
/runt/ edition

Other urls found in this thread:


ah yes, the so-called "new thread"

ah yes



Finally I can start making the quality posts I'm known for around these parts

korean pop


let us pray

where did you get this picture of my dad?


Whatever happened to Veronica Zemanova?

do asians and nonces know how to fight?

going to goto the local anime club and heem the fuck out of all of them

I have a yellow belt in Tae-Kwon-Do, fuckheads. You don't know who you're messing with, I could kill everyone in this thread without breaking a sweat

wow hot

yea? janny? gonna fucking ban me for posting this thread? fucking do it cunt i fucking DARE you

not a fan

you've poked the bear


I think I'm shadowbanned and really need just one single (You) right now

>Ah yes, I enjoy listening to the nu-metal band known as 'Death Grips'

*continues scrolling down*

She became a devout Christian

me in the blue shirt

not a fan of beggars tbqh

>tfw unironically listening to Yung Lean
I ignored him for the longest time because I thought it was a joke, but his production is actually amazing.


congratulations, you're now also a joke

Doing a cheeky listen to some Duran Duran lads.

wow rude much?






omg thought the same thing about vape wave too hehe xD

*taps you on the shoulder*

*bans you*

nothing personal kid xx

>tfw unironically listening to Yung Lean

Doing "go out in public" prep
People don't appreciate what I do for them

she probably did a real stinker haha
wonder what it smells like haha

> when mum leaves the bathroom fan running

fr*cking b*tch

haha h-hey x

>grandmother has a black belt in Taekwondo

Bit mental to think I'd get utterly pummelled by a 70 year old


nah she always does it after showers too

This guy tells British fairy tales on Russian TV channel for kids.

>Its not shit if its Ironic

Ah yes

My neck, my back, my thorax and venom sac

*hears the runts clamouring noisily and shouting over each other*

Odduh, odduh! Odduh oddah oddah oddah odduh! ODDUH! ODDAH! ORDAH!

Please! Odduh. Calm yourselves. Odduh. Let the Right Honourable Gentleman FINISH his sentence!

>British fairy tales
such as?

Got absolutely no sex drive lads

Gf literally texts me "I'm really in the mood for some intense fucking" and I just ignore her

Kill me

Business idea: do a jig to the law and order theme song

no need, i'll just take your place mate


vid of me and the lads, rate

Have you arranged for a bull to come satisfy her?

>brexit won't happen

dont care

feeling bad for courage the cowardly dog lads

he deserves better

I'd like to order two kebabs please

texts like this dont make me aroused too theyre just a bunch of letters in a box it doesnt make me aroused

Getting the daily Alexander Jahans in lads


I imagine thats what janny looks like

listening to an absolute B A N G E R

the gf

Are you particularly a nice guy? I.e. you always seem way too nice and down to earth? When we let things slide it gets into our subconscious and after time all that rage comes out from your subconscious and you'll lash out at anyone even though it wasn't them that made you angry, it's just the built up emotion in your subconscious

he's good la'


Absolute choon

link lad

Fuck you all

Check out Bones and Xavier Wulf they are the same style:




Thank u skeletal

bit too fat

Not really. I'm really laid back and rather bland

>be grimes
>make ultra patrician music
>become mainstream
>doesn't focus on the music anymore
>makes the music about herself
>calls her old fans hipsters

this is why females are fucking bints, give them any attention and they start thinking they're the dogs bollocks. It's the reason why they're so hard to approach in clubs. Girls my level are approached by model chads which makes me then go to munters, and then they won't look at other munters because of it.


link her pussy vid

We are all just jungle monkeys

tears those literal mongs listening to cloud rap

what do i get in return

See exactly you're laid back you let things slide. This slips into your subconscious, whether you are aware of it or not

bit bored

at least its friday tomorrow

what does a british accent sound like in russian

>he's good la'


>Absolute choon

Ah yes lad, you are indeed very average

Me in the top left corner

Yeah TGIF tomorrow

it's like it's literally 2013 in this thread

>order laptop from Dell last week
>says will be shipped within 1-3 working days when I buy it
>money goes through, order is confirmed
>estimated delivery 3rd of October
>need laptop within the next week or two, as expected when I bought it
>cancel order
>takes all weekend for the cancellation to be confirmed
>wont have the money back until the end of the week
>can't buy a laptop in the meantime cos no money
>wont have a laptop when I need it

Feel like I need to get Dom involved lads

someone called me a nigger in the mart

Art never gets old

did you shart on them

Can barely keep my eyes open

Britain is a world economy

Oh fuck off, you stupid fucking cunt.

Called someone a Nigger in the Mart

Acceptable: music I enjoy

Unacceptable: "music" you "enjoy"

You have to admit his beats are actually good though

It's only good for when you are tripping or on some depressants. How much xanax do you get prescribed a day?

took a shart in the mart while some nigger watched

nice choice la'

his older stuff will always be better, so raw, so bitter.


one his better new tunes

someone called me a fatass at greggs

Thread full of base animals

why ignore the main point of the post?

People see through Grimes' bullshit but anyone who does is now branded a hipster by her.