
Slovene edition

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How is right: Slovenia or Slovakia?

What s the difference?

Здpaвcтвyйтe, я — cлoвeнcкий pycoфoб, живyщий в eбyчeй Cвинocoбaки yжe 8 лeт.

Я нeнaвидeл pyccких cвинeй eщe дo тoгo, кaк этo cтaлo мeйнcтpимoм. И я имeю нa этo пpaвo, тaк cлoжилocь иcтopичecки. Пoтoмy чтo pyccкиe cвиньи никoгдa нe дaвaли пoкoя мoeй poднoй Cлoвeнии и пocтoяннo oни нacтyпaли cвoим кopявым кoпытoм нa мoю зeмлю. O кaкoй иcкoннo cлaвянcкoй и "бpaтcкoй" Cлoвeнии пpeдки нeдoчeлoвeкoв и кoзoeбoв гoвopят? Кaкoe вooбщe пpaвo cвинocoбaки имeют нa этo? Чтo pyccкиe cвиньи пoтepяли в Cлoвeнии? Зaчeм oни cюдa eдyт? A ничeгo. Пpocтo pyccким cвиньям мaлo чeлoвeчecкoй кpoви, oни жaждyт eщe и eщe, чтoбы yпитьcя eй вcлacть и зaхлeбнyтьcя нaхyй. Cвинocoбaкaм нe хвaтaeт нeвъeбичecки oгpoмнoй тeppитopии нa пoлкoнтинeнтa, пoэтoмy oтнocитeльнo нeдaвнo нeмытыe вшивыe pyccкиe твapи пpидyмaли "Cлaвянcкий coюз", c цeлью aннeкcии тeppитopий cлaвянcких гocyдapcтв и пocлeдyющeгo их зacиpaния cвoим pyccким миpoм. И дaжe пocлe pacпaдa Ублюдии нa мeлкиe pecпyблики я пo-пpeжнeмy бyдy плeвaтьcя и чиcтить зyбы, кoгдa cлyчaйнo пpoизнecy cлoвo "pyccкиe". И этo cпpaвeдливo.

>anglo flags
>little uk stamp and their huge own background

>slav flags
>little their own stamp and huge russian background

what does Kravate mean? Cows?

you are smart boy

where all da slav niggers?

Tie nigger

Hey Tijs whats up in Holland?

Privet, everyone is still sleeping.


Hi shart in da Mart

a ti chyo ne spish?

about to go to the doctor to show him my Russian 15cm
Want to get circumcised

>being circumcised is now required by Sharia law in Germany


>Want to get circumcised
Why the fuck would you want such a thing?

Apparently wanks feel better.
I honestly wouldn't mind to be circumcised as well, but I'm too shy to do it.

Foreskin hurts sometimes after pumping to hard
Looks better too


slavs are masterrace

But it becomes less sensitive with time and wanking is actually harder since you can't just wank using foreskin, you have to actually use lube and move your hand against exposed glands, as I imagine it of course.
Something wrong with your foreskin then.
>Looks better too
The jews won.

t. Gypsie Bulgar

etymologically nothing but physically one is part of hungary and the other is part of hungary

Thijs m8.

Smoking week every day

Jebeni hdz je opet pobjedio...ja ne vjerujem

>Smoking week every day
It's time to have a breake))


It truly is pathetic how a bunch of people far removed from culture cling to what little bits of the Old world culture they still remember, even though the result is a butchered, plastic, dead product that does not have much to do with actual culture; the American has managed to take a living thing that is culture and turned it into a cold, dead commodity to flaunt around as if it bore and importance at hand. As the white American (this is yet another meme, for only an American would care about race as there is no way for him to even start talking about ethnicity; a non-existant fact in the USA) puts this abomination on a golden throne to showcase as a form of quasi-identity, he notices not how he is just as pathetic in this regard to the negro whose past is unknown and has therefore created his own myths.

