>fotm album starts with 4 goes down to 2 in a month
>retards still don't know about this

just put my half star in, gotta be fair and honest in life


>Rym sucking radiohead dongus

whats new here

I don't know why, but for some reason overhyped popular highly rated albums I'm really put off listening.

I respect Radiohead as a band but I'm not really "into" them and I don't have any intention of listening to the album.

It is probably a good album either way.

flavour of the month

>radiohead's first album in five years
>flavour of the month

this is how i felt about Blackstar.

Since I'd never listened to bowie before i went through most of his albums, didnt really like most of them.. listened to blackstar, didnt really like it. maybe a 3 or 2.5/5 for me at best.

oh thanks. i dont really know if its a "flavor of the month" because i mean, as astutely pointed out, it's radiohead and it's rym. more like flavor of the decade

will settle in the low 3.9s, but will overtake Bowie due to weighted ratings

There's still Vektor and Bowie

what do you mean by weighted ratings? do you mean it will have more ratings than bowie? which is likely

also it's up to 4.08 now. a couple hours ago it was at 3.8 lol

RYM has some algorithm that takes into account things other than the raw rating when charting music - number of ratings/who rated/how many 0.5 stars and 5 stars/etc. It does make sense as a system.

It's why OKC's top on the all time chart with a raw rating lower than the next 3 albums.

Ah makes sense. I think number of ratings is probably the biggest distinguishing factor, I mean OKC is by some distance the most rated on the site


the current #1, blackstar, is 3.96

What format do I buy? 32-bit WAV?

Rym rankings are based on both the rating and the number of people voted, because generally the more poeople vote for an album, the rating goes down

because you're asking this question, you don't need the wav. buy the 320k mp3

RYM is the IMDb of music

You'd be pretty dumb to actually believe that

I agree with


You'd be pretty dumb to think that music can be rated

it really isn't, that's metacritic

For all its problems I don't know of a better art rating site as good as RYM. Sonemic will probably ruin that with an influx of casuals, but oh well

You are pretty dumb then what can I say

i fucking hate hypebeasts

pretty much

never implied anything close to this or talked about it

Man, this is gonna be like teenagers trying to get The Dark Knight up to #1 on IMDB.



Yeah, it's exactly like that. Get the fuck out, newfag.

fuark, no brakes on this train

also the most recent 4.10+ since Kid A, as it stands

then I don't get why you called me dumb. Please explain.



Been there since '09. And was in a Radiohead cover band for a good 6 years. You fanboys are overhyping this shit to death.

because that doesn't make it logical to compare RYM to IMDb

if you tried to compare them because they both rate art, you could have just said that RYM is meaningless like any other art rating website

It's RateYourMusic, they've been sucking Radiohead's dick for years. OK Computer is somehow the best album of all time.

>also the most recent 4.10+ since Kid A, as it stands

oh damn

Can't believe people fall for the hype so hard they thing it's good. Same is happening with James Blake and that one tranny

>radiohead stan
>calling people newfags
top lel

I literally listened to it early through Amazon before anyone else and thought it was amazing family

>OK Computer is somehow the best album of all time.
yeh I think I know why
it's cos a lot of people rated it highly
no need to thank me

I'm not a radiohead stan, that was comparison just retarded

You guys are something else. It's clearly one of the best works of the past 10 years

that compiratsion was just retarded*k,,

these flavours of the month are nauseating

Yep, and it's still not the best album of all time, as a collective RYM average suggests.

I have a feeling it's going to end with 3.98-4.03

>it really isn't, that's metacritic

How the fuck is a critic aggregation site the imdb of music

What's the best album of all time then, in your opinion?

there's a surprising amount of user reviews/ratings on there


It is outstanding, plus its from THE Sup Forumscore band so people will feel validated in 5*ing it. But you can't really get higher than 4* without being "groundbreaking" which this album isn't

For the record i'm 4/5ing it for now but I bet I'll move it to 4.5/5 in a couple months

But can it beat Blackstar?

It's equally as good and from an equally as established act

Blackstar has the advantage of an indisputably amazing and daring concept, but Radiohead has the advantage of being stanned to hell by everyone on RYM

I think they'll weigh out about equal, close to a tie

blackstar has more historical importance, it's undoubtedly album of the year, but i think lp9 is more sonically interesting

for sure. it's .14 higher than it right now and it's radiohead, it'll get more ratings.

the real question is how high it'll get on album of the decade charts. Higher than TPAB? Higher than GKMC? Higher than MBDTF?

