r8 my nose
R8 my nose
install gentoo/10
This isn't /soc/ you retarded faggot.
Nice posture, pussy
In the oven you go
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
thank you
Don't be racist
Enjoy the perma ban this type of langauge isnt tolerated
>blacking out tattoos
>having tattoos in the first place
>having tattoos on your enxk
>more pimples
>blacking out eyes, leaving everything else showing, achieving... what?
>posting rateme threads on Sup Forums
Wash your face, and delete this thread.
That is "neck" in my local dialect, known as Typoese English.
Those arent tattoos retard they are identifiable freckles. why would i tat my ear
Seriously, stop being such a fucking nigger. KYS
You must be fun at parties.
A retard that would tat their ear, would be a retard that would post a /r/rateme on Sup Forums.
Oy vey who could be behind this post?
>they are identifiable freckles
We can see the entirety of your face, you imbecile.
>why would i tat my ear
I thought you had on an identifiable earring, like many dumb people do.
bro bila nk update logicalincrements
Nigger faggot!
I think you misread the rules - they clearly state that *being* a nigger here is not allowed; saying "nigger" is only encouraged
Baru habis interviewing calon-calon harini, bro.
Will get on it ASAP.
>Encik Will, sila naik SMOKE.
Die you stupid nigger.