Is technology making people more unhappy?

Is technology making people more unhappy?

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No, people make themselves unhappy. If the tech makes them unhappy they have the option not to use it.

Unless it's work related.

Tinder makes me very happy, im sure you can figure out why

varg says to live a more natural and simple life rather than a materialistic life were you fill an empty void with consumer goods

Lol who gives a shit what that murderous faggot says


Go back to your containment board Sup Forumstards.

the plan was to connect more people together, the result is that people prefer technology over other people because thanks to technology they see how shitty world is

>peoples are free
Are you a retard or just an american ?
We're forced to use technology.

>more unhappy
if only there was a word for such a thing.

But politics and technology are related, they both influence each others. Only a retard would not know that.

I don't know, technologies makes me happy

Shitty productivity never means happiness

I would literally kill myself after a few weeks without computers and modern infotech.
It gives my life meaning, for it's an endless source of knowledge and entertainment placed in a hand's reach.
I can see an argument for it being way too prevalent in the aspects of life where it's not yet mature enough to be used properly, but overall, tech, especially modern IT tech is an overwhelmingly good thing.

The idiots that only use Wikipedia, Google, social media, YouTube, and the newest IOT soy juicers are unhappy with technology. They're too dumb to know what they've got and how to use it while the rest of the world advances.

no one's stopping you from living in a jungle without any tech

Technology is ruining women and thus making men unhappy indirectly. Women use social media to get constantly high on male attention (and in some cases hookups) while their hypergamous instincts are completely fried by comparing themselves to celebrities instead of just the other women in their village. This is how modern women simultaneously have overinflated opinions of themselves and feel desperately inadequate. Kick the dumb cunts off the Internet and out of the voting booth, and all of society's problems resolve themselves within fifteen years.

Ted Kaczynski was right.

Yes. If you mean normies on facebook or Sup Forums.

your human psyche is.
do you think people are good at deciding what is best for them?

>Caring about 3D woman
Found your problem

>you will never be canadian, aussie, kiwi or scandi or a kraut


its an endless timesink, sucks you for your energy and productivity and makes you develop psuedo depression

Haha yes I'm sure happy watching my country be overrun with Invaders while my own prospects dwindle.

People were never happy.

varg is Sup Forums you ginormous cancerous faggot.

This is retarded tho, everything above Love/Belonging is unnecessary.

It's not technology per se, it's just that every retard is on the internet now so you encounter them more often.

Fascinating. Can we now not attempt to ruin perhaps the only worthwile board on this website?

You have an option if joining conservative parties and pushing controlled immigration as much as possible.
I recently turned down a job in Toronto, being a slav shit. Your country is alright, definitely better than mine, but I'm honest to God horrified by the prospect of millions of people who've never heard about secularism or magna Carta getting a majority vote in parliament.
I can deal with corruption and relatively poor living conditions, but I can't co-exist with people who don't share with me the very core principles of progressing through life.
Hope it will turn out okay, user.

tfw you make it to the top before you get sex and sexual intimacy

Not enough cum up their vadge is making women unhappy

Technology is just technology. People make themselves unhappy.

Machines are not the problem; lack of self-control is the problem.