Could we have 2 AOTY's?

Heard it 3 times right now. I can safely say as a Bowie fan that AMSP is the AOTY. There's a pretty reasonable chance that Blackstar will still remain the top of the year because it released at the perfect time, and Bowie's death made it his epitaph, therefore carrying more weight. Although i believe this is the highest rating we've had in years and it appears to be increasing.

Only if Thom dies in two days
You know it's gonna happen.

Pablo: 3/5
Bends: 4/5
OK C: 5/5
Kid A: 5/5
Amn: 4/5
HTTT: 4/5
In Rain: 4.5/5
TKOL: 3.5/5
AMSP: 4/5

Well, the fact that they both rate art is just the first step in my comparison. They also try to present art as objective as possible. For example, Rotten Tomatoes has a feature for both critics and users. IMDb, on the other hand, has only the one for the users. This made me think that the only way a user could rate an album was more or less the way it was rated by other people. Indeed, I read many lackluster reviews that didn't feel really inspired to me but seemed just a way to reinforce the general opinion on the work in question. Also, both sites feature lists/charts whatever, which are meaningless since, like I said, art shouldn't really be rated.

has any band been so strong in three different decades? They had aotd with okc, kid a (or in rainbows for some) and now this

If Thom dies in the next 5 days, i guarantee you this will reach the Top 50 albums of all time and will be placed in the Pantheon of rock records.

It should go straight to number one unless it starts getting shit reviews. The last album to have 4+ was kid a and this looks like it could stay up there


>art shouldn't really be rated.
oh fuck off you spaz. RYM functions as an inter-subjective aggregator - an albums high rating is of course not indicative of any sort of objective quality, rather that a lot of people liked it, and thus there's a high chance you will too. This is why it's useful.

pretty accurate if TKOL was 4.5

why does the rating distribution not work on RYM? its been like that for a week


well, ok, I'm happy that you and lots of people use it to find new music that you like. I just don't see the appeal.

wait nvm

it'll go down to 3.9. its been like 4 hours. most people who've listened to it already love radiohead


rym has a very small user base compared to imdb. it would be hilarious seeing rym get more normies though

I'll check the rating in a month or two's time. The hype and emotional overreaction would have simmered by then.



A Moon Shaped Pool has the now noticeably 30 year old band, Radiohead, starved for ideas and doing things by "The Numbers." In a return closer to 2007's In Rainbows than their last record The King of Limbs, Radiohead return to poppier formulas and more tangible grooves with a distinctly lacking energy. There's no song on AMSP with the crispness of "15 Step," yet simultaneously very few moments of true intimacy as they mastered last album in songs like "Codex" and "Give Up the Ghost." The songs are in a vague halfway-point where the band is not really sure where they want to go, other than away from the lackluster reception to their last record. It's unclear if the inclusion of one or more filler tracks ("Desert Island Disk" in particular) and Thom's rather frail and unmoved vocal delivery is representative of artistic choices or aging rockers near the end of their careers. Ultimately, I paid $20 for the 24 bit WAV download and do not regret buying the record: it's more enjoyable music from Radiohead that I did not hear yesterday and, for the first time in a while, is music I can actually talk about with my friends. But I am left with a feeling that after years of waiting, little to nothing of substance came.





I've never seen Sup Forums this passionate about a release

The next Pitchfork 10

hot opinion comin thru

1. worse than TKOL

2. TKOL is their best album

Acutally Lift Yr. Skinny fists was released 6 days after Kid A and has a 4.15

oh shit u rite, still the point stands

If only :(

this would only happen if there was a Young Thug feature and Thom underwent gender reassignment

Have your (You), fucking piece of shit

TKOL is fucking beautiful my dude

if anything I'm complimenting lp9, I think it's just below IR and Kid A, 4.5 stars



Make mone? Are you telling me to get a job? Rude

>Daydreaming a fucking single
>Desert Island Disk existing at all

What the fuck were they thinking?

laughed harder than i should have

It isn't a rock album though so that would be very dumb

we made it past 1000 and still 4.11 my dudes
