/Islamic culture/


pick one.

rape isn't culture, ahmed

Here we go again...

Fucking great culture there.

What about this one?

You know exactly that these verses are only applied on war times if the kufar fight the muslims. But why should i waste my time explaining this all over and over and over again? You will call it taqqiya anyway, so i don't care.


ayy lmao


>only applied on war times
Yep. ISIS is on war time right now.
So they can interpret this like they want.
How convenient.

This is iddah. A grace period when the women would re marry again.

I like how the Coran is easily interpreted, depending on who actually reading it.

You mean "whitey butthurt general"?




You are the arabian nazis

Turkish nation and Atatürk did nothing wrong

An arabian dialect in Syria has to use the latin alphabet

kys pidor

I mean I'm not a fan of Islam but really at that time Christians were way worse than Muslims, at least when Saladdin got Jerusalem under Islamic rule again he let the Christians live and the Christians of Jerusalem had great respect for him and so did he, whereas the Crusaders killed every Muslim man woman child in sight with no mercy
Don't tell me that taxes are so oppressive to religious minorities and that killing and torturing and raping them is much more merciful

>Yep. ISIS is on war time right now.
95% of muslims are not living in a war ridden shithole, and their countries have very peaceful trade relationships with the rest of the world. Kufar is actually nicer than ever before, the only ones that think otherwise are conspiracy theory lunatics (ISIS etc). You can't interpret this in another way desu

When will the entire world unite against islamic (arab) menace and perform a global genocide of the goatfucking shiteating neanderthals?

Not to forget that taxes on non muslim is lower than taxes on able muslim

No it's higher, it depended a lot on the khalifs or sultans

Remind me again what muslims did to all the christian romans living in and around the mediterranean when mohammed the childfucker conquered and slaughtered. They must have had it good because the areas are still brimming with greco-roman culture.

Oh wait, they're not. Kill yourself.

OP is probably a muslim living in germany.