You've uninstalled it right, user?
You've uninstalled it right, user?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the only program that does something is 'pax' and render the system unusable
Years ago.
>broken SATA driver on generic Supermicro led to godawful I/O
>ports tree cruddy and bit rotten compared to Debian main
>bhyve still garbage compared to qemu+kvm+libvirt
I never used it to begin with.
Did something happen?
I didn't visit Sup Forums for a few days.
they added some bit about no internet hugs to their code of conduct the other day
Thanks, also
mfw I have no face for this bullshit
I actually uninstalled it on everything except my X200 which I will soon uninstall it from.
It's a shame... it's very well performing.
I did actually. v11 was OK but such a chore, and fuck rolling ports give me stable.
Im in the process of building a homelab/network and im not using pfsense because of this. Does that make me autistic? Probably
Does anybody know if the DragonflyBSD people are equally retarded, or are they at least somewhat based? I've heard that it was forked due to internal arguments inside FreeBSD, but I'm not familiar with the details.
I'd normally go to OpenBSD, but that doesn't boot on all my hardware.
daily reminder that OpenBSD is not secure
Hahaha thx user
what's with the FreeBSD bashing lately?
it looks like a campaign to do so, like the log guy on Sup Forums, or the russians riling up white americans against everyone else.
>he fell for the butthurt anti-bsd blog meme
this Do some reading before speaking retard.
so that's it? it's just some *internal* politically correct stuff and now you can't use the OS anymore?
god forbid Microsoft, Apple, or Linux Torvalds would ever advocate women or LGBT rights. We'd all have to use TempleOS.
DragonflyBSD has a OpenBSD/linuxesque leadership. The leader is a legendary programmer and he is probably more interested in creating good code.
No but as soon as I finish my holiday I will. I’ve been contemplating between Linux or Ilumos based solution or a mix of the two.
These retards are worse than SJWs. FreeBSD is problematic now, just like Rust, Mozilla and all the other shit they decide we have to bash now.
When devs pay attention to politics instead of getting shit done, you can't use their OS anymore.
Political Correctness means censorship in the long run, that is why liberals push for it.
based fucking lunduke
he's /ourkike/ for sure
I want to, but I rely on the ports system so much. What the hell do I do?
what does BSD actually offer to Sup Forumsentoomen?
Watching that useless triggered snowflake of a BSD dev literally have a nervous breakdown over Lunduke giving them shit for banning "virtual hugs" was some of the funniest stuff I've read so far in the new year. The icing on the cake was the Nethack tombstone, though. Bear in mind this is being said in an argument about CoC violations.
The irony was almost fucking palpable.
What did you guys expect from an OS made by literal fags?
>Eric Allman, my partner of 35-and-some-odd years and husband since 2013
Ehh, I'm fine with fags. (The guy in the Aeropostale shirt obviously isn't, but that's another matter.) It's the social justice bullshit that I have a problem with.
There's other shit I could be doing instead of migrating all my services to Plan9 but I guess I'm fucking losing my weekends now. Great.
The other BSDs have decent ports trees as well. And if that doesn't work out there's always slackware, which can work with a ports tree like system. Alternatively, you can run NetBSD's pkgsrc on pretty much any os.
OpenBSD guy myself, but the DragonflyBSD people are pretty based, you should take a look.
And it turns out that their jails are awful as well!
Same here, nothing wrong with gays.
But suddenly shoving artificial trans problems into everyones face is bs. Only reason is so that in the future they can support toxic assholes like Randi Harper.
> Benno being butthurt
That guy keeps on giving.
w8 it's the same blog where OP claims Theo hacked his friend's router and remapped his keyboard?
>turbo autism makes you a legend
And then you have Rainbow (mtf trans) telling him to chill out and how the trans community is shunning them because they are a minority pushing rules on the community.
But Sup Forums told me trannies are unreasonable and that FreeBSD is better than linux. My world is falling apart.
Time to fire up that Crux install.
B-but ... ZFS !
Matt Dillon of DragonFly BSD is an alpha chad BDFL like Theo and Linus, too alpha and chad-like for the FreeBSD soyboys so they ejected him - he forked the only good FreeBSD release (4.x) and made it better, while FreeBSD devs just imported as much as they could from Solaris and exterminated meritocracy.
