Are 'hipsters' dead?

Are 'hipsters' dead?

The vibes exuded by pic related have been gone from the world for the past 4 years at least, imo.

Other urls found in this thread:

> 2016
> using the word 'hipster'

you're asking a board of people who were mostly still in elementary school when the idea of "Hipster" had peaked

even your "4 years ago" benchmark would mean the average Sup Forumstant was like 13 and still spending all day on minecraft

No, yuccies have replaced them. The trend of dressing carelessly on purpose has been taken over by faux-properness. As in, nice pants, nice shoes, nice jacket, but they're wearing a 90s band shirt underneath, and they have a bunch of tattoos that you can't see when they're in nice attire.

People have wizened up to the fact that mindlessly chasing art like a hipster is a foolish and self-destructive pursuit. Yuccies major in something considered employable like STEM and move into cheap gentrified neighborhoods, but secretly house the hipster spirit by participating in art movements in their free time (but still dressing nicely to show off their success). Often, they minor in a personal interest like anthropology, and have a soundcloud or etsy where they display their amateur artistic work.

jesus fucking christ you hit the nail on the head so hard i feel like i just got impaled. question is why/what caused this transition from hipster to yuccie?

It's turned into "post-irony" shit, which (due to it being internet-based) evolves so fast that we're sort of in a grey area now.
You can still find a ton of classic hipster types with those fucking meme mustaches, they're the ones who will condescend if you're not drinking $15 hop juice "craft" beers


There's nothing wrong with the twee, desu

I used to be your generic moped riding hipster. I fucking miss mopeds.

Holy shit you're right, I could see myself becoming into this. How did you form this idea?

>You can still find a ton of classic hipster types with those fucking meme mustaches, they're the ones who will condescend if you're not drinking $15 hop juice "craft" beers

This. They still exist. They're just not the type to go online much.

left your trip off brandon.

It's really simple: the places hipsters like to live got too expensive to live in without making good money. So now it's this weird cross between yuppie and hipster.

Actual hipsters still exist, but in places too shitty to gentrify quickly. Maybe over the course of 30 years, rather than like, 5, like what happened to Austin or Brooklyn.

Emos evolved into hipsters

Hipsters evolved into SJWs

SJW are currently evolving toward eugenics victims

>There will be movies set in late 2000s/early 10s Williamsburg

Well, a lot of hipsters that grew up use social media to vent about issues relating to how much debt they're in or their failed bands or whatever. Some of the ones who DID make it into the arts often slip jokes or references about the debt crisis into television, movies, etc. Most yuccies are pretty into mainstream media and using social platforms like Instagram and Facebook, so the message came through.

Plus, the disdain for hipsters hit peak mass a few years ago when the post-ironic everything got so obnoxious, so it wasn't a label that people wanted to associate with anymore, ironic or not.

While hipsters aren't quite extinct yet, they're about dead. I think the nail in the coffin was the death of beards and long hair - many modern fashion icons are shaving their giant lumberjack beards and cutting off their manbuns to have a sleeker, more metrosexual appearance - thus, the comeback of more formal clothing and why the trend of flannel is dying. Nowadays, you don't really see hipsters outside their normal stomping grounds (certain bars, pretentious clubs, punk venues that don't have the scary punks, coffee shops, poetry nights, etc.).

The "existentialist hipster" will, of course, never die. They're an eternal thing. Wearing all black, wearing boots, and drinking red wine or black coffee never really goes out of style.

It's not a concept I came up with, but I've been noticing it and analyzing it a bit ever since I read this.

There's nothing really wrong with focusing more on less risky success, though if you are a diehard artist I recommend against it. I've seen plenty of great artists who had serious potential give up on using their talent and go after some high paying desk job that they hate. But if you see art as more of a hobby than a huge part of yourself, being a yuccie isn't such a bad thing, as long as you aren't totally obnoxious.

And it'll be awesome.

Face it, you wish you had been one of those kids. Early-20s, swimming in parent's cash, moving to Jew York City so you can smoke weed all day and eat weird food and fuck cute chicks with bangs and tattoos.

