South China Sea

Why is it called South China Sea if it is not China's sea?

Why is it not called Vietnamese sea if it is actually belonging to Vietnam?

Explain this.

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>Why is it called South China Sea if it is not China's sea?
You havent trademarked it.

Because the sea is south of China. It wouldn't be fair on the Philippines if it was called the Vietnamese Sea as the two countries share it.

Should Indonesia own the sea around Australia?

name is defined by geography not ownership

No, they can't even stop the boats

Vietnam cannot stop Chinese boats, should they still own it?

Chinese boats have guns, refugee boats barely float.

Are you stupid?


Why are they called Malvinas Argentinas if they are not Argentine?

Why is it not called British Malvinas if is it actually belong to England?

Explain this.


this is start getting funnier than what i expected

I don't know, why is your mom called your mom when it's actually my dick in your mom

天 安 門 事 件

what about it?

We call that West Philippine Sea after we won against you.
Now clean my toilet, Chinaman.

You did not win though, only in a useless court, if you want it you will have to fight PLN for sea.

You really want to? We have treaties with US and Japan.
Allies with India, Australia, and blessings from UN.
Your puny military won't stand a chance if you insist on a war.
Also, clean my toilet nao, ming ming.









Lol, sure, UN and USA will help you, like they did in Ukraine against Russia, right? Or in Syria, when Assad "broke the red line" using chemical weapons right?





That's all very impressive but would you really use it against China?

Trump is telling American clients to go fuck themselves. He gets elected and American Empire is gone. Lmao.




Impressive, in deed.

I think I would enlist in the Coast Guard









holy shit didn't know you had so many F-15's


Most of it doesn't really have anything to do with the military. Half of it is basically police work. Inspections, drug interdiction. Then there's maintenance of navigational aids and saving dumbass private sailors who should know better than to sail in high sea states.

Sounds fun. But considering how well armed the cartels are it sure is a very dangerous job. Also Mariners always had the best uniforms.
You haven't posted charts about the National Guard btw

I'm not the user posting all the charts btw.

And Coast Guard vessels tend to be hilariously better armed than the cartels (anything above 100 tons will likely have at least a 25mm on it). Only death i'm aware of in the last few years is when a small CG response boat got rammed by some asshole smuggling marijuana of all things, and one of the sailors hit their head and died. Most of the time they just surrender the second the Coast Guard shows up, though there is one hilarious video of a cocaine smuggler's boat that got set on fire (don't know if they shot it with incendiarys or if something on the boat got hit and exploded).

FUCK OFF DUMBASS SHIT. well then Japanese must have several rights in Japan sea


pirates gonna argue with this logic but they are just pirates



Duterte doesnt think like this.

I dont think that Barack "Son of a Bitch" Obama will fight for you.

And Clinton soon will die of sickness, while Trump will return the US back to isolationism.

>reduced to tanker role

>is defeated by rain and needs hangar queen treatment per flight hour
>production line closed anyway

>old as shit and RCS like the broadside of a barn

>never ever

>crashes every single day

>ever being successful

pic related is the pinnacle of US military technology.

After insulting Obama in the summit Duterte won't be our President for long. Obama may not be popular in Sup Forums or Sup Forums but there's no reason to believe he won't insult Hillary or Donald later in the near future and get away with it.

I'd give him 2-3 years tops before he gets removed regime change style.

>japan is the most pacificst country where war is banned by the constitution
>pacific ocean isn't japan's ocean

but you were so close...

Kek lmao no
This is how much my country cares about your's.

In the meantime, the Philippines is still a powerless shithole colony.

coast guards are cunts. the only thing they ever do is hassle you if you have beer on the boat and count how many life jackets you have. they can fuck off

Came here to say fuck mainland china and all its stupid people.

America backs the most powerful race.

Honestly I would agree with you if you weren't using loopholes to just build islands there.
You're exploiting maritime law, and that's just unfair to the other countries bordering that sea.

You know that 95% of Taiwan Chinese are from the Mainland?

>You know that 95% of Hispanic Americans are from Mexico?

