ITT: We replace the races of the world with animals

I'll start:

>Caucasians (Incl Scandanavians, Slavs and Romance peoples)
Wolves, foxes, bears and rabbits

>Central Asians
Goats, sheep, pigs horses

>East Asians
Panda bears, Tigers, and cranes

>Indian subcontinent
Rats, tigers and cantaloupe

>Arabs/Persians and Turksish
Jackals man....

>Sub saharan Africans
Hyenas, Gorillas and lions

>South East Asian (excluding Chinese and Indian)
Lizards and orangutan

>Native North American (extinct)
Moose, Bison and raccoons

>Native South American (extinct)
Jaguar, Bats and Llama

Mix of native south american and caucasian

>Native Oceania

>not platypus
You have so many unique animals and even the abos themselves are a unique phenotype but you went with a European invasive species?

I thought boars came from South America or somehting

American natives aren't 100% extinct yet...;-;

In the grand scheme of everything, they pretty much are

>>Native South American (extinct)
Looks like our kiwi friend here has never been to Bolivia or Paraguay

turkish is not race you subhuman double digit iq

Native South Americans aren't extinct and mulatos are mostly african/caucasian mixes, 'mestiço" is used for native mixes.

Also I should have mentioned that this thread is pure senseless autism.

>Stupid mullato can't take that bants that he's a Portugese rape baby

k. I'll just lump you in with Arabs then. Sure that's what you want

haven't. whoops

Nah pigs turn into board in the wild. We actually have a problem in the US. You can basically kill as many boars as you want because they're an invasive species.


I also find it funny that in Australia Kangaroo are a nuisance and people grind them up to eat/sell as pet food

Add at least 5 more countries there

Japanese made this map in 1914.

Why did they ignore Africa, make russia look like a pothead and wtf is Japan? A swordfish or something?

>>Caucasians (Incl Scandanavians, Slavs and Romance peoples)
White dogs

>>Central Asians
Bactrian camels, horses

>>East Asians

>>Indian subcontinent

>>Arabs/Persians and Turksish

>>Sub saharan Africans
Zebras, Rhinos

>>South East Asian (excluding Chinese and Indian)
Tropical birds

>>Native North American (extinct)

>>Native South American (extinct)

Mix of native south american and caucasian

>>Native Oceania

So what happens with Mexicans on this scenario? The country is mestizo not mulatto


africa looks like some sewn up leather, maybe it means that the western powers colonized (hunted) the africans for their own use (animal skin/fur used for clothing).

How about this?

Why no Ethiopia though?
They were Kangz (Literally) back then.

I know


The beauty is we have over 60 ethnicities on just the native American side

they wuz kangz because the ruskis helped them
they wuz constantly threatened by spaghetti niggers because the emprah niggered out on some agreement.

Then the invading Italian armies refused to help each other leading to the Ethiopians zerg rushing one of them.

It's in 1914. Think the political situation of the world "for Japan" in the era.

I know mullato's offensive so I'm just gonna switch it to mestizo

>Aborigines and platypi
Those are mainland Australian, not Oceanian.

They are two different things you retardumb.

It's not a matter of the term being specifically offensive, but of it not referring to what you're describing. A mulatto is a half-breed of Negro and White, whereas a mestizo is a half-breed of native and White.

i cant make out what sweden, denmark, norway and western sweden is supposed to be?

Umm, no.

k. new info

Rats, cockroaches, fleas

>Japan see
>Mediterranean sen

Jackals? Wtf

made by a fucking 12 year old stormfag, fuck off turkroach

Jackals are qt