Sure beats a life of refreshing anime imageboards full of angry teenagers.

Nah, I still have a soul. It's pretty awesome haha

Sucks to be you faggot

You seem to know a lot about this, user.

For future reference, you just seem like a bitter person when you attempt to generalize people who may fit a certain profile. And let's be honest, people use terms like Hipster or "Yuccy" (I'm glad I had to look that shit up) in an attempt to marginalize people, and it's most often the product of a massive inferiority complex.

Yes, we live in incredibly vapid and narcissistic times, and people are desperately trying to find ways of being unique, but I find he people who are able to expound on these trends with the most erudition are either part of the group they criticize... or secretly wish they were.

To me, it reads more like a successor to hipsters rather than a replacement. I don't like how that wording came out, though, so let me try that again: I feel like yuccies wouldn't necessarily have been hipsters if they'd been born a decade earlier. What's happening to the people born ten years too late to be a hipster? Sure some of them are ending up as yuccies, but I feel like the conversion rate isn't 100%.


2009 sounds like a nice cut off point and that image is fucking spot on.

'hipsters' no longer exist. hipsterdom has been co opted by normal people. what were once hipsters are now just normal people.

You seem to be reading a lot of negativity out of what was a pretty dry and detached description. I hope your post gets ignored, rather than fed into the argument it's clearly trying to start.

yuccie really isn't a negative term, its just describing a group of people with somewhat similar traits.

Sure, sure, you were just providing an objective analysis of "Yuccys"

The hipster just became mainstream non-black millennial culture

If you were a slack-jawed faggot, maybe. Or you could have grown a pair, fought a war and be part of the disgruntled Veteran movement that is so big these days

You're one of the fucking dummies he's talking about. Hipsters are as fucking worthless as the boomer scum who birthed them.

Normalcore isn't listed. Gap shoppers only.

We need to bring back Old Navy.

>Brandon Love
>Hanging out with hipsters
This never fucking happened. Hipsters would want nothing to do with pathetic sack of shit.

Old Navy and GAP are owned by the same corporation and Old Navy is the only one that makes profit these days. Source: there was an article about this yesterday in the WSJ you uneducated fuck

fuck off faggot


So it's not an attempt to stigmatize individuals who have marketable skills (STEM field degrees) and an appreciation for the arts? "Faux-properness?" If not, then why coin a term for it? it seems a little backhanded to me.

But that's what we do here. All us social critics who see the world with utmost clarity lol

this faggot sure is defensive

Pure hypocrisy, the only one bitter here is obviously you.

>it seems a little backhanded to me.

Probably because you're hopelessly insecure and see personal attacks everywhere you go. But hey, where do I think we are.

>tfw moved to bushwick after school in fall 2008
>tfw spent most of the time playing WotLK after it came out and eventually ran out of money

eventually had sex with my boss though so that was alright

was she chubby

damn this is me famo

>Early-20s, swimming in parent's cash, moving to Jew York City so you can smoke weed all day and eat weird food and fuck cute chicks with bangs and tattoos

This movie is already out, and it's called The Comedy.

It stars Tim & Eric (and features a special guest appearance by James Murphy), so it's deliberately uncomfortable as fuck

I'm not lying. It happened. Some of them were actually cool and generally accepting people. Guess that's why hipsters are really socially active.
>Face it, you wish you had been one of those kids. Early-20s, swimming in parent's cash, moving to Jew York City so you can smoke weed all day and eat weird food and fuck cute chicks with bangs and tattoos.

Hipsters don't exist. It's just a catch all term for people that like typically nontraditional things that you don't understand or care about.

Did it actually nail the vibe or did Tim and Eric decide to get weird and stupid with it?

But I was 20 4 years ago. Get out of here underageb&

>Did it actually nail the vibe
-ish. It wasn't exactly a Tim & Eric project, so much as it was a project that just happened to star Tim & Eric.

It essentially shows the logical conclusion of living a hipster lifestyle, where everything has to be an ironic joke to the point where it ends up making one look more like an assholish manchild.

