I'm gonna attempt to install Arch Linux for the first time. Wish me luck.
I'm gonna attempt to install Arch Linux for the first time. Wish me luck
I hope you fail HAHAHA
It's really not that hard.
>Not installing Gentoo
Guess you dont really want a real challenge.
It's my first try, only other experience I've had with Linux is Ubuntu. Not used to doing the command line method
Nah. Just wanna dip my toe in the water currently, Gentoo might be my next distro if Arch doesn't work out well.
Here's a tip: use cgdisk instead of fdisk
the guide holds your hand the whole way. If something breaks, people have already found it and it's online. It's no bigger than fixing some bug in your shitty fizzbuzz code.
What am i doing wrong
keeping the windows partition
when you finish you'll be a certified master hacker
Can confirm completely accurate
Did you finish?
lmao installing redhat used to be harder than that
Not OP but I tried Arch with XFCE and LightDM and LightDM just doesn't work. Anyone know why?
what do you want a dm for
why would you not try it first in a vm?
why are you installing a meme distro when ubuntu and fedora just werk
why are you not installing antergos if you want the arch base?
Did you install the greeter?
how else do i use the DE
yes, tried with gtk and kde greeters, and it doesn't matter because the DM just crashes at boot
You should be installing Manjaro, Antergos or Anarchy.
Installing Arch Linux the 'normal' way is a dumb thing to do.
user, i...
what does that even mean
install gentoo
I know the guy who built Arch Anywhere/Anarchy IRL.
The only thing better than his installer is having him set Arch up personally.
Put an exec statement in your .xinitrc and just do startx
DMs are pointless
I did this and nothing happened. what am i doing wrong?
Firstly, do you have the "xorg-xinit" package? You have to install it separately, I think.
Next, you should be puting the .xinitrc in your home folder, not the root folder
X is a pain in the ass. Just install plasma-meta and plasma-wayland-session then use startplasmacompositor at the terminal to get a fully functioning DE without any hassle.
>Firstly, do you have the "xorg-xinit" package? You have to install it separately, I think.
I do
>Next, you should be puting the .xinitrc in your home folder, not the root folder
right, i'm just too retarded to create a file with nano and put it into /home/ apparently
>Just install plasma-meta
yeah i previously used GNOME and KDE, now I just wanted to try Xfce
I thought you guys were memeing but seems like most people can't even follow basic instructions
>right, i'm just too retarded to create a file with nano and put it into /home/ apparently
i hope you figured this out
nope i tried nano ~/ .xinitrc and adding exec startxfce4 inside of it, it just didn't work
Once you've created that file, run the command startx
Have you bothered to read anything at all pertaining to the troubles you're having? Have you looked at the Arch wiki at the very least?
pacman -S xorg-xinit
cp /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ~/.xinitrc
echo exec i3 >> ~/.xinitrc
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Startx.. as root? Nonono
nano /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
First Linux experience ever was Gentoo. Now fuck off.
Try SwagArch. I thing that's not LightDM, but it works well
installing isn't even the shit part lol
Getting used to not having shit work from other distros is the annoying part
"oh I guess I'll have to look up how to see logs unlike almost every single other distro"
i use arch but I don't like the whole community feel of hurr lets be different for no reason
It's supposed to be as minimal as possible.
>inb4 systemd memes
Why? I learned a lot on my first day of installing arch. It was my first distro. I didn't install a DE either, just i3.
No luck involved, it is piss easy, just read the wiki.
It's really not that difficult. Basically you just boot into your thumb drive. Then you format your disk with the partitions you want. Make the filesystem on the partitions. Mount the partitions to somewhere on your usb. Bootstrap the base packages into your newly formatted disk. Generate the fs table so your computer knows how to set up the partitions when it boots. The most difficult part is usually setting up the bootloader, just read the wiki for that and make sure you set up the right partition table if you're using UEFI. After that you just reboot and you're in your new system. Then you just download packages. If you want the X server just download all the files and then copy the sample .x files from some directory I forgot. Good luck faggot
pacman -Syuu
:: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace compositeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace damageproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace dmxproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace dri2proto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace dri3proto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace fixesproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace fontsproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace glproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace inputproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace kbproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace presentproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace randrproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace recordproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace renderproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace resourceproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace scrnsaverproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace videoproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xextproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xf86dgaproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xf86driproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xf86vidmodeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xineramaproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
W-what is going on here?
