If you were making your own imageboard, what would you do differently from Sup Forums? What would you do similarly?
If you were making your own imageboard, what would you do differently from Sup Forums? What would you do similarly?
If someone with no programming skills or knowledge of computers whatsoever wanted to make an imageboard, how long would it take?
I don't think that long. You could use one of those "build your own website" services, probably set up a rudimentary imageboard in 2 weeks or so. 1 if fast learner or lots of free time.
I set one up once and it was really easy. Took 1-2 hours I think. That was ~15 years ago.
My friends and I used it for about 5 minutes then I deleted it.
I did make my own imageboard. No one uses it.
A friend and I made one from scratch with a bit of help from stackoverflow and a tutorial for the start. Not really used now but it's really lightweight and has a lot of the same features of *chans, along with some different stuff like an autism voting feature for users. You need an account to see anything too, so it's not really anonymous 100% but it keeps randoms out. Basically the interface is a mix of gamefaqs forums, *chans, and modern web design without the faggotry.
It took a few months of working on it every now and then, mostly because of time testing and finding little bugs that happened with the way we were handling the POST data of the replies.
the western imageboard experiment is a failure, what's next, a return to bbs?
Maybe. Standard forums are pretty shit now too. Always have been, probably. Everyone's a tripfag.
No webm restrictions. No sound and the filesize limits outside of /gif/ and /wsg/ are pretty retarded.
Ban anime
all boards are nsfw though blue boards still have their original purpose as to not let threads devolve into porn dumps
get rid of janitors
board specific mods depending on resources
public bans
have to lurk 2 years before you're allowed to post. this is obviously not actively enforced but obvious newfags would get year long ban so they have time to lurk.
ofc this is irrelevant because imageboards are made by their users and convincing enough people to migrate into yours is impossible as not even cripplechan succeeded.
If I were creating an imageboard, it would be truly anonymous. No accounts, no tripcodes with names. No post history, no archive.
>obvious newfags would get year long ban
Would regular moderators have that power? Seems like a harsh enforcement. What constitutes an "obvious" newfag?
why would anyone use it ?
What about an imageboard for normies? Something like whisper, a "social media" imageboard? A truly anonymous place for normies to put their tweets, so they can say how they really feel about current events or controversial topics?
Who's this semen demon?
That's why
I hope you plan on replacing that
My daughter you pig!
Bad business model so I would do everything differently from when I tried to host one.
Image serving is expensive even if the images aren't persisted and deleted from storage after threads die. Have to hire staff to deal with DCMA takedown requests and illegal threads. Moderation is what makes anonymous social apps and networks very operationally expensive.
Only thing keeping Sup Forums afloat are the number of autists that buy the $20 Sup Forums Pass. Sup Forums is one of the biggest and most well known communities on the internet, its namebrand is what makes it exist.
You will shut down your imageboard after 2 months when hosting expenses exceed $2000/mo cause those furfag and webm threads are eating up terrabytes cloud storage each thread and you're getting an email every 2 minutes to take something down or go to jail/get sued.
So if anyone has suggestions to what would solve the above problems I would suggest listening to that.
these kind of people.
What about just a community moderated imageboard? Little to no moderation, all boards NSFW. Perhaps an auto-ban system in place based on user reports. And ask users to donate processing power to host the imageboard. No business model, just a small open source community project.
You would apply bans based on board culture? Several terms in the first panel of that comic are hard to define. How do you define hating a weeaboo?
It's surprising to me that tumblr is so much more popular than reddit.
I would have a reddit style voting system and also dedicated furry boards
Using the voting system or trying to post on the furry boards instantly bans you, but it presents a cloudflare (or whatever CDN) error page saying the server is down so they don't realise they've been banned.
Idk... I made it as a project it has 60 days uptime now.
I am not reinstalling a working OS due to drama.
I might replace it just because netBSD seems a lot cuter and more efficient.
I don't think it's necessary or even possible most of the time. Ideally retards would get called out by the users themselves.
>How do you define hating a weeaboo?
Well complaining about anime on Sup Forums already outs you as someone who shouldn't be here.
That is actually an amazing idea.
They should do that on the next april fool's day here.
Also I forgot to say, posting on the furry board still succeeds before you get banned, so it looks like it's an active but very slow moving board.
I posted some lewds on there
Thx desu
Get moderators that aren't autistic horsefuckers and actually actively participate in the boards they moderate so they understand the culture.