I thought it was decent in of itself, but I can see why many people would hate it.


If you're over 20ish I have no idea why you would browse this website. Even 20 is pushing it. The more populated Sup Forums boards are all high schoolers or people who are only a year or two out of high school.

Still there's maybe 1/5 of the place that's in their twenties and they come out of the woodwork to make each other feel better whenever this is pointed out, but by and large it's an open secret that a large amount of this community is technically not old enough to be a part of it and the level of discourse reflects that clearly.

there's girls like that all over the fucking place at moped rallys. .I'm not joking, it's like heaven, but none of them are going to fuck it's hell.

>If you're over 20ish I have no idea why you would browse this website. Even 20 is pushing it.

>The more populated Sup Forums boards are all high schoolers or people who are only a year or two out of high school.

>implying this is something that is acceptable
>implying you're not a faggot for implying this site belongs to teenagers

GET THE FUCK OUT UNDERAGEB&. Just because you're 14 doesn't mean everyone else is. I bet you're one of those faggots that are trying to erase early Sup Forums culture and call everything they don't like a "meme". Fuck outta here, neo shit

Son, I am 28 years old, 320 pounds, have been here since 2006, and last week I was diagnosed with a groin fungus I don't plan to have treated. I wade through dominos boxes and unplayed video games every time I get up to go to the bathroom, assuming I don't just hold it in until the urge goes away.

YOU get out.

Personal attacks everywhere I go? I'm a shut-in who doesn't have any friends or anything even resembling a social life, so no; however, attacking me wouldn't be difficult, and there's nothing I haven't already thought of, myself.

That said, it does irritate me when people snidely attempt to discredit someone based on some half-cocked notion of what their motivations and incentives are for their actions.

I see you are enjoying your sociology classes.

25 here

i browse this site because its fun to shitpost on it

Sup Forums does tend to skew towards the younger side but it's stupid to say most of the board is underage

Excuse me? I've been on Sup Forums since its conception. I was here when ITAOTS first came onto the Sup Forums-core charts and I have sang in every "Sup Forums sings" video. You, on the other hand probably came here because you saw some epic meme over on /r/music. I was here when Sup Forums still showed up on google. So don't you fucking tell me I'm underage okay? I made about 50% of all the charts you see on this board and the only reason I don't have a trip yet is because I'd be too famous. So in short,

1) Don't be judgemental about others' music tastes, as yours is probably shit too.
2) Try to discuss music in a civilized manner without being a prick to others.
3) Don't assume people are new.
4) Leave this board.


>I'm a shut-in who doesn't have any friends or anything even resembling a social life

you mean the exact lifestyle known for fueling the rage and persecution complexes of places like Sup Forums and tumblr?

>says some dude in his 30's

>I was here when ITAOTS first came onto the Sup Forums-core charts

Fucking kiddie. Go choke on your shitty fucking plaid scarf. I've been here long enough to remember when it was literally nothing but skinny-ass nerds who only talked about black metal.

ITAOTS's rise as a meme, pfft, please, get the fuck out. That shit was Sup Forums's chanology. It makes me want to kill myself that it was so long ago there are actually faggots like you will see it as a bragging point to have been here for it.

>That shit was Sup Forums's chanology.


I suppose there's some truth to that. Although I'm not exactly sure what your point is.

Anonymous "personal" attacks don't exactly carry much weight, do they?

the dudes became nu-males and the girls became tumblrinas

I'm mostly just basing it off shit I've seen around here. Like, go to Sup Forums or Sup Forums and say something that really subtly digs at white dudes or "gamers" and watch the rage flow. We're on a site that glorifies itself for being offensive but have fucktons of people here who start shitting dynamite as soon as they get a whiff of being on the receiving end of the joke. I think it's just a universal human thing to be a bit of a hypocrite about what's okay to make fun of and what's not, but when you throw in poorly-adjusted personalities it starts to ramp up quickly.

