>mfw fell for the arch loonix meme
>mfw wifi randomly disconnects every 20 mins
Mfw fell for the arch loonix meme
install debian
Try wicd.
>doesn't understand how to get specific drivers for his wifi card
>decides that Arch linux is clearly a logical choice of distro because he wants to fit in with the ricing weeb crew
I am very very surprised OP
but it's not simple as that
OP I hope this is a troll
>buys hardware from a shit manufacturer
>complains it doesn't work
You have only yourself to blame op
Change your settings, so your network interfaces remain unpredicted.
thats arch for you
>buys hardware
>complains it doesn't work
he has every right to. honestly it's a disgrace to see that Loonux hasn't figured out how to make wifi work after all this time.
>manufacurer doesn't provide any support whatsoever
>some guy reverse engineers the wifi card driver
>builds a free alternative with his knowledge
>it has some issues
>this is the operating systems kernel fault
excuses, excuses. Microsoft can figure this shit out no problem.
>some manufacturer for specialized hardware decides to not make a Microsoft compatible driver
>microsoft spends exactly 0 hours of work to make one
So this is the power of proprietary shit
Install Gentoo.
This is funny cuz its true
>every 20 minutes
just write a cronjob that reconnects every 20 minutes
Install Solus
>mfw I just use kubuntu
it just werks
Mayve your router doesn't support the power save setting.
I have previously turned power save off and that solved it for me.
you have to be over 18 to post here
Uninstall systemd and it should get more stable.
wicd is shit. I switched to network-manager and I have insta connections and no delay between connection and IP assignment. wicd messed a lot with my fstab and smb drives
Happened to me on windows. Just install an OS that isn't shit and you'll be fine.
Install Gentoo.
>no face