Just switch to Linux bro it has everything you n-

>Just switch to Linux bro it has everything you n-

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

if you rearrange the letters in those icons it spells out "Pawn Pox"

What did Microsoft mean by this?

>Office Online

There you go. 95% of people just need Word, Powerpoint and Excel, all which Office Online does perfectly fine.

I want to swap to linux so bad but I can't get by without a few critical programs. The substitutes are complete trash too.

Manjaro comes with Microsoft Cloud Office pre-installed just in case you're retarded enough to think Microsoft's office is the only existing office suite and don't know how to install anything.

What critical programs?


Linux is just a kernel.


use a vm


Telling someone to use Libreoffice instead of Microsoft office is like telling someone to use Gimp instead of photoshop

LibreCalc is great
LiberWriter is meh but ok

You dont need photoshop 95% of the time.

what features do you need from MSoffice that are not available in libreoffice?

>using MS Office

So perfectly reasonable?

>both are a free alternative that is almost as good

I don't see the problem

Hardly relevant when all of those are now being primarily developed as in-browser "cloud apps" that run fine on Windows, Linux and MacOS. My employer decided to go for the whole cloud meme and the unexpected side-effect of it was that it removed any potential issues the Linux users may have had with the company's extensive use of the latest Microsoft internal document formats.

Microsoft Access

>What critical programs?
>Photoshop/Premiere/After Effects
>Mathcad (I could use Mathematica, but it would require that I spend weeks rewriting documents)
>Inventor (I know there are options but it's outside my control)
>Microsoft Project

I'm thinking about buying a hard drive for Arch or Debian and trying to dual boot/VM. I just don't think Inventor in a VM is a viable option on big assemblies.

libreoffice writer actually just works and the UI doesn't suck
it looks and feels like Word 2003, and that's all you need
gimp's ui is trash and is comparable to fucking photoshop 4 (not cs4, but 4, from the mid 90s) in terms of feature set

Why "swap" instead of just adding Linux as a guest with a Windows host or having a Windows guest with a Linux host?

I use AutoCAD so I run it in Windows VMs along with Office. I pirate all winshit because paying for soft is some retarded millennial fearfaggot stupidity.

Even my old T61 runs Windows well enough on Virtualbox, though I'm gradually switching to KVM as I do new installs. All my PCs get VMs because why not have everything conveniently? KVM can do GPU passthrough.

Nobody else gives a shit what you run. OS are fucking tools. If I need a tool, I add the tool. So Fucking Easy. Use Windows for what you need, use Linux for what you want, and do it at the same time. Bonus for VMs is you can revert to a previous, clean snapshot if you dislike a particular application or a crack didn't work.

You'll have fun and learn a bit. Give it a try.

Run Inventor on a Windows host, run Arch and Debian and Fedora and other versions of Windows as guests. You already have a Windows install so no problem. No dual booting, no goatfuckery with boot records, and it just works. I'm lazy as fuck and love VMs.

Knowing for sure that when someone opens a document it will actually display correctly.

i don't know what's worse, gimp or oo but both disgust me

open sores indeed

>freetard logic

This. Free office suites are fine for home users, sort of like the old Microsoft Works, but that's unsuitable for a professional environment.

Literally any other free SQL database (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Percona, MariaDB, SQLite) should suffice.

Hell, there's even GUI clients for connecting to most of these.

>Application something like 95% people don't really need or have installed
>Somehow always brought up every time Linux use is brought up as an excuse as to why Linux is a non-starter

OneDrive uploading

I have never had a document authored in LibreOffice with an issue. Not only does the latest Office display OpenDocument content fine, but I can just import to .doc or .docx with no issue.

>In the office environment of the current year

>I have never
That isn't enough for an actual enterprise environment.

Access isn't just about the database backend retard, it's basically an IDE for databases and a GUI builder on top.

What the GNU did you just GNUing say to me, you little GNU? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the GNUs, and I have been involved in numerous open source raids on proprietary software, and I have over 300 confirmed GNU/Linux ISOs. I am trained in GNUerrilla warfare and I'm the top hacker in the entire open source community. You are nothing to me but just another end user. I will GNU you the GNU out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this git repository, mark my GNUing words. You think you can get away with saying that GNU to me over the Internet? Think again, GNUer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hackers across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, GNU. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little GNU you call your life. You're GNUing dead, GNU. I can be anywhere anytime, and I can uninstall you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare GNUs. Not only am I extensively trained in htop combat, but I have acsess to the entire arsenal of the Free Software Foundation and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable GNU off the face of the internet, you little GNU. If only you couldn't have known what unholy retriubution your little "clever" interjection was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your GNUing tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the GNU, you goddamn GNU. I will install FOSS all over you and you will drown in it. You're fsck-ing dead, GNU.

Use a real database

Macs don't have this problem.

I can't buy a Mac though, I'm disqualified since I don't enjoy watching other men fuck my wife

But apple is gay


I do all fucking documents in PDF or HTML and ODF, to make sure that nothing will fuck it up.

>he doesn't enjoy getting cucked
>he doesn't enjoy a cock rammed up his ass


What's wrong with gay?

