1TB is more than enough for anyone unless you have Diogenes

1TB is more than enough for anyone unless you have Diogenes

Convince me otherwise


1 TB isn't enough because I have more data than 1 TB. Wow that was hard.

I thought that a year ago, now I've filled up a 3TB drive and I've moved onto a 4TB.

for a normal computer (games and browsing) 1tb is more than they will ever likely need

For anyone storing large amounts of data there is no upper limit. I have 4tb just for torrent files and that's before they are decompressed

I have about 8TB and all disks are mostly full. What now, fag?

I can probably live with 1TB, but having more is nice so I don't have to worry about managing storage as much.

You do not need to own more than 1 Tb of data. Wow that was hard.

you are retarded

fuck off commie

What if you use your pc for things other than shitposting on Sup Forums?

1 modern video game is now 50-100GB on average.


i have no physical possessions, everything i own is on my harddrive
currently i only have 500gb, but i'm hoping to trade up to 2tb so i can fit more anime

>literally cannot store all of my steam games on 1TB
>Cant backup my movies/music/photos to just 1TB
>Cant backup all of my work files to just 1TB

I have 6.5TB total on my desktop at home with about 2.2TB free. And I dont really even have work files on here.

1 tb may be enough if you're a consumer cocksucker who entrusts "the cloud" with all your shit.
But if you want to actually have control over your data and programs, then it's quite easy to use up over a terabyte of data.
I personally have about 500gb of movies that I ripped from my DVDs, ~800gb of games (which are about 30gb each), and another 100gb of documents and projects. That's ~1.4 tb.
Then if you want to ensure the integrity of that data, you should have backups (preferably 2). That means you need at least twice as much storage as you actually use.

>not being a comfy phoneposter

>keeping terabytes worth of games and movies on your hdd that you're never gonna play again
what a waste

>What if you use your pc
stay the fuck away from my pc

>Waiting for an hour everytime you want to replay a game

>not keeping the blockchain synchronized on your desktop pc

OP you sound like a massive faggot that streams lossy music. And that isnt even my DSD folder.


I download everything I watch, and 95% of the things I watch I delete afterwards.
I'm continuously browsing torrent sites and Sup Forums, when I find something interesting or recommended, I download it to watch it eventually.
Streaming is unacceptable because I'm not a normie.
You can accommodate to whatever you have, but I'm struggling with 1.5TB.
If I had 3TB, I would still probably struggle, I would just download more, it is like a sort of bookmark.
You never know, tomorrow it might be impossible to torrent.

Must be nice living in a first world.

I was without internet for 3 months due to severe weather and I was pissed I did not hoard enough. Going to get a 10TB+ HDD and hoard everything now so I can piss first worlders like you.

>unless you have Diogenes
I keep him in a barrel.

I have 2tb of memes and images I downloaded to post once and never again. Do you expect me to delete them?

I would get 5 2TB drives instead.
HDDs are a gamble, if that 10TB drive fails when you must need, you'll kick your nuts, you lost more money and more data.

really depends what you're doing bruh

Anybody in film would tell you they need more than 1TB

Nigger, that's why you make backups.

My video projects surely require more than 1TB. Especially when using 4k video

My own photos require more than 1TB, without the obvious redundancy that is needed to retain data (you're easily up to 3TB in actual drives even if you just want to keep 1TB of data safe).

And no, I'm not throwing the RAW away and retain only a 100kb JPEG. Not even for family photos.

>game and movie are 25-50gb a file
>plus installs

i'm gonna agrre with the other user, even considering backups.
5 x 2TB drives feels a lot safer than 2x 5TB drives. The more you spli (within reason) the better you are
btw how much does a 10TB drive costs? i'll have a look

Probably a bit.

I know a 8tb drive is about $150

hmm, 10 TB costs 350 euros on amazon. While 1 TB is about 50. so yeah, more convenient, but i'd rather have more smaller ones for now

You don't need to own any amount of data you mongoloid, you would live without it.
Yet here you are, shitposting on Sup Forums from either your phone or computer that you really don't need, and your parents should probably take away from you so we don't have to deal with your retarded ass.

> 5 x 2TB drives feels a lot safer than 2x 5TB drives
No, that's less safe.

However, 8x2TB drives whereof 3 are redundancy should be better than 3 x 5TB drives whereof one is redundancy. Granted, these do not have the same usable space, it's just the thing where you can make more drives provide more redundancy more easily on a ~comparable budget.


this. you spoke from my heart.

I'd not recommend that. There are also some power running costs, and the costs per drive bay you have to provide, and costs in terms of your time to handle more warranty cases & failure replacements and so on.

Go for larger drives (as long as they still have decent cost per TB), just with a sufficient number of drives so that you can do main copy plus backup on RAID6 or whatever redundancy scheme you have in mind IF your data is not cheap/free to loose.

lmao enjoy your 128GB

i never even needed more than 250 GB

yeah, sure is enough

>Convince me otherwise
anime tiddies

thats what the cloud jew wants you to believe

>not (you)rs

Do I _need_ more than 1TB? Probably not, I could very well live with it.
However, do I _want_ more than 1TB? Of course I do. My lossless music collection alone is well over 5TB.