Your system has a virus. You'll need to delete everything.
Yep, its a virus, delete system32
>using a graphical display manager
Is there any technical benefit to that? I actually prefer the interface of fdisk and gdisk.
Its quicker
A bunch of packages got merged into one.
I'm sure low package count autists are thrilled they can now install more software.
My first distro ever. Took me 10 hours to successfully install it after uncountable fuck ups. It was fun.
Nice. Brought my package count down to 790.
doesnt work
this neither
user stop trying to launch X with the root user
man if you've never used terminal or any *nix system don't start with arch lol... count as right < 5% of what Sup Forums says
at least go with manjaro or some more productive distro, not retard stuff like gentoo where you have to compile your dignity
How do people use the guide when they can't access the Internet? I'm not getting a handbook just to install arch
I didn't start with Arch, I started with Ubuntu like a year ago. But this is the best way to learn
still nothing
You didnt install Xorg, did you?
pacman -S xorg-server
and install your gpu drivers, read this:
>and install your gpu drivers, read this:
well it's virtualbox so that's not happening
anyway, it still doesn't work so i give up. Just gonna use GNOME instead
>what is a second computer
>what is a phone
>what is a printer
>Just gonna use GNOME instead
Absolutely disgusting, and there is an entire wiki page on how to setup Arch with VirtualBox, just use Manjaro or Antergos.
>It's supposed to be as minimal as possible.
arch isnt minimal. the only thing "minimal" about it is that you get a barely functioning os ootb. its packages arent split, it uses systemd, its base image is not small.
it is supposed to be as SIMPLE as possible (and for the devs, not the users), not as minimal as possible
>>what is a second computer
useless when you don't have an os installed
>>what is a phone
don't own a smartphone
>>what is a printer
outdated tech
jokes aside, unless you're installing in a vm it's going to be extremely inconvenient
The users are supposed to be devs themselves.
not sure about arch but with gentoo you can use literally any distro liveimage. never installed arch but i assume its the same since all you are doing is partitioning, mounting, chrooting, and installing packages.
i installed gentoo from a mint live image with both firefox with the manual (and some entertainment while waiting for compiling) and the installation terminal open at the same time
by "the devs" i meant the distro maintainers
okay this is actually a good idea and the answer I was looking for, thank you
What’s a computer?
No no no you gotta type this into the terminal, this will make it work
>rm -rf /
Trust me I am computer science
Keep trying. Arch is aimed at competent users. You'll get there, believe in yourself.
If you want ezpz mode, use github.com
Kek you sure showed him
>Not deleting everything with fdisk or parted
ok OP, let me help you. First of all, you need to install proper file system on your root init.
Run : dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
Do that and screenshot logs, I'll help you with the rest
Where's my certificate?
no dont do that, it creates mustard gas
the correct command is:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sda
The three linux partitions you have should be, not necessarily in order,
Linux swap
Linux filesystem
Linux home
I just installed Arch while dual booting Windows 10 for gaymes.
>not using Arch Anywhere (now Anarchy) or Revenge (Zen) Installer
I can confirm. AUI is the best arch installer.
It's as easy as installing Windows ME back in the days.
Plus you can install all the important packages from it, so you get a fully usable system from the first boot.
OP here: gave up, just did anarchy anywhere ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ really like it though so I guess that's what matters
>using a desktop environment
Install Crux
Hey guess what I did
Don't watch videos, just follow the wiki and if something breaks Google it
had the same reaction but answer yes to everything.
HEEEEEY user. let's go back. installed & configured..ok. installed GRUB..ok. rebooted into a bootable base system and logged into root..ok.
now. create an user. look up archwiki for details.
then in the root use visudo and uncomment the wheel line.
then save and logout. login as user.
now sudo pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xfce4
then echo "startxfce4" >> .xinitrc
then startx
there you go. enough hand holding for you now do your own shit.