I need help from fellows Windows-fags. I've used Linux for ages...

I need help from fellows Windows-fags. I've used Linux for ages, so when it comes to programming I'm used to tools like gcc, vi, ksh, autotools, that kind of "standard" nix development environment. Now, I have to switch to Windows 8.1 for work, and I really can't figure out how how to do basic things, like getting libraries, installing the programs i need. Do I need to get Cygwin? Any hint on how to configure it? What about MSYS? I know Windows 10 has that Windows Subsystem for Linux, but for obvious reasons (muh privacy) I don't want to upgrade. I already have a Debian VM in Hyper-V, so I'm looking for the "native" way to do shit

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my condolences bro

Use w10 and use the linux subsystem. "Muh privacy" is not an argument, all windows systems after 2000 are botnets. Disconnect it from the internet once you've set everything up.
And why the hell do you need to use windows anyway?

It's an exercise in futility. What's wrong with using a VM? Does your processor support hardware accelerated virtualization? Can you dual-boot?

Proprietary software. I can't use it disconnected from the Internet full-time, as the goal of all this is making Windows my daily driver without regretting the choice too much
I have virtualization extensions, and it's working pretty well for now, the only issue is that I don't have much RAM installed (6 GB, all slots occupied) and of course the VM hogs all the assigned memory. Also performance may be worse than native execution, not to mention that I have text/color rendering issues with most terminal emulators (Putty/Kitty/Mintty). It may be good enough but it's far from perfect

Most Open Sores programs are ported to Windows.

Set up X11 forwarding and vcxsrv, use xfce4-panel or similar to launch your usual programs.

Get used to windows toolchain or get compatible programs or run a linux subsystem

Don't harm yourself this bad. You had everything and now you have nothing.

I tried getting SDL to work with Visual Studio once around 10 years ago; it was an exercise in crappy GUIs and I never got it to work in the end. If I need to compile something for Windows these days, I just use the mingw cross-compiler on Linux.

WTF are you talking about?

Windows is all GUI based, when in rome, do as the Romans do. Use Notepad ++ and apply the KISS principal.

>where are my libraries
ok if you are installing a program to windows, and need libraries for it, google for the library and an MSI installer for it.

In regards to debian in VM, just ssh into it via the program PUTTY and it will contain all the native debian elements...it is a full fledged machine.

>need libraries and programs in windows
>have debian
Separate out your problems; what are you trying to solve?

The Debian VM isn't part of the problem, I've pointed it out just to avoid replies like "oh just run a Linux VM". It's my workaround to this situation and it's already working at its best.
As for the library thing, I was just wondering if I'm just supposed to google what I need, download it and copy it somewhere on my hard drive or if there's a proper way to install things. The post could have been clearer, I know

Dunno. I've just been using MinGW.
I've barely figured out how to link libraries, though.

Heard good things about Pelles C.

First: you cant escape the botnet, so just work like every other developer in the world that uses windows
If you still need to use internet, keep the machine on another network

Visual Studio + Nuget packaging and/or external dll libs by adding references in projects. Everything else (like build - msbuld, intellosense) is prepared with GUI n shit in VS.

Get cmder. Enjoy.

Thank you, I didn't know about that, it's exactly what I was looking for. I will try to get used to Visual Studio
I also tried Vcxsrv with my Debian VM and it's quite nice to have my i3wm desktop with near-native responsiveness, though I think I'll ditch it at some point. Cmder seems to be way better than Mintty with SSH, so that's another great discovery

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I've used Cygwin before. It's not bad.

There's some good stuff here too:

Actual not whiny "windows is a botnet" answer: Use windows 10 LTSB (and never ever the default windows 10 ISO with cortana, telemetry, sending screenshots of your desktop to MS and a hefty dose of actual botnet), turn all telemetry off during install, I think there's a few servers you can block externally too if you're as noided as these autists. If you want an ISO, guide and info, I can give you a rebbit link.

Install Cygwin or the official linux subsystem if you need that, cygwin at least configures exactly like you'd fucking expect being that basically everything you'll install in it works practically the same as on linux with a few exceptions (ln not creating hard links except on NTFS, stuff like that). it's effectively a port of GNU. It sets up in a folder that acts as your standard root mount, and /cygdrive (which you can symlink to /mnt/ if you want, I sure do that first thing, every time) contains all your windows drives by letter. still has the standard /etc, /home, etc. and you still configure its environment through stuff like that. It's pretty easy, especially with a linux background. The setup.exe you download to install it also acts as your package manager (and unfortunately it kinda sucks, so go look for apt-cyg which is a slight improvement)

You can also install MinTTY through it, if you want a real terminal emulator, pic related

Installing VS is easy, and as someone said, it basically does everything you need in its IDE. You can add its compiler binaries to your PATH and shit, if you want, as well and that does work. You can, from memory, build projects from a single source file and stuff like that as well, it's more flexible than you'd expect

yall fucking retarded

op, use msys2 + mingw

MSYS2 gives you a modern tool chain and pacman.


I honestly have no idea how the fuck the "Gahnoo/Linux is harder than Windows" or "Windows is better than Gahnoo/Linux for professionals" came into existence.

Literally EVERYONE who does some actual work with computers KNOWS the *nix environment is simply superior for development, system administration, pentesting and networking. Anyone who denies this is delusional. The sheer amount of tools available, the consistency in their interface and how easy it is to compose them is simply not comparable.
Windows being better at this is a big, fat disgusting lie by which Microsoft desperately clings onto normies.

Windows being a botnet is the least concern.
The problem is that it is objectively shit to program in, botnet or not.

it's literally the same as programming in any other OS if you set your tools up correctly, which also goes for every other OS, you fucking retarded autistic manchild

No it's not. Every single tool/extension/library does whatever the fuck it wants, integration is a complete mess. You clearly have never had actual work to do with computers.

Windows being bad for programming is an old meme. I've been using it for a while for some specific driver reason and it's alright now. Not as powerful as *nix, but still decent.

Visual Studio / Code or Jetbrains stuff + a terminal emulator is what OP is looking for.

apparently vcpkg is the new hotness you're suppose to use but i haven't tried it

All Windows are closed-source, ergo botnet, so it doesn't matter which you run, so if you're required to run Windows, you may as well get one with WSL. Both OpenSUSE and Ubuntu are available for WSL right now, I prefer the former.

their idea of "professionals" is menial office drones that solely do data entry and word processing

>muh privacy
they all spy on you, it makes no difference which windows you are on. if you want linux programs then use windows 10