All in all, the American complex is a sad twist of claiming superiority and yet clinging to the little bits of culture that had been twisted into something alien to the European observer. A country of no nation, no ethnicity, no culture, no history and no language, the United States of America are the prime example of the decay of the West; a truly gruesome picture that should alert any and all on-lookers.

Impressive, which Anglo did you borrow this one off of, Slovakia?

Modern Slovenian belongs to the South Slavic clade according to the traditional classification of Slavic languages. However, significant linguistic similarities between Slovenian and West Slavic lects have been observed earlier in number of studies. See, for example, on specific ties between Slovenian and West Slavic (e.g., Slovak) or even on support of the mixed South/West origin of Slovenian. Likewise, the Slovenian (Ljubljana koine and literary Slovenian) wordlist, available in our study, possesses a substantial number of both South Slavic and West Slavic lexical matches. Such a mix introduces enough incompatible characters into the input matrix to make the calculation of robust trees impossible. Due to this reason we have deliberately excluded Modern Slovenian from the current analysis. We suggest that one of the possible scenarios is that Slovenian is historically a West Slavic language being influenced by neighboring Serbo-Croatian during the last millennium. To demonstrate specific ties between Slovenian and South Slavic, on the one hand, and West Slavic, on the other, we calculated a set of NeighborNet phylogenetic networks of Balto-Slavic languages with the use of SplitsTree4 software from the binary matrix described above; the non-parametric bootstrap test was performed with 10 000 pseudoreplicates in each case. Two additional taxa were introduced into the original dataset: Slovenian and Modern Demotic Greek, the latter as an outgroup for the Germanic-Balto-Slavic clade.

Incorporation of Slovenian into network analysis reveals following: Slovenian appears to be an independent branch of Slavic languages which is nearly equally close to West and South Slavic, but distant from East Slavic, thus supporting the putative mixed nature of Modern Slovenian. Further lexicostatistical investigation of Slovenian dialects, such as in progress in the GLD project, are needed to elucidate the place of Slovenian among Slavic languages.

do slavs like ireland?

some do

It's all right

I do, you are poor potato-loving alcoholics who were fucked by eternal anglo, just like us.

Eh, only problem with your language is that you all sound like massive fags to the rest of Slavs. Not even our capital's faggy accent can rival yours.

Kuga s mә glih kәr reku, ti kurba mәjhna? Jest tә puvem, de sәm zvežban holcar pa de sәm biu že doskat zravәn, k sej kramper pubirou; saj 300 gajb ga mam že nabranga. Drva znam cepәt z eno roko, traktor uhkә pa u miže furam. Tuko tem žvajznu, de teu du Buhina pa nazaj udnesvә, vrjem mә. K to pišem, že brusәm skiro pa vežem štrәk. Mrtu s ti, toja držina, usә toj prjatlә, pa še ceu toj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Ščijem pu grobovәh tojga roda, ungavәm tә use babe u držin pa use drva tәm ud bajte udnesu. Suvata nәjt u cvet pride pa mlek nәj set skisa. Ti nis nәč u primerjau z mano. Upam, de vәm vәs pәrdelk preč pride, pa usa žvina crkne. Dep te kura bәcniva pa pәs puscau. Vem ke žviš pa vem, ke mate kluče ud bajte skrite. Merkej se, k bom zj hmau pršu. Frderbou tem preh, kokr uhkә Očenәš zmolәš.

Ki s ti men lihkar djal, ti kurba mičkena?
Lah t pawim de sn jest ta bulš laufar mpa sn biu kajtkrat tatierjest na laufarij; usaj 300 mulceu sn že namužgau.
Jest lah tavejč bot z ana raka držim, maje liskawa palca je pa tabel wašpičena wad useh U Cierknam. Z nuo tem tuk flisknu deuš har na Purzn letu.
Ka tu pišem, te ta druhi že ješeje, deuš wideu.

See? I have no idea what you just said.

