>claims to be into tech and computers
>uses a qwerty layout keyboard
Claims to be into tech and computers
Other urls found in this thread:
>claims to be a porno actress
>is some idiot on some madagascarian fireplace board
Every time I see her, her negroid features become more apparent
>claims to not have down syndrome
>shitposts on Sup Forums
qwerty is best layout for programming
I was actually impressed ay how comfortable Coleman is
>he doesn't use qwerty
she's part mudslime, her mom is egyptian
>claims to be into tech and computers
>circlejerks about keyboard layout for lack of technical skills
>Believes shitty urban legends
Y-you do know that qwerty layout was devised for translating morse code and not slowing down the typist, r-right?
What a cuck
fingers can't see past 80wpm
>being in a relationship and having a kid with a literal whore
>not only a disgusting whore, but a whore that gets fucked by BBC
There's no way to be more of a cuck than that guy.
I totally saw a blonde haired, blue eyed, light/fair skinned girl at the airport who I swear was negroid. I don’t know how the hell she did it.
Fuck you dvork fag
>claims to be into tech and computers
>thinks keyboard layouts affect typing speed
Only if you're retarded.
The nose knows.
Enjoy sweating over typing 80WPM, I can type 80WPM on Dvorak in my sleep. Dvorak isn't about speed you retarded nigger.
You must be at least 18 to play here, little man
>they thought I meant this was my maximum speed
Pssh, pathetic.
put ur monay where ur mouf (fingers) are, don't be shy now.
Neither of those guys but I just feel like posting. I always start making mistakes towards the end of these tests.
80 is fine, people never type non stop for that long unless they are taking notes or in court. I knew they wouldn't post them it's just their arrogance.
First post ITT, but here.
I thought it'd be more like 50some, so I'm relieved.
Might be able to get 10-15 more WPM if I'm on a keyboard instead of Laptop. Not sure, would have to test.
It's not her baby IIRC
I'm high
slow fingers here, probably because I only use three fingers per hand
alt layout plebs btfo
mmh nothing suss here.
Why would I switch the layout I've been using for over a decade?
US - Dvorak. Not worth it for all the changes you have to make for games, etc. All keybinds are setup for QWERTY.
>work in IT
>guy switches his keycaps to dvorak
>quits his job 2 weeks later
>have to switch it back
Unironically I though I was being baited. Is 80 WPM actually considered fast?
QWERTY. Pic related.
Studies show that when a woman has sex the DNA of the man intertwines with her. She has done a lot of blacked stuff
no mate, i'm just high
>I'm such a geek I use dvorak
So how was school today? Let me know if you actually make it to industry.
qwerty as well
My problem is I use all my fingers on my left hand but only use my index finger on my right hand to type. I think it's because I've learned to touch type from playing video games rather than actually trying to type so my right hand is always on the mouse using only my index finger. I could probably break 130+ if I retrained my right hand.
Always been a slow typist, this is touch typing on a qwerty.
>Professional/Employed software developer
Dvorak rules.
yikes. productivity must be a bitch
>uses customized software, layout and UI
>cant do shit on somebody else's machine
>embarass yourself at job interview
>be such a 1337 hacker that you learn dvorak
>get employed
>nothing uses it anywhere
>you just gimped your qwerty speed for nothing
Not really. Unless you're in a language that forces you to do boilerplate out the ass like Go or Java, typing speed around 40 is more than enough. You spend more time thinking than typing anyways.
Not really, typing is such a small part of designing and implementing a system.
me use this
It's not like he'd know, very few people on Sup Forums actually know how to program.
>be employed
>given a laptop
>take 5 seconds out of my day to fire up the language bar and change to dvorak
Whoa that was hard.
>needing your keycaps to be the same as your keyboard layout
joke is on you im using qwertz layout
Sounds like it should be Madagascan or something
Go back to Sup Forums plz
Studies show Hillary won. But here we are.
