High Refresh Rate E-Ink Monitors When?

They're so beautiful!
When will they be fast?

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>still need external light to read


is that just a piece of paper between 2 pieces of glass?

No, it's a computer monitor

>what is backlight

That's what makes them a pleasure to read instead of giving you eye cancer.



>light gives you eye cancer
say hello to cancer
you already have been exposed to it
like 99% of the time being conscious

never ?

What's a computer?

how easy is it to get PDFs of manga or something for free on a first generation amazon kindle?

>shining a light directly into your eye is the same as reflections

Yeah, it's one of its strengths. It's not meant to replace backlit monitors, just give you an alternative to them.

It would have to be a completely different technology to be fast. E Ink is physically flipping bits every time it changes colors, rather than voltage levels. That's why they're slow and only last a few years.

>High Refresh Rate E-Ink Monitors When

Never with the way they currently work.

>only last a few years

? I've been using one of the cheap Amazon ones for like 6 years now and it's still going fine. It's gotten tons of usage.

If you have manga in image formats you can use kcc to convert to ebook format, works decently well.

High refresh rate would be nice, but that's not the point of e-ink.
The biggest benefit is they use no power while the image isn't moving, so you don't want the image moving all the time.

You could make them work like gsync or freesync but instead of having a minimum refresh rate, it would not be refreshing at all until the computer behind it sends a frame. Although, I potential problem I see here would be the latency.

Kinda like the monitor version of a PS/2 keeb?

Holy shit this exists? I've had a scrambled thought about monitors that print for years and never bothered to see if it had already been invented

It's essentially a monitor that is designed to look exactly like paper, so it's more comfy on your eyeballs.

>E-Ink Monitors When
Maybe in 50 years when all the millions of patents expire.

Eh and I bought one of them last year for 5€ on a local auction site

tell me user, what ARE the difference?
It is still light waves
>Yeah, it's one of its strengths. It's not meant to replace backlit monitors, just give you an alternative to them.
feels like someone telling me
>getting a car without headlights, its one of its strengths, now you can use a flashlight to light up the way. hey, its an alternative to a car with headlights.

>tell me user, what ARE the difference?
the spectrum, mostly. literally all LED displays use blue LED backlight and are cancerous shit (even if they use fluorescent layers). on the other hand, when your display is "passive" and only natural or artificial light is reflecting from it, it's much more easier on the eyes.

my tablet and laptop has LED backlights and I can't read shit on them without my eyes getting red and veiny so I still use my 8 years old samsung monitor that has the good old CCFL backlight

>What are the differences

Light intensity, you flaming sack of retard

>retard who cant adjust brightness

literally what.

Try reading in a bright area with a normal screen wiht low brightness.

you can't

Now try the same with e-ink

wow, it's like I'm reading a book

This is a thing?
I'd replace all my monitors with this in a heartbeat. Even with blue light filters screens give me the worst migraines.
What's the catch?

They cost thousands of dollars and you can't really buy them anywhere

They're expensive, is the catch.

>1200 usd
What if you just bought enough advil to kill a man with that?

Isn't the patent that Amazon has on them going to expire soon?

When it does you'll see a lot more progress in the technology.

People been saying this for 2 years. The eink patents expired in 2015 and 2016.


E-ink makes me hard.

e-ink expires this year, supposedly.

>Even with blue light filters screens give me the worst migraines.
Get an amber monitor then.

I need this in my life. My eyeballs are so tired and frazzled.

E-Ink phones when?

I don't care about color or refresh rate, but I am interested in a 13" eink display

6 years ago.

Reminder that color e-ink displays are supposed to be commercialized this year.

Sure, that's what they say every year at the conferences.

How would that even work? RGB eink "pixels" next to each other? Or something else? I'm having a hard time believing that a red and green bubble would seem yellow.

Last year. I have blue bubbles, root via a jailbreak, a headphone jack and e ink display. Dont have a clue what planet some you Sup Forumsuys are on

how much does that shit cost?

There's a layer of color filters over the e-ink bubbles.

ends up looking kind of faded but there's no mistaking yellow for green.

I'd buy a few to put my trading charts.
Add sum Muji furniture shit would be comfy af.

can't play videos or do anything that requires more than one frame at a time

$150 usd

just use f.lux or something, dummy.

What is the use-case for an e-ink monitor?

comfy eyeballs ^.^