But just in case - go fuck yourself.

Find me any Slavic language that sounds as manly as Upper Carniolan, you nincompoop. You mistake a language sounding "gay" for a language not sounding like caveman speak.

>You mistake a language sounding "gay" for a language not sounding like caveman speak.

Well, yes. Comparatively.


gud mornenk slaviki

Congratulations on the holiday!

Is this the Navy SEALs pasta in slovakian?

No, typical "gay" sounding - Czech.

West Slavic languages sound less gay and more goofy.


dla prawdziwych słowian Asuka > Rei



в лecy, aнoнчик

лecy тeниcтoм

Hy чтo ж, paз пpaздник - нaдo нaкaтить.

Well, to be honest, you'd know about gay speech.

i'm pretty proud of my country desu

Strange, I thought Netherlands or Sweden were supposed to be gay heaven, not UK



>Monaco 10%
Do they like have one gay in their country who they all spit on once a month or what?

Monaco is full of rich people so there are probably more faggots but they fuck each other in secret and act like normal people in public.

Sounds like Russia tbqh

Translate it to literary language, please

post post punk and comfy music in your language pls

>tok je njegov sin peder

I actually did that before

Kaj si mi ravnokar rekel, ti kurba majhna? Jaz ti povem, da sem natreniran gozdar in da sem bil že velikokrat zraven, ko se je pobiral krompir; vsaj 300 gajb ga imam že nabranega. Drva znam cepiti z eno roko, traktor lahko pa vozim miže. Tako te bom udaril, da te bo odneslo do Bohinja in nazaj, verjemi mi. Ko to pišem, že brusim sekiro in vežem vrv. Mrtev si ti, tvoja družina, vsi tvoji prijatelji, pa še cel tvoj rod za sto generacij nazaj. Uriniram po grobovih tvojega rodu, občujem z vsemi ženskami v tvoji družini, poleg tega pa ti bom od hiše odnesel vsa drva. Solata naj ti gre v cvet in naj se ti mleko skisa. Ti nisi nič v primerjavi z mano. Upam, da vam ves pridelek odmre in vsa živina pogine. Naj te koklja brcne in pes polula. Vem, kje živiš in vem, kje imate skrite ključe od hiše. Pazi se, ker bom kmalu prišel. Ubil te bom prej, kakor boš lahko zmolil Očenaš.

Same here, except if one affair says anything, it's that our politicians and other rich faggots are into bestiality.



nu ssuka yndergraynd post pynk davaj


post punk

comfy music

Circumcision removes the main pleasure zones of the penis and straitjackets the rest of penis in the remaining skin (more so if they did it tightly). How could it possibly be better?

The foreskin is basically a built in vagina on your penis.

>wanting a built in pussy on your dick
lmao fag

i remember someone posted daleka obala, do you know anything similar in slovenski?

t. Šmuel Goldberšek

>built in vagina
Not in sense of sensitivity.

Never heard of them before but here's some Slovene music popular in 90s and 00s.


>moj obraz




Wtf I love Montenegro now

Are you ready for юpoвизиoн lads

>Are you ready for юpoвизиoн lads

Eurovision ? Didn't that shit end ?

that's a terrible song; here's some better Slovenian postpunk


>terrible song
ueu tip

Otroci socializma so kar v redu čsi

Pa še malo ne-punk novega vala:


Take your pick Belarus bro




>ziveo stalin
i'm not listening to this

lmao, why not ?

Either way here's something not politics related


Hey pussies

What's the easiest slavic language?

hi cute czech girl

Russian. I speak it quite well.

Bulgarian probs

>Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

1Cor 13:1

I wouldn't mind a cute Slovene gf tbqh
I'd make her West Slavic again if you catch my drift


Are there any Slovaks here?

Slovenia is nice country

not polish.

>Are there any Slovaks here?
Do they sell them in Finland or have you been visiting?

How can one reply both to the wrong post and to the wrong flag.