tl;dr yes there are people who get butthurt by anonymous insults

Mountain man is best

prove me wrong fags

looking back on it there really was nothing as hopelessly uncool as the 2012 hipster

that said they would porobably assume that to be a compliment, but it's not even uncool in the way that scene or emo is uncool it's just fully terrible

anyway the next shit is about to be a whole lot worse trust me


vintage queens are the qtest. rip in peace 2007

I totally agree. And when people make remarks about "trannies", and niggers being subhuman, and gassing the Jews, I don't get offended, and even if I did, I wouldn't pitch a fit about it; however, if you're going to make a post resembling a thoughtful social critique, I'll be happy to provide a rebuttal if I think it's bullshit.

there will always be hipsters
because i am cool
and you are chasin it

hipster detected

This board is full of hipsters. Hipster basically means anyone that purposely only likes things that aren't popular in order to be hip.

I like those girls that wear beat up clothes and have tattoos. I hate myself for it.

it's not even most of the other bigger boards, it's just Sup Forums Sup Forums and /fa/. try using a board that isn't one of those sometime.

>New York
>Daily Cannabis use
>Daily use of any drug not meant for prescription or staying awake
>"cute" chicks with bangs and tattoos
Sounds like a faggy, empty life.

If it had said california I would have liked it so much better. Fuck my life.

fuck off you old man

>so you can smoke weed all day and eat weird food and fuck cute chicks with bangs and tattoos.
honestly this sounds fucking terrible. it sounds like it was ripped straight from some tumblr 16 year old girl's wet dream.

brandon STOP

you fucking drank tonight didn't you?
i thought you were quitting you lying sack of shit.

is this ironic?

yuppie and hipster are not at odds
yuppie is justa grown up hipster with a kid and a condo.

summer detected

We've been past that stage for a fucking while ago, though. lurk more.

WTF is a Nu-Male?

This is copypasta

This is taking the b8

>Sounds like a faggy, empty life.
having done this in california and new york, i can vouch for it being good
cities are good
country is good, but can get a wee boring if youre used to hoping on the subway to stare at a room full of degas on a regular basis . . .

not even close bb

Lurk what? That's the correct definition until nerds and the rest of society confused it to mean ppl who dress a certain way and go to certain places. I know because I used to only exclusively see "hipster" used on superfuture in like 2006-07. Hipsters will always exist as there are always contrarians that still like qualty, but only quality that is not popular. That goes from fashion to music to any other hobby that seems cool.

>Are 'hipsters' dead?
Nah, they've just evolve to be less noticeable to stop evoke memes around them.
Half of my friends carry alternative lifestyles, some are veggies, some others collect weird shit from the street, I personally grow my own peppers and I'm planning to make my own urban farm and produce my own sauces. I dunno.. everyone I know has a weird hobby. But all of us look like any uninspired urban dweller. (plain colors, minimalist style, metrosexuals up to a point)

"Hipster" is a term people use to describe lefty artsy people. Today it isn't cool anymore to be a lefty. Most people have turned alt right or the more popular libertarian. So that means music and fashion aren't crazy weird shit. It's like the 70's-80's all over again.

>Today it isn't cool anymore to be a lefty.

Well, this mainly applies to America, but... here's a quote from The Guardian

" In a poll on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, more than 40% of likely Democratic caucus attendees said they were socialists. In a Boston Globe poll on the eve of the New Hampshire primary, 31% of New Hampshire Democratic voters called themselves socialists; among voters under 35, just over half did. And in late February, a Bloomberg poll of likely voters in the Democratic primary in South Carolina – South Carolina! – showed that 39% described themselves as socialists."

I mean, yeah, they're nowhere near the majority. But that's a decent amount

Shit, forgot the source

>Today it isn't cool anymore to be a lefty.

hipsters are those who follow blindly, having heard there is koolaid, but never finding it for real to drink.

Lol maybe spend some time outside the internet. I cant speak for America but here in Norway, the only libertarian or pseudo alt-right young are the ones who spend all day playing videogames and being on the internet. (Source: im a norwegian who spent last year in highschool and this year in university)