Is Mexico really this primitive?

Is Mexico really this primitive?


Well, you tell me.

Wow, even though that picture was probably made by some liberal tree hugging immigrant loving faggot self-hating American, it IS what America and Mexico should like, if we weren't infested by the same kind of people who probably made that image.

Yes, even more, at least people in that picture is not beheading each other.

which is which?

Left is mexico as far as I remember.

Right is Mexico look at the signs

Real del monte? I live near there

The 5% European Mexicans will make Mexico great again

Thankfully the Mexican band member poster showed me the truth, the same cannot be said for us mongrels

I have a personal love for that town and others

if your country is so great, why millions of spics escape from your crime ridden hellhole every year? mexico is literally worse than Iraq

>look at the signs

Have you ever been to the border? Practically everything on the American side is all in Spanish.

mexico strongest on earth bud

I meant the politician sign, in the non thumbnail size you can see the logo of PAN party
And yes and honestly I can see why you see us as poor border towns are awful as fuck

Why does America care so little about its southern Neighbours
We western Europeans invest a lot of money to lift southern and eastern Europeans to our level, to enable them to be prospereous and productive countries just as ourself
Meanwhile, It seems like America gives zero shit about the wellbeeing of latin America

Mexicans will be the majority in 2100.

So go live there.

>He fell for the American media memes

Because our southern neighbors aren't Americans.


That's more than double the population of some countries, you realize.


Are you an american in roachland?

They do give aid money, but most of it is for us to develop military shit to continue the war on drugs

What a beautifull bait

they are coming back and Chicanos are not our problem

Good shoop pekka

I usually like turkish people so I'm not gonna insult you by comparing you to insects and I'm not going to mention the fact that turkish people do the same on Europe.

The people who "scape" from Mexico are mostly uneducated highly indigenous people who have no skills that can help them live a good life over here. That's why they go to the US to be cheap labor. Also, I never said Mexico was great, it's kind of shitty but it's much better than other countries.

Btw, I'm gonna come visit you next year.

What the Mexibros are not showing you:

These guys all have internet so they're from the middle to upper class of Mexico. They're basically White. The cities they're posting are literally the best that country has to offer.

The rest of the country looks like this and worse. People have no clothes, live in filth and squalor, they speak a shit version of Spanish. It's shit and the country does nothing to help them. So the look right across the border and see this awesome place called NEW MEXICO and they just fucking leave to become the USA's problem.

Lel kill youself sharter

Enjoying yourself in America?

looks like a minecraft server with spawn protection kek

I agree with you, but every country has shitholes

>pic related

More average Mexicans.

Why when he can help move mexico here?

It may not look it from above but those people live comfortable lives in those homes. The same cannot be said for the mostly abandoned dump that is Mexico.


pretty sure they live on a continent called America

Why is every thread about Mexico so succesfull

Because we're a meme country like Poland

So that's how the border looks like? My God!

Trump will make it reality.

Feels good to have flying cars.

5k people are more than double the population of some countries
really makes you think

Only Chicanos care deeply about Mexico or are butthurt about it

Normal WASPs just think "That country with tequila and tacos"

>People have no clothes
Is this bait?

Yes and bad quality one

yfw Donald Trump is a Chicano

>tfw I literally live on an island in the middle of a city
>tfw everybody in my building is rich and white
>tfw rent is 3.2k/mo
>tfw there are often concerts from the Boston Philharmonic a 5min walk from me
>tfw I was walking back to my apartment after going to the liquor store and on the little bridge to the island there was a fat mexican literally, literally FISHING in the city river like a savage and had some radio next to him fucking blasting some mexican channel. I shit you not it was so loud even when I completely passed the bridge and was at the front door I could still hear the radio so well I could pick-apart individual words like 30 meters away from him.

Fucking annoying, why do you have to expose everybody around you to your shitty music like a faggot and ruin beautiful scenery by wearing a dirty white undershirt and fishing in a city for food.

