Is today a bad day to buy a new computer?

Is today a bad day to buy a new computer?

Better than yesterday but worse than tomorrow.

I think that's how it usually works...

What I'm talking about is meltdown, new tech, and expensive GPUs

If you don't need one right now then yeah wait and see what they do about spectre.

Kinda. Ram and GPU prices are through the roof, but we've also broken through the 4c paradigm that inhibited consumers for so long.

>4c paradigm

Do you think you can predict when some / all of this is better?

How much does it cost you (in time not efficiently used doing whatever you wanted to do with a computer) to wait?

Generally computers are pretty cheap, so even if you ended up buying one more, that might be less than your time.

>Do you think you can predict when some / all of this is better?
Absolutely no idea. I know there are software fixes but perhaps the next wave of CPUs will have a fix built in. I haven't noticed any drop in performance.
>Generally computers are pretty cheap
I've never spent less than $1000

4 core paradigm - I'm referring to Intel's standard of having mid and high range consumer CPUs having 4 cores with/without hyper threading. Today is a good time to build a computer from the perspective of plentiful and inexpensive multi-core processors that perform well for enthusiast and general consumer tasks.

What about AMD? I have 8 cores but everyone says I bought a toaster

Bulldozer? Doesn't really figure into this because of relatively poor performance and it's ultimate inability to move the market, unlike zen.

GPU prices are retarded thanks to Ethereum mining. Intel CPUs are shit and still have heat issues. AMD processors are great for threaded programs, but not for games.

>amd processors are bad for games
They're not. Getting 60fps in modern titles is not bad, by any stretch of the imagination. They're perfectly adequate - albeit not as good as Intel - which does not make them bad.,

Not really for games, but Ryzen 5 APU is a pretty sweet deal atm because of GPU prices

144hz monitor or GTFO poorfag

Seriously though, I know they're good for games, just not as much as Intel. I actually want a 1700x, but don't want to replace everything just so I can encode shit way faster.


Is the day

The wilderness

Comes to reclaim everything

In a world...

yes, crazzy price for memory

Yes and no. Yes because Moore's law is dead and a new computer will reasonably last you for years on end, so there's little loss regardless of how much money you choose to spend on it. No because computers are also really expensive right now and not worth the money unless you really need one to do something you can't already.

if it's bulldozer then yeah, its not great desu. FX CPU's have poor IPC. I used to have an FX-8350, and while it wasn't the worst CPU in the world (I dont really game) I moved to Ryzen anyway...

I haven't heard this term before. What does it mean?

just learned Intlel gets micro studders

If you're a poorfag, it's always a bad time
If not, you won't care anyways

How about a new laptop? I just want one for learning purposes

From what I gather we need to wait for the next gen CPUs.

I wonder what Intel is going to put out.

How is the Ryzen similar to the FX?

I've been inside one of these. They still look exactly the same today.

I heard they are extremely easy to hack.

it's the codename for AMD's FX and Opteron microarchitectures.

It's all analog. There's nothing to hack.

I guess it's fairly apt. If nothing else just add more cores and bulldoze that data.

I it for a nuclear reactor? Must be pretty old. Irresponsible really if you think about it.

It's a nuclear control room, and they get maintained plenty.

My dad is a nuclear engineer who spends his time "hardening" the plant he works for.

If he's still finding things to do to make it safer, I'd argue that a reactor that old was never safe.

Why do you faggots even bother making tripcodes to post on an anonymous imageboard? You just make it easier for us to filter you.

I visited an old radio station that broadcasted propaganda to northern africa and LATAM and they were using technology from the 1950s because the government doesn't fund them much. They jerry rigged all their analog equipment to digital and just frequently had to hack their way around no funds.

>filtering for having a trip
No different than covering your ears and screaming like a child. If Sup Forums was truly anonymous they wouldn't allow anybody to post pictures of themselves.

I worked in engineering at a nuclear power plant. Things are getting changed constantly (as you said, many plants are old and thus get updated, in addition to normal maintenance), and there's also the consideration that there are still modifications underway that were mandated after the Fukushima incident.

The proper expression is "jury-rigged".

Off topic: What's the status of that thing? Is it still a pool of molten uranium?

Don't listen to the voices in your head Terry

jury rigged is using materials at hand. jerry rigged is building it cheaply.

It was a six-unit plant. Only Units 1-3 were meltdowns of varying severity. I haven't exactly read a paper on it, but they can't exactly remove the Corium until it cools and becomes less radioactive. AFAIK everything is cleaned up except those units. They probably could operate units 4-6 as normal if they were allowed.

To further this, I'd guess they'll just cover units 1-3 and clean it up 100 years from now.

Don't be homophobic

What's a computer?

As far as I know, they are still operating the other units.

there is fields full of contaminated dirt in bags
there are huge tanks of contaminated water onsite
the reactor has melted down into the upper mantle or some shit, nobody knows because robots fuck up the moment they try to take a look

its an ongoing nuclear disaster but I hear the usa/india/dubai are all going big on nuclear in the next few years. maybe they won't build the reactors on a tsunami prone coastline in an earthquake zone?

Really? I thought nearly all of Japan's reactors were still idled.


i'm a computer

Well you can't just turn them off.

That's why they're idled and not doing anything productive.

nigger-rig, use stolen equipment and jury-rig it togheter.

Not an issue on AMD
>new tech
True, wait a couple months
>expensive GPUs
Don't be poor.

wait for av1

Don't be a fag

Nice to meet you, Mr Computer.

>buy GPU today
>3 months later prices drop
>seller doesn't want to return your firstborn

They could if they were made in Canada

>Don't be poor = Be ok with paying stuff that's double their worth.

Even if I wasn't paying with moms allowance I would still consider price as a factor. Either that or go over to alienwear