>put ur monay where ur mouf
ksi will beat jake paul in a boxing match
>uses keyboards
> The state of Sup Forums
Don't forget about chemicals which turn frogs gay.
*learns a shitty useless keyboard layout*
It's malgache
hey she's the BBC lady
>Having to offset the time spent typing slowly because of learning the new layout
Remember that there are alternative keyboard layouts besides Dvoark. Colemak is much closer to qwerty, but has similar ergonomic benefits.
>t. slowcoach
they do!
>thicc bod
>not a fat face
How does this happen?
Imagine how much faster you could type if you just stuck to qwerty. 80wpm is better than most normalfags but I can still type a lot faster than you on qwerty. Also you don't have any valid arguments on why you should switch to the dvork layout. It has been proven for people who already know how to type that the costs outweigh the benefits for switching layout.
Using qwertz
There is nothing wrong with Swedish Querty.
Man, I hit 60 with a shitload of errors. I picked up a Razer Blackwidow from craigslist a while ago and never got used to typing on it, it feels really bad to the point I would be switching back to my old keyboard (a ~20 year old beat to shit Dell one) if I hadn't already chucked it.
I'm sure I could hit 90 wpm on a keyboard that didn't feel so weird. Keys are all in the wrong places desu
she has no tits, no ass, no good scenes
why do you keep posting her?
>you know realize the top row of QWERTY layout was specifically designed so that otherwise untrained Remington salesmen could easily type TYPEWRITER when presenting their products
I never claimed to be the worlds greatest typist. I can do a sustained 110WPM or so and no better, I have a bad habit of only using the index finger on my right hand which probably slows me down a lot. The advantage of Dvorak is laziness, it's far easier to type moderately fast on Dvorak than it is Qwerty.
I didn't lose any productivity when switching because I did it like 7 years ago when I was 15. I can still type Qwerty just fine despite using it like once a month, you don't forget muscle memory so easily.
I don't think Dvorak is really any faster on the top end.
>anything I dont like is Sup Forums
how to become a keyboard wizard like you guys? I have been touch typing for over 10 years now. and i use a red switch memechanical keyboard.
I use dvorak
I couldn't say if it's actually faster than qwerty though
> any non-scientific BS is Sup Forums
i want her to take care of my babies.
I regret learning colemak, I should go back to qwerty but don't want the speed hit again
Don't use cherry mx red switches, they are literally the worst switch I've ever typed on.
interesting, i picked up reds because of the low force it takes for the key to register. I used to have elbow pain from typing but it subsided when i moved from my shit membrane keyboard to a cherry red. ah well, i guess 90 WPM or so isn't that bad.
Eh they aren't that bad probably, I type on cherry mx black switches and they are just fine for me.
I type with two fingers and on a membrane keyboard, yet my WPM is 131.
Just practice.
post video
Jokes on you I use qwertz because I'm German.
in fruit flies
Britbong Qwerty is superior
>| and \ comfily next to left shift
>#~@';: comfily on homerow
>{}[] comfily above homerow next to enter key
>-_=+ comfily at top row
>,/? comfily at bottom row
I couldn't ask for anything better.
I pity you.
if i wanted to switch to a new keyboard layout i wuold need to
1. choose the layout
2. swap it in my OS
3. pull all my keycaps and put them back down in said layout
4. spend days if not weeks becoming used to the new layout
that is a lot of effort to sate another person's autism
>claims to be into tech and computers
>doesn't use a one-handed keyboard
>claims being a hipster faggot is a necessary qualifier for being into tech and computers
I've actually been looking for a good one hand keyboard
That's not qwerty you fuckin mong
qwerty is when q-w-e-r-t-y are right next to each other. That's why it's called qwerty. It's not a fuckin word
I was showing the dvorak layout in the picture; if you'd actually read my post and looked at the attached image, you'd have realized my post didn't correlate with it at all. I'd call you a retard but I don't want to add insult to injury.