I've bought a smartphone for first time today?
What are some essential apps?
I've already installed NF Companion and Bible App.
I've bought a smartphone for first time today?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP here. I am posting from my PC.
Nova launcher
Simple gallery
PlayerPro (but I don't recommend it, it's not what it used to be)
These are the basic for newfriends.
What's wrong with phone posters?
It's comfy in a bed or on a sofa
My fucking back hurts sitting on a chair.
Thank you.
I've saved the list.
I'm going to examine it later.
F-Droid (FOSS appstore)
Yalp Store (Download PlayStore apps without an account)
KISS Launcher (perfect if your phone is shit)
TachiyomiEH (same as tachiyomi but with sadpanda support)
Simple Gallery
Simple Notes
NewPipe (youtube front-end with background support)
Clover (Sup Forums app, it also supports 8ch)
Lightning Browser
EasyRPG Player (play RPGMaker games)
Blockinger (tetris clone)
Nori (imagebooru app)
Vynil Music Player (fork of phonograph)
Amaze File Manager
DNS66 (get it on fdroid)
Simple Gallery
KDE Connect
SkyTube / NewPipe (find it on fdroid)
Silence (SMS app)
Lightning Browser (fdroid version) or Brave
Wire IM / Riot.im
K9 Mail
>Bible App
>I've bought a smartphone for first time today?
Why are you asking us you retarded fagget?
Can't find zarchiver on fdroid, is it free?
>no ads
>no gsf dependency
Good enough for me. It's gratis, yes.
Why use TachiyomiEH when regular Tachiyomi already supports EH?
>buys an android
>thinks he bought a smart phone.
Until Librem 5 is released android is the only smartphone OS available on the market.
Disable all bloatware apps. Disable Play and Play Services. Install f-droid and yalp.
Set up your privacy settings.
Fuck off gramps
>I've bought a smartphone for first time today?
why you never had one before user?
Messenger for daily basic conv. (if you use Facebook)
Other messaging service for private conversations (secure)
Samsung Internet
Or he could just return that shitty OS and get an iPhone 8+ and not have to worry about anything.
make sure bible is true original KJV and not some other devils shit
iPhone has a significantly worse OS. Also,
>shilling a lack of features and lack of freedom by saying "at least if you can't do anything, you don't have to worry about anything"
Might as well not buy a smartphone then.
No need to root?
Amerilards, everyone
Let’s seeeeeee what can I do with my iPhone:
Email, message, phone calls, photos, photo editing, e-reader, games, shitposting, browsing, movies, music, pdf files, scan documents, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, YouTube, video capturing, notes, to do lists, calendar, reminders, alerts, alarm clock, weather, news, social media, monitor health, Netflix, Hulu, shopping..... I mean I could go on, but I think you get the point. I see what you mean though. Apple can’t do shit!
Oh that’s not counting the bad ass customer service, resale value, constant updates, and malware free App Store...
You’re right user! Apple is soooooo shitty!
>muh customization
>muh gimmicks
>muh shitty apps
Enjoy waiting till 2050 before your device gets Android 8!
because I'm to lazy to download it and install the extensions.
Only that? An android runs on desktops. iOS runs on less than 10 devices, android runs on hundreds. I can do all that with my android and more. I can do anything I'd be able to on a desktop, and I'm not locked out of what hardware and software I'll use with it.
That’s only a partial list of what Apple can do. I didn’t include obvious tasks like navigation, Siri, audio notes, there’s too many tasks to list.
Most people (probably 90% of users out there) don’t use their phones as a PC replacement. 90% of people out there use their devices in some combination of the tasks I listed.
I don’t really care I can make a “secured folder.” I don’t really about messing with themes and wallpapers. So people do, most don’t.
>I can do the same BASIC things I'd be able to on Android out of the box, except I pay twice as much
>thinking more than 3 years of software updates are needed
>I don't even realize that Android has access to the same apps as iOS
Stop being retarded
What are you hacking the pentagon or some shit? What does anyone do with their PHONES other than the “basics.”
>Apple apps are far superior to the android version. The android versions are usually ugly and clunky.
>part of the higher price pays the tech support you hope you never need. My iPhone breaks? I call Apple get the problem fixed. My android breaks? I get to play musical companies with the manufacturer and carrier while both claim it’s not “their” responsibility.
>Apple maintains their support for five years.
What are some good rpgmaker games?
Infinitode is kinda enjoyable, but I suggest you go with an emulator.
I'm currently playing some Yume Nikki fangames.
Ib, the witch's house and wadanohara are the most common recommendations.
>true original KJV == KJV is original and true
Freedom-hating dyslexics, everyone
Firefox Focus/Klar
Omni Notes
Vinyl Music Player
(optional) Yalp Store (if you want to Degoogle)
7/10 you mildly got me. No one can be this purposefully retarded.
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
I can't use YouTube is I disable the services.
All extensions are already included in the latest dev version, man.