Mfw Google abuse all of us into datamining Street View in order to train their fucking I.A

> Mfw Google abuse all of us into datamining Street View in order to train their fucking I.A.

>google is using us to train a singing voice synthesizer

I remember last year when I used to identify patios and waffles... nowadays it's 100% just driving related stuff with a huge focus on just cars since 2018.

worth it when i can drive drunk to work


>pull up video with IA and ONE
>keep waiting for ONE's singing part
>never comes

I have found that if it tells you to click all signs and you click all cars instead it still works and vice versa.

Try it yourself

Unironically this, that's how this shit is gonna end. Mankind is fucked.


i remember something similar, i mean that image is a joke i guess? but i got fake rendered 3d scenario with a helicopter and a car, and basically was telling me to select the helicopter
>mfw we are training killer drones and air missiles

Oh shit, me too, I thought I was the only one, what the fuck

Cars, traffic signs and stores.

the best one I got would be this one

Unedited one ? Big if true.


its also used to find niggers and bikes and war related stuff



So did anybody leave yet? Or have most people resigned themselves to v2 captcha?

If anyone left they wouldn’t be here to tell you.

not many. most were already using v2 and did not even know that it was possible to use the old captcha.

How use old captcha? I don't see it in the settings

And apartment buildings

you don't. it used to be an option but it was removed a while ago.

Thinking that the captcha is actually for training Google's self-driving AI. That's cute.

I miss the days of trying to train google captcha to show nigger

i bet that these are related to google trying to find their lost bikes. i read some article about that a while ago.

What the fuck is "Ruta/Route" captcha? What i am supposed to select?

>tfw the v2 one click captcha grace period over and you are now always prompted to train the bots