What do these five countries have in common...

What do these five countries have in common? Answer--they were chickens who hid in a bunker (so to speak) during WWII and wouldn't help fight Hitler.

Justify your cowardliness, guys.

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We would aid the Germans on a small level unofficially tbf

They were secretly nazis

you were prob holding out just to see if the germs would take the uk and then hop in to get some land

wow... murrikans sure know about history

>Fight Hitler
Russia was the true shitpile. They murdered even more people.

Wasn't Ireland really dirt-ass poor back then?

We were a piss poor brand new country that needed to get it's shit sorted before hopping into a massive war we could never fight.
The Republic of Ireland was like 2 years old and a third world, going to war would be dumb.

Ireland was "neutral" but we had a gorillion Irish soldiers in the Army as we are reminded all the time, we only supported hitler on paper and even then we got bombed by the germans for sending fire engines and ambulances to Northern Ireland.
We were rooting for the west, we sympathized the german ambassador when Hitler died and the IRA was organizing a Nazi take over but that was it.
It was like how we condemned America for bombing the middle east yet we let those bombers refuel in shannon airport.

We made a bigger difference by not being occupied by Germany.

Ireland had no choice but neutrality because taking either side in the war was suicide.

We made alot of money selling iron to both sides

Yeah essentially what I was trying to say but secretly we supported the Allies.
Though I think even the Nazis had Irish people.


Portugal were poor as dirt and I thought generally pro-German.

germany was our ally in ww1 why should we attack them for no reason.

if you entente niggers didnt fuck our shit up we might've helped

>fascist greeks on the west
>Soviets also at the west,north and east
>Just out of a revolution
Yeah fuck that shit,İsmet paşa literally couldnt sleep at night because he was scared that hitlers diplomats would pay him a visit

Why would you want to fight Fuhrer senpai?

no shame

Well we got them after the war to be fair.

The Germans were the good guys. They killed Commies by the buttload.

Why did America side with Stalin?

That's like saying "Do I want a turd sandwich or a bowl of ear wax for dinner tonight".

You guys are dummies


they did what any reasonable people would do

if germany didn't invade we would be neutral as well (or the brits would invade us)

It clearly states that we joined the war at the end (we did it to join NATO btw)
Anyway, we paid our debt at the korean war

Didn't Turkey have massive population loss from WWI and the war of independence?

And you chose a turd with ear wax sprinkled over it.

>nazi germany


A huge chunk of the male population died.

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Ireland, though neutral, didn't stop it's people from joining foreign armies for the war. There were plenty of Irish on both sides.

hitler was right but allies were scary

The Irish government was pro-Allies although the IRA were pro-German.

>it's true

hitler was right

hitler did nothing wrong

>Belgian “““““““““culture”””””””””