2 weeks I'll never get back.
The meme. I fell for it.
Don't try to take SUN's credit, ZFS is a Solaris thing. Associating it with BSD just because they added support for it, is stupid. It's like calling bash a Windows thing because it can run there.
>trannies are unreasonable
>freebsd is better than linux
No, Sup Forums didn't tell you that. A small minority of 9fag and/or Reddit shitposters who hang out here because they really don't have a clue what this website is actually all about told you that. Well, them and a couple of failed hipsters who tried to move to a BSD when Linux hacker roleplaying became "mainstream" on Sup Forums and they needed to take back their special snowflake status.
Are you trying to claim that bash isn't a Microsoft invention?
What's the wrong way to uninstall it?
Sup Forums never told you that.
Most SJWs are either middle/upper class white women that are bored and saw Big Bang Theory, now they want to be considered "a nerd" because it's fashionable, without putting in the effort. It's also an easy way for them to now publicly shame others and rally personal armies.
Or (white) guys that are either whiteknight footlickers of the example above, want to feel superior, or just give in fully to the current trend.
SJWs are seldom part of any minority, but that wave above is easy to ride for those that are.
pic related
I never installed it, fuck your hipster shit.
Am I in another world? BSD is a businessman tier OS, it's the last thing I think of when I think "hipster".
Years ago. It didn't work right with half of my hardware.
Trannies are based af
Sup Forums
AIX is businessman tier. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB is businessman tier. *BSD is not businessman tier.
Nigger fish...gross
The way I understand it is that Dragonfly's main argument for it is HammerFS, which is supposed to have some neat features. I don't know much about filesystem theory so I don't actually know why you would pick it, though.
That's interesting. I don't know much about scientific linux, but how is DragonFly gonna convince anyone to pick possibly the third or fourth most popular BSD instead of linux? It doesn't seem like their advantage is pronounced enough.
>works as a desktop os
Netcraft confirms it: BSD is dying.
Never installed it, I need windows to play Vidya.
>I've heard that it was forked due to internal arguments inside FreeBSD, but I'm not familiar with the details.
Short story, just like Theo was obligated to renounce to NetBSD because he "flamed" other developers, Matt Dillon was forced to leave FreeBSD because he "flamed" other developers.
In the end, Theo founded OpenBSD and Matt DragonFlyBSD.
As with most forks, it was intended for patches to be merged back upstream, in this case most are but in particular the threading and filesystem patches are not because the FreeBSD team decided they prefer other implementations over the Dragonfly ones.
Typically people call this a "research project" or "research OS", it is a real OS that you can really use, but the intent is to experiment and/or prove some hypothesis. In this case have 2 implementations of threading being worked on at the same time, separated forks are sometimes easier to work with when dealing with big features that themselves would span multiple branches, configurations, issues, etc.
Wikipedia says
>Dillon started DragonFly in the belief that the methods and techniques being adopted for threading and symmetric multiprocessing in FreeBSD 5[4] would lead to poor system performance and cause maintenance difficulties. He sought to correct these suspected problems within the FreeBSD project.[5] Due to ongoing conflicts with other FreeBSD developers over the implementation of his ideas,[6] his ability to directly change the FreeBSD codebase was eventually revoked. Despite this, the DragonFly BSD and FreeBSD projects still work together contributing bug fixes, driver updates, and other system improvements to each other.
Dillon is a cool guy from my experience working with him over IRC/email. He's got no room for politics of any kind in DragonFly.
I forgot to mention
>how is DragonFly gonna convince anyone to pick
That's not their job / they probably don't care. If you have the specific need that they excel in, you'll find out about it.
There's a lot of things in use that I never see anyone talking about and aren't publicly popular, for example HP-UX, AIX, Plan9, Solaris. The people that use them may very well need what they offer, and be satisfied with them, but they had to look for it first and after they found it, felt no need to talk about it because why would they. Such is the way.
One more crippling bombshell hit the already beleaguered *BSD community when IDC confirmed that *BSD market share has dropped yet again, now down to less than a fraction of 1 percent of all servers. Coming on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states that *BSD has lost more market share, this news serves to reinforce what we've known all along. *BSD is collapsing in complete disarray, as fittingly exemplified by failing dead last [] in the recent Sys Admin comprehensive networking test.
