What happened to sysadmin?

What happened to sysadmin?

What a beast

fighting cancer


serious serial-killer vibes



get the fuck out, you infinitely inept retard

you don't have to have been here since CAPN FUCKN CORNFLK or UR FORTUNE IS or BOXXXXY or DOMESTIC TERRORISTS or 3D-printed HOUSES MADE OUT OF Sup Forums posts to tell that the person living in that house is fundamentally deranged

as for "not having been on g enough to see something specific", that's true and that's a good thing

4ch is mental herpes

I hope he's alright, the seems like a nice dude who has been through a lot of shit.

However these kitchen interiors look really soul crushing, take it down a notch man, try a more rancho relaxo vibe.

you mean cisadmin

went to rehab. in recovery.

Sup Forums newfag, whos sysadmin?

some nigger these fags love

just calm down hehehehe

Really autistic and un-kept shut-in living on disability and running a bunch of dumpster-dived systems (this was essentially his sysadmin creds). Supposedly became such a shut-in after his wife and daughter died in a car crash, but most probably just a hoax.

He's been a meme on Sup Forums since 2010 or 2011 (not sure) due to how cringe-worthy he and everything he does is.

I just sprained my big toe
possibly broken
just needed to do something with the frustration


nobody cares

you should Bing 'false consensus'

you should Bang 'a girl'

'girls' are degenerate

nobody cares

while True:


nice drips


hopefully death

what do you thing he did after the bit coin thing crashed?

what he's redecorating

the needful, ideally

>Lenovo ThinkKitchen™

fuck off, pajeet.


do the needful and fuck right off

Cute hello kitty fapbox

What kind of dolls are those? I love them so much

google "creepy af serial killer dolls"

and nice quads

Better not be talking shit about dolls

whats that doll called?
is it from the iGaveUp collection?

does it fit an onahole?

His username is xebec and he's in a bunch of Sup Forums discord servers.


>tfw he's not in either of the ones I'm in with 60+ users


Why a washing machine in the kitchen?

it's a brit thing

Wow, I just got fired

what a clever joke

Am I the only one who likes his kitchen or am I missing something in those pictures?

is this autism?