Same reason US threads are so successful--plus Americans can be easily triggered by Mexico-related is an easy win for trolls.


>Playing dumb to pretend things are great
You know damn well what I mean.

I know the intention was to show us mexico isn't a complete shithole and I'll grant you that, but why is everyone in that picture so fucking fat?

Almost got me.

I do alot of math and now I think in meters. Also it makes it easier for the euros to understand.

Thats what good food does to people.

How is slav food even?

Must be pretty shit I imagine

Mexicans are extremely fat and short usually

Cuck little bitch

why must you always be like this

like what?

>faggots blasting their shitty polka/reggaeton music to ruin the place for everyone
This irritates me, even as what Sup Forums would call a CHI

>I do a lot of math and now I think in meters

>Sup Forums

We do have a obesity problem

Can Trump really build a wall along the whole southwest and florida?

Seems awfully expensive.

you're beig racist outside of /pol, come back

I don't go there

I'd live there. Looks comfy and romantic

before getting married a dated a mexican girl from zacatecas
thats all i know about mexico
oh and that i love the food but so does everyone else
she actually made me realise our cuisines have so much in common

>Seems awfully expensive.
for Mexico

Mexico is paying for it ;^)))

Heard there are shit tons of you guys down there.

I wonder why their arent a lot of muslims in mexico.

Maybe they are good at assimilating people or something.


There is no harm in trying.

The weird thing is that Mexicans aren't meant to be as fat as they are.

Yeah I guess so.

Well anyway I hope trump don't make it too elaborate. Don't want my taxes to hike up too much.

I'll miss south texas. Southern california not so much.


It will be that in future

>unironically being a scientist is cringe

Back to Sup Forums kiddo

What exactly classified someone as a Latino in the US?
Colombia has a population of over 100m and should be 2nd if we're talking about hispanics.

Where is this picture from? I hope its from some game because it looks sickkkkkkkkk

>Texas, Arizona, Georgia, South carolina, MISSISIPI! BLUE

Excuse me but what?

What kind of science, champ?

Being form latin america
And colombia has less than half that many people hue

>I think in meters now
>because I'm a scientist
>yeah, a lot of science take place in meters
This dude is the real deal. Good lord.


I don't recall there being plans for a wall around Florida's sea.

I'd live on the Mexican side tbch

Not around the sea.

Just below the pan handle.

South florida will pay for it

>he just doesn't know

>Sup Forums

You are a true fucking tool. That's all.

Oh my, I always thought Colombia had around 100m people. This is embarrassing.

Colombia has a population of little under 50 million, what the fuck are you talking about?

We are roughly on the same fucking range. Long commutes towards sedentary jobs, junk food that's cheaper and more convenient than any other choice, stress, loneliness. The reasons for obesisty in Mexico and the US arte not difficult to figure out.

Enjoy the shitty life kiddo. You'll be living it until the day you die unless you grow up and change it.

I like the idea of a sewer moat. It'll add as another barrier and the sewage will mask the smell of Mexicans.

Look at how clean and structured Haiti is. Isn't it so first world?

That beaner is cherry picking. This is the real Mexico

That's the presidential palace as opposed to a public square in a random smaller town, and praising Mexico wasn't even the point of my post. also see

That's as much the real Mexico as this is the real America.

As for a fucking sewer moat the US is turning rivers into sewers it is under both international treaty and US laws in the duty to mantain in a natural state, you've pretty much destroyed the Colorado and endangered an undersea environment on our side that's the equivalent of a rainforest. If anything you deserve a lot worse than you've gotten from Mexico.

People use normal measurements here the same reason they use English, so people can actually understand them

You don't use 'murrican measurements the same reason you don't randomly post in mandarin, people won't know what you're saying

What the fuck are you talking about? this is the real Haiti

Migration from Mexico is over, that's a fact. This whole fucking shit Americans are trying to start is just going to sink Mexico's ecionomy and re-start the migration cycle. And maybe that is just what the fuckers really want.