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>using gelbooru instead of pixiv

cute pic

Doesn't most stuff get reposted there anyway?

trying to search something on pixiv is cancer

you too

Are you completely color blind?
Being able to see images grouped in their original albums is much more convenient and better overall because only some of them get reposted to boorus.

>he can't into moonrunes

Fukken pedos


Diablo 2?
What year is it

For example, the OP image's pixiv page vs gelboor page
Full album of 21 images
Just one image and the artist only has 78 gelbooru posts so there are for sure some missing

i think the best way is to find artists you like by searching your favorite tags on danbooru and then go to the artists pixiv and save all the pictures you like

that's not the problem, is just that the tags are limited and i can't search specific things. The only way to actually using it is this


So what nigger, most newer games are trash. I still play Warcraft 3.

That works, but once I saved about a thousand images by going on pixiv and using their recommendation feature and saving an image and then doing that over and over again until I was a couple hours in


>tfw conditioned to get a boner at the mere mention of this place

Chromium for regular browsing, Firefox for Sup Forums.
For some reason I get some weird flickers with 4chanX on chromium/chrome, so I use firefox, despite being way slower.



Yeah okay.

Why did you silently change the topic from gelbooru to danbooru?

I was talking about the best way to find cute anime pictures on pixiv

It's really easy to edit firefox's css if you haven't done so already

Give me your worse



Safari 5



how is everything on the same line? tabs and such

dumb lewd poster



The year you grow the fuck up or kill yourself, shit stain.

It's a one line interface userChrome.

You can find it on ribbit's Firefox CSS board

literally nothing you can do about it

>thinking anyone cares that you're disgusting and actively gimping yourself



can i please have that rei


scroll up and look at ruri's butt

How do I change the top part of my furryfox to be white like that instead of the original purple?

had to flex

distro/de name?


Dumb phoneposter

budgie-wm on Xenial. It's pretty ok, will prob be my favorite DE with another year of dev

>Captura de pantalla 2018-02012 a las 1.23.11
Muy buenas David.

>not using adguard with safari content blocker
>transparency enabled
>Using cancerbg

Please try harder


>@ instead of >
welcome newfag

all ur browsers look like shit

I've been here for a week

still pretty new

Haha lurk more redditor. I've been here for TWO weeks


it has not changed much since last thread. the first tabs have been there almost an year and they get restored every time the browser is started.

says the fag that didnt even remove those stupid "flexible spaces"

theres no way to image search pixiv though to my knowledge

This is literally a non-answer which completely avoided giving literally any context to why you silently replaced the gelbooru variable of the conversation with danbooru.

>paying for HBO
nothing I could do would be more than a punishment than what you already do to youself

I was talking about the best way to find cute images on pixiv which is to use danbooru to find artists