Are you even trying?

You do know that Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, and the Flips all have built islands as well?

It was actually Vietnam's island building in 2014, that sparked China's island building.

>If a dog is born in a horse stable, then it must be a horse

Apes can talk?!

>You know that 95% of Taiwan Chinese are from the Mainland?

Not even close to that number. And they identity as Taiwanese.

Except they're in their right to do whatever they want in their land.

China doesn't own shit there.

Can you, Ahmed?

I didn't know that...
Fucking idiots need to sit down and talk about their problems.
That or we just need to get some regulation on island building.

I Love Chinese dude :^)

>动态网自由门 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 1989.6.4 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 Free uyghur Free Tibet 六合彩

I believe Mainland is just called China. Vietnam, Laos, and Bangkok are in China "continent".
That's why it's called southeast China sea.

If we follow EEZ rules, China will at least own the Paracel Islands and part of the Spratleys.

Now, go back and drown in a pool of shit that you have a lot as seen during the Olympics.
Maybe you'll meet India there.

>their land.

But there was literally no land.

China is simply bringing the big guns to the table, and all the little nations are complaining about it.

Honestly hilarious.

Ever wonder why ASEAN can unify against China's actions?
Because if they did, they'd lose their own islands as well.

Wow it's almost like 30+ years have passed?

>but there was literally no land
american education

It doesn't justify their actions, though.
Now, go back and spread your ass for the shitskinned that you have a lot as seen during the year.
Maybe you'll meet Mohammed there.

I'm pretty sure Korean has stricter censorship laws than China

>It was actually Vietnam's island building in 2014, that sparked China's island building.

This is not quite true lol

It does justify their actions. And Taiwan's actions as well.
Both Chinas are doing exactly what the Philippines and Vietnamese were doing long before. Defending their claims.

Sorry, Ape. But your heroic stand for the 'little nations' while simultaniously fellating Taiwan/ROC is laughable, as both share the same 9 or 11 dash line and will defend it to the blood against the encroachment of the other asian countries who merely land-grabbed Chinese islands during the traditionally chinese power-vaccum after WWII.

How can one build an island that is already in existence?

It was the escalation of island building by Vietnam after China sailed the oil rig into the sea.

The blame lies on ASEAN and China.

t. No Porn

Here I may remind you of the shared ancestry and shared territorial claims of both Chinese Republics.

In terms of territorial disputes, China and Taiwan are one.

You got me there. I guess China Uncensored isn't as fair as I thought.

Here, even the non-mainlander Republic of China Airforce is sporting Japanese kill-marks for their successful intercepts of Japanese planes off the Diaoyutai/Diaoyudao Island.

Why is it called the People's Republic if it doesn't actually belong to the People? Explain this

Any sauce on this, Abdul?

I've never heard of the news of Japanese planes shot down by PRC/RoC airforce though.

Omar, your ignorance is showing.

Different definition. The Party argues that it acts in the interest of the masses by ruling over them with their authority and to steer the fortunes of the country for the people (as oppossed to an imperial dynasty, which only rules for the sake of the glory of the dynasty itself).

Ofc it sounds counter-intuitive and cheap for us westerners, but if your ruling party has 80 million members and your economy grew to the world's 2nd place in mere three decades, while your power and prosperity grew hundredfold, there is some legitimation for the Party's claim of being the vanguard to the people's interests.

Intercepts arent necessarily shootdowns.

Lately, two of your F-15Js faced off PLAAF Flankers. After some mock-combat maneuvers, the F-15Js dropped flares and disengaged from China's ADIZ. Noone was hurt, but this would be a reason for a tally mark for a peacetime airforce.

Again, where's the source?

Everything you're giving us have other more plausible explanations everywhere


Honestly the whole thing is pretty stupid. Why does anyone have to 'own' it. Are you really prepared to kill someone over some fucking water?

What do you want?

>Noone was hurt, but this would be a reason for a tally mark for a peacetime airforce.



Countries will never cease to amaze you with how ridiculous they are prepared to be.

Fuck off you Schlitzauge