Is there any systemd free distro easy to use other than manjaro?

Is there any systemd free distro easy to use other than manjaro?


is MX Linux a good start?

sure, i run it as a persistent usb drive to play stepmania wherever i go

literally gentoo

i dont think manjaro is systemd free user

shit I just realized they dropped support for openrc

fucking toe jam eating neckbeard

LFS. Literally.



Do it yourself pussy, just 3-10 hours of compiling and you will have your very own distro.
Automated script is coming as soon, as I will build anything working with it. (but I am too lazy to make a normal config... In order to remove shit you have to find it in script and remove it)



can I download all opensuse rpm there?

Just switch to Artix. It's not hard.

Why would you want to? Or, rather, what are you trying to accomplish?



why not Redcore?
redcore vs artix/antergos give me agood reason to go for arch

I don't know what Redcore is or does sorry.

It's Artix of Gentoo

If he doesn't support Unix, then what does he support?



Freedom to travel the world using money he received from donations and lobbying for democrats

maybe if you created something similar to GNU and the FSF then you'd receive similar donations to help you continue that work and spread awareness of it

To be fair, Stallman only supports commies like Bernies.

Manjaro has systemd though

>is MX Linux a good start?
I like it, but it's not really systemd free technically.
I believe that it can be, and systemd is emulated on the systemd version.

I don't know what Gentoo is or does sorry.

Go away GNOME dev

t. Poettering

Overly complex LISP-based crap.

shit package manager

>easy to use

+1 FreeBSD is good and user friendly

Why would you use that when the developers of it don't even use it?


It's easy to use. Installation can be a bit rough.

Can someone post pic where RMS explains why autism test puzzle is unsolvable?

Aren't there tons of packages that have systemd as a dependency?

Look into Calculate Linux if you want an easier Gentoo. Actively developed, I found it nice last time I used it in a VM

OP, use Slackware if you want Linux or used Free/OpenBSD if you have supported hardware

android, chromeos, win10


Sabayon or Redcore

PCLinuxOS or Devuan

>he doesn't use GuixSD
wew lad..