>Look guyz! I typed Linux is jusst a kernel xDDDD stallman is so prud of me! XDDDDD
Coreutils are not an OS

He didn't even use the pasta. Stallman is disappoint.

HAHAHA I forgot this is Sup Forums and people still have to use Access


There's literally nothing wrong with that.

+1 You can handle everything you need in terms of docx files and pptx in your browser with an Outlook Account

Unironically this.

Linux isn't an OS either. It's an OS kernel.

LaTeX, libreoffice or R, libreoffice, thunderbird or mailx, vi, LaTeX, and SQL in that order

>inb4 normies can't cope with anything that isn't ms office

Such as?

It's the same fucking thing with the Macfags. They pretend MS Office for Mac is the same as the PC version, when in reality Macs can't even run Access or make a fucking pivot table or chart. Guess Loonix and Mac OS are perfect for people who don't have real jobs kek

also it doesnt matter what freetards say,visual studio is the photoshop of IDE's.its the best out there.fuck them im not going to write my programs in text editors in fucking 2018.

Uhhhh no, you can't. Have you even used office online?

>run Access

>Not having a job

Not here for the argument but there is LITERALLY nothing I can do with office365 that I can't do with libreoffice or google docs.


>start business class which revolves around Excel
>sit next to Macfag who's too good to use the provided desktops in class cuz "ewww I can't work windows!!!"
>prof starts class, tells us to download the raw data
>meanwhile Mr. Macfag thinks he'll be able to use office online
>surprise, faggot
can't even figure out how to put the shit into OneDrive
>finally figured it out, tries to make pivot chart but fails miserably cuz online doesn't support it, neither does office for Mac
>his face turns red as he starts to panic
>starts trying to install office for Mac during the fucking lecture
>prof is getting farther into assignment as Macfag lags further and further behind behind
>asks me for help
>tell him just use desktop in front of him
>"b...b..but I can't remember my login stuff"
>Tell him "oh.....well good luck."

when will freetards do something productive with their lives instead of larping communist in their mother's basements?

Ask them to be more romantic and maybe bring you a beer to wash out you mouth after prepping them.

Nope that would be IntelliJ IDEA by a long shot. Enjoy your 25GB of install lel

How is google docs any different from office365? Still big ass creeper company controlling your shit.

lol intellij(and all the other jetbrains products)are fucking cancer pieces of shit.the only semi-decent IDE they have is intellij and even that is laughable tier compared to vs.the only reason why so many people praise it is because intellij is the best java IDE and most developers are java developers.


t. macfag

I'm talking about filetypes and interchangeability.
>he's worried about being spied on, shitposting on an anonymous Nigerian Amateur Ham Radio Aficionados imageboard...

Far fucking leap from Linux FOSS shit to google corporate walled garden.

>cringing at logic
Yep you're definitely a Macfag

who needs any of that shit

Yeah sorry little boy it's a piece of software us adults use here in the real world. Fucking deal with it

You people are fucking sad. Get a fucking job already

special paragraph indents like hanging indents


Not really - one I use on my desktop, the other I use to work on docs if I'm using a computer that isn't my own.
>inb4 muhcrosoft vs. jewgle - if you're using an online office tool, one's probably no better or worse than the other when it comes to privacy.

Unlike this guys point of view (i run my own business) - there are going to be times when you have to log into a workstation that isn't yours - having access to webapps etc. is the whole fucking point of those online tools. Disparaging them because
>muh privacy
is a bit like shitting on a VW combi because it's not a Ferrari Testarossa. Sure it won't get you 0-60 in 4 secs but it IS a car and WILL get you where you want... eventually.
Apologies for crap analogies - I'm at work and the boss can be a cunt about distractions.

I'm using Linux at home, but for work its literally too much of a hassle. Took me 3 fucking hours to configure the track point on my Thinkpad in Ubuntu. The only solution that ended up working was to create a Cron job that changed my trackpoint settings on startup.

I find i'm endlessly fucking around to fix/configure things that take seconds in Windows. Who has time for this shit?

I agree. Jetbains shit is complete garbage.

>being this fucking stupid
Definitely a freetard.

>no Access for mac

Switched to Google Docs and never looked back
LibreOffice is also alright
OpenOffice and Microsoft Office are the worst office apps there are

Not true at all, GIMP is actually a really shit piece of software that is unusable, LibreOffice is basically the exact same shit as Microshit Office only without retarded updates and redesigns



>Just switch to Linux bro it has everything you n-

As someone that did a lot of professional design work in the 90s with Photoshop 4, I disagree. The GIMP is more like Photoshop 3. If you had someone that was computer illiterate describing Photoshop 3 to someone with autism and having them recreate it from scratch.

That bullshit of 99% of the time The GIMP is sufficient only applies to normies. Otherwise, 99% of people doing professional graphics work wouldn't touch The GIMP with a 10 foot pole, and the other 1% are freetard "graphic designers" that only use it to "professionally" create graphics pro bono for FOSS projects just to say that they used it "professionally"

AMD drivers are in the kernel. nVidia drivers are downloadable. You're retarded.

>Who has time for this shit?
Sup Forums autists