You don't need to be the Amazing Kreskin [] to predict *BSD's future. The hand writing is on the wall: *BSD faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at all for *BSD because *BSD is dying. Things are looking very bad for *BSD. As many of us are already aware, *BSD continues to lose market share. Red ink flows like a river of blood.
FreeBSD is the most endangered of them all, having lost 93% of its core developers. The sudden and unpleasant departures of long time FreeBSD developers Jordan Hubbard and Mike Smith only serve to underscore the point more clearly. There can no longer be any doubt: FreeBSD is dying.
Let's keep to the facts and look at the numbers.
OpenBSD leader Theo states that there are 7000 users of OpenBSD. How many users of NetBSD are there? Let's see. The number of OpenBSD versus NetBSD posts on Usenet is roughly in ratio of 5 to 1. Therefore there are about 7000/5 = 1400 NetBSD users. BSD/OS posts on Usenet are about half of the volume of NetBSD posts. Therefore there are about 700 users of BSD/OS. A recent article put FreeBSD at about 80 percent of the *BSD market. Therefore there are (7000+1400+700)*4 = 36400 FreeBSD users. This is consistent with the number of FreeBSD Usenet posts.
Due to the troubles of Walnut Creek, abysmal sales and so on, FreeBSD went out of business and was taken over by BSDI who sell another troubled OS. Now BSDI is also dead, its corpse turned over to yet another charnel house.
All major surveys show that *BSD has steadily declined in market share. *BSD is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If *BSD is to survive at all it will be among OS dilettante dabblers. *BSD continues to decay. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, *BSD is dead.
I uninstalled FreeBSD and installed CloverOS
I, too, am a meme-loving retard.
I'm glad you follow the CloverOS philosophy.
This fag is literally a communist.
Jesus, how did computing come to this?
No, I uninstalled it wrong.
>implying I ever installed it or even considered installing it
You're just the pied piper of poltards aren't you. Now that you've baited them, would you kindly lead them off a cliff.
feminism: rules for thee, not for me
I still use it. Only snowflakes get upset over CoC fluff. It's a good OS.
You are all making FOSS software more political by getting your pitchforks out over trivial etiquette.
this illustrates perfectly the problem.
yep because the project is pretty much committing suicide none stop.
>It's a good OS.
it's really not though, you'd most likely be much better off with centos or debian getting actual shit done unless your use case is posting screenfetches and wanking over le true unix exclusively
it's an archaic OS with few good things going for it, this needless alienation of people with sjw shit is really not going to help it any
Is there any big difference between netbsd and dragonflybsd or does it not matter? I like how portable netbsd is.
Open source and leftism both attract creepy losers, ironically for opposite reasons.
>open source is (or was) a pure meritocracy where only quality of code matters
>leftism promises them free shit taken at gunpoint from successful people
NetBSD is garbage. Unless you actually have some system only NetBSD works on try DragonFly BSD or OpenBSD.
What about HardenedBSD?
Doas and hammer2 are innovations
if anybody uses a code of conduct the viral marketers try and whip of a bunch of negative sentiment as part of the "everyone here is a crab in a bucket" campaign to degrade the level of discourse in online communities.,
Is freebsd the only one that offers both precompiled binaries and ports to make from source rather than just one or the other?
>DragonFly BSD
x64 only
barely supports the architectures it does because of lack of drivers
Never used it because its basically MacOS nightly
This is obviously satire, you stupid fuck.
I don't bothered about their code of conduct because I am not beta cuckolds that sends *back rub* to random free software contributors
This gets my nomination for the "Most Underrated Post of All Fucking Time" award.
NetBSD is awesome. The code is very clean and designed to be a minimalist system that is very easy to port anywhere. If your hardware cannot run openbsd, go with netbsd. Both freebsd and dragonflybsd are bloated and code is crappy.
>designed to be a minimalist system
I sincerely hope you don't believe the nonsense you're spouting. They have a fucking SYSTEM V compatibility layer that was enabled by default until 2017. There's a filesystem driver that handles UNIX Seventh Edition (1979) file systems.
They're bloated as shit