Your password is too long, must be between 5-13 characters

>Your password is too long, must be between 5-13 characters

Name 3 websites that do this.

He was trying to sign up at pajeets secret porn site

My bank's
Turbotax told me my password can't contain spaces, though not the same was equally annoying

literally every fucking website dumbass

Just about anything government. Plus it's always a mystery as to what they count as special characters,

UK Government ID doesn't allow special characters.

Just sayin

You wanted a password less than 4 characters? lol

It's going to be 1234

>sign up using a randomized 4096-character password utilizing the full Unicode range
>try to log in
>"incorrect password"

You goof'd. OP says "your password is too long" which implies he tried something longer than 13 characters.

Yeah in fact they prefer it when your password is password.

>not storing it in pass

openssl rand -base64 8
why were you trying to make a 14+ character password, user?

My bank does this horseshit, except it's 12 characters, no special characters, and characters are not case sensitive so it treats HELLO and hello as the same input.
I've honestly considered applying for a job there and making it my sole priority to fix this shit.

What bank is that?

>not case sensitive
What the fuck? I'd change my bank immediately, there's literally no reason for this.

I wanna know what are those banks too... for science...

>Your password is used by *username*. Please choose different password.

>Sup Forums humor thread

As a web dev I never put any limitations on passwords other than what the webserver handles and minimums. It's all getting hashed anyways, so what's the issue?

Microsoft has the whole "can't change to a previously used password" which is retarded.

Then there's websites that use federated login such as google or Facebook, and when you select to do that they still ask you to specify a password. Mfw

Are these password keeper apps really good? Why the fuck do they get shilled so hard????

>using an app to keep your password
What the fuck, I have 3 different 64 character passwords I know by heart, if I need less secure passwords I just cut them in half or cut them in half again.

>don't allow values 32 through 126
>do allow 48-57, 65-90, and 97-122