I want to Nixie her Pixels.
I want to Nixie her Pixels
I want to root her behind and install my genetic code
Kill all w*men
why are people on Sup Forums people with such low standard, that beg and put pussy on a peddestal if they get payer to cater to their niche.
>muh patreon
I'd like to apt-get my dick in her mouth
If you don't know the answer, you haven't been here long enough.
I have, I still do not get why Sup Forums sucks ecelb dick
I understand the waifu,but not this 3d pig shit
racism is a code word for anti-white.
>she will compile your heart
If we had high standards, we wouldn't be here. That includes you.
>have high standards
>be alone due to standards
>be virgin
>watch mongolian fingerpainting due to being alone
>go on Sup Forums
seems very plausible.
I think she changed stream topics and goes by siswet19 now.
Nope, though thanks for the name.
Nixie has been sick with space aids for over a year now and has been unable to post anything.
>tfw the only qt Linux grill got sick and died
I can't take this anymore, lads. ;-;
I hope it can be cured somehow. I like her.
>That includes you.
My negro.
what exactly is she doing?
All her pages, on all media plus her personal are long dead.
She has those medical problems but on some 3min videos we see the camera focused on cleavage,
she has 100something patrons giving her money...
what exactly is she doing?
I want to fork her repos.
Getting well, hopefully.
Some people is still giving her money in Patreon even though she's doing nothing at all.
Sorry, she prefers large dongles.
>she only has three ports
You're not creative enough. There are two mini ports on the sides of her head along with another two more flexible mini ports in the middle of her face.
That tang must smell of fish
it's impossible to follow her train of thought and actually frustrating to listen to hear talk
She was the first time I ever experienced ASMR from a video
Who she is?
She died last year. Let her rest in peace.
Well she recently explained that she found out she has ADHD and her family knew about it but didn't want to tell her.
Why she refuses to get old? She's looks better than she looked 7 years ago
She runs a Discord server.
>She runs a Discord server
you can't run your own server on discord
Guess that explains why she went back to using windows
>Sup Forums - YouTube Personality Fandom Discussion
better makeup, camera and lighting skills
the titty streamers that survive need to learn those or get outcompeted by fresher meat