding/changing shit so open source can't keep up
5) ???
6) profit

Case in point: ad*be reader. Even the fucking government (Canadian in this case, but I'm sure others too) forces it on you.
>Please complete this form using ad*be reader acrobat and print
Has shit embedded js that does shit like generate a qr code based on your data, or even doesn't display the form at all if it can't run. I don't know of any non-ad*be software that can render this properly - open source or not.
Now I'm forced to set up a vm with pirated windows just so I can renew my driver's license. Fuck you ad*be and fuck you government.

This, I use FLOSS alternatives if they're on par or slightly below the proprietary alternatives, but if proprietary shit is 10x better than anything FLOSS, I'll probably use that.