>tfw this is backed up
$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev 7.8G 0 7.8G 0% /dev
tmpfs 1.6G 12M 1.6G 1% /run
/dev/sdb1 910G 875G 26G 98% /
tmpfs 7.9G 178M 7.7G 3% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 7.9G 0 7.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sdf1 1.8T 1.8T 15G 100% /mnt/Tsukuyo
/dev/sda1 1.8T 1.8T 29G 99% /mnt/Hitagi
/dev/sde1 3.6T 3.6T 46G 99% /mnt/Akari
/dev/sdd1 3.6T 3.6T 13G 100% /mnt/Alicia
/dev/sdc1 1.8T 1.8T 31G 99% /mnt/Kyou
tmpfs 1.6G 24K 1.6G 1% /run/user/1000

When Zen2 hits, I'm making a 24TB NAS with the 1700 and ECC RAM running ZFS. There is nothing you can do to stop me OP.

128Kb ought to be enough for anyone unless you have a Diogenes

>unless you have Diogenes

But that is literally my family name, OP.

Yes we do because when gubmint comes to take our movies and our music and every other things, we will need to have a backup.

those 5 drives make more noise and need more ports than one drive tho.

>build new pc
>move 500gb SSD to new set up
>245gb free of SSD
>3 1TB drives are completely empty
Yeah I would agree.

hmm, i was talking more about external hard drives, but i see

What is Diogenes? I'm just seeing results about a program for searching through ancient texts.

it's a disorder

OP, for a normal Person this might be true, hell I only have 40 gb Data on my Notebook, but there are use cases that requiere more space, like Videos and Pictures or muh gaymes...

Shit thread is shit. OP you are a faggot.


you don't NEED a computer
you dont NEED to visit Sup Forums
you dont NEED to be alive


All true. This applies to you as well.

>1 modern video game
>video game

kys fag

Why would you buy 8 cores for a NAS and ECC RAM for something that's largely write-once?
You can pull low powered Lynnfield Xeons off ebay for like $100 with enough ports for 24TB which support ECC if you want to go that route.

*Lynnfield Xeon servers

Nigga, I have a 1TB xbox one s and I've only had it a week and I'm already at the point where I have to delete a game if I want to install a new one. Granted, this is a console, but anyone using a computer for video games is a manchild with no life and no actual friends so whatever.

Virtual machine images take up lots of space. When you develop for dozens of different devices, that space gets eaten up quickly.

Why would I buy a console when my PC can do everything an underpowered xbox can do, and more.

Because it's in my computer right now and it doesn't consume that much power on stock clocks. I don't know how it would compare to Lynnfield, but that latter shit is old. It just might consume more power on the longrun, I'd have to check the options.
ECC because ZFS. I know you can run it without it, but I want to be safe.

Have you given a thought to kill yourself?

What does having a dead philosopher have to do with hard drive space? Are you retarded?

you don't need to anything but die

Oh you were talking about repurposing your current box. I thought you were waiting for the Zen2 1700's to build a NAS out of that.
I'd still flip the 1700 and get a used server if money's an object, but if you're buying new and upgrading every generation that probably isn't the case.

preach sister

>install Qt


no i need to hoard my obscure shit because it will be deleted from the internet

Unless you run more than one node on a blockchain.

Sell me on FLAC.

Is Diogenes friends with Austin?

>just added 2TB
So how long would this bad boy take to fill up? Assuming I just went full autism downloading shows I would never even watch.

there's no such thing as enough space for hoarders

For a desktop/workstation 1TB is more than plenty. But for a server you'll eat up that space quick. My porn collection alone is larger than 1TB for example, to say nothing of my other data, such as movies,music and e-books. On the plus side though, 1TB drive is only $50 now, with 2-3 TB ones falling in the $100 range.

if it's not porn, what do you even put on there? i only use 4gb

>wanna play a game again
>spend 10 hours downloading it
>use almost half of my data cap
Fuck that. I'd rather keep it installed.

My steam library is pretty large and my connection is bad, I like to have more games installed on my desktop, none of my other machines have more than 500gb, I'd go smaller but I use what I have lying stopping or what's cheap

normal movies, music, photos, programs, virtual books, text files

But he stayed in a barrel

It's easy to fill 1tb of porn. Yes, I do fap to all of them, often.

Nigga half my steam library takes 1.83tb.

Motherfucker, I don't NEED a computer but i have at least 8tbs of stuff.

Add me in the sceenshot

I have 6tb easy between steam games and porn. If I factor in years of pro audiom non steam games, dvd rips, music I suspect im pushing 10tb.

If i did 4k video id image I could double that. I know a photographer/videographer who has a 24tb NAS backup.

I'm single seeder on around 50 rare movies.
What now?

looks like a legit place to ask

budget aside

should I go with a NAS for backups for my 3 desktops ?

or just an external drive partitioned for each one?

what's the benefit of either?

nuke it

Nigga I hope you got that in RAID or something

>Convince me otherwise

Why should I? If YOU don't need it then YOU shouldn't buy storage. Your post is stupid and you are stupid for posting it.

>having all that shit hooked up on a regular basis
>8tb drives
>probably not keeping backups
>ntfs on windows
>disgusting 3d porn
One sense motherfucker

Why is the rpm hidden or not listed at all on these HDDs? The brand should just be called cheap shitty storage.

> games

Stupid kid stuff. I need a TB to hold my bank accounts, luxury car performance data, pics of thousands of 13/10 gfs and bomb ass music you wish your ears could interpret.

Bless you, user. Bless you. What movies are you seeding? I might have to check them out