>that aren't autistic horsefuckers
>understand the culture
I don't think this is compatible...
It must also be hard to find good moderators when they do it for free and the only compensation is exercising autistic power over others
Discord isn't popular as a forum its popular as a messenging service.
allow good pics and vids
also moar
mlp doesn't need mods
webms with sound
make Sup Forums and ban everyone who post there
Loli boards. Many of them.
>He isn't a member of the most private bbs's
Everything is perfect. I might add a (you) counter though.
nice socks.
I wish everyone would go back to usenet/newsgroups
I would encourage pizza posting desu desu
you'd have to implement some kind of captcha to prevent bots, though.
I'm making my own imageboard too, most of it's done, frontend needs a lot of work still. Going to copy the /tea/ idea but make it more fun...I'll call it /coffee/. Maybe the site will too get about 4 users.
I've been thinking a lot about "next generation" of imageboard features but can't really make any new features up.
this assumes my imageboard would reach popularity levels equal to Sup Forums... (unlikely)
I would:
A) Hire a competent moderation team of at least 50 moderators who would be dedicated to keeping the imageboard clean of assorted trash.
B) Develop accounts and make having an account a required feature, except usernames are not displayed and only used to login to your account. Appearance-wise, everyone is still anonymous.
C) Develop 2-3 new-member boards where every new IP that had visited my imageboard only once would only be allowed to post on these new boards until they 'unlocked' the main boards after some time.
This allows my team to have actual power over shitposters, and bans are worth a lot more. When the threat of a perma ban is very real, and you can't just reset your IP and go back to being a dipshit 2 minutes later, it would stop a lot of people from ruining the website.
People would just leave and then you'd have a reddit v2.0
trimming the fat would be an intended feature
either way, it's not reddit as there's no shadowbans and no upvote/downvote system and total anonymity remains
my vision of Sup Forums is a pure and clean website without porn, politics, and degeneracy whose sole purpose is career and hobby discussion
Ban the autist mods from here because they ban everyone for abirtrary reasons
That's such a cute costume. Would let my daughter wear (with some shorts under it).
MacOS is more like pic related
>what would you do differently from Sup Forums
Heavy focus on moderation, but I won't fall down the path of Reddit style moderation, where it's community appointed.
Seniority takes priority, oldfags supercede cocksuckers.
Also no fucking politics. Talking about the real world is what ruined this website. Fun takes priority to absolutely everything.
Ctrl+C Ctrl+V everything as it is but make captcha work like on cripplechan
I would change the rules so cuck admins wouldn't ban people for hurting someone's virtual fee-fees
But this doesn't happen on Sup Forums.
Except it does, I've been banned several times just for calling someone a dumb nigger
The moderation on this site has been taken over by thin-skinned faggots
If this is true, I'd like to see myself get banned right fucking now, dumb niggerfaggot.
Oh wait, it won't.
Maybe you're just a faggot and mods ban you on GR3 cause there isn't anything else they can get you for.
The real issue with Sup Forums is that its way too popular for its own good. Popular fast moving boards have destroyed pretty much all civil conversation because no one want to put any effort into their post when its probably going to be on page 10 in a few minutes. This is why shit-posting is the accepted norm because its far more attractive to do because of the low effort involved. Throwing more moderators, captcha, automation, post timers hasn't worked.
The userbase has overwhelmed what the software was designed to do and has never grown to accommodate.
>How do you define hating a weeaboo?
Normalfags think all anime that isn't ultra mainstream like dragon ball is automatically weeaboo
I own an imageboard. I just used vichan because fuck making it from scratch. It's in competition with wizchan.
>Wants to make a good website without any knowledge
Get some coding skills fag
you don't have a daughter
Shut up Sigourney.
Sup Forums is an anime website
keep nudes/porn strictly to one board, traps get automatically permanently banned, very little moderation other than porn/nudes/r8/fb/ig and more ways to interact with other users posts.
>no politics
Career overlaps into that a lot and so do some hobbies.
Mods are faggots though. It would never work.
I'd like to make it technologically impossible to perform any kind of moderation or content removal. Only timer expiration should be able to do that. Content would be encrypted and its distribution would be offloaded to all the users.
SAFE network
I would get rid of Sup Forums, /vg/, /vp/, Sup Forums, /mlp/, /lgbt/, all porn boards, and ban anyone from reddit
fix the fucking captcha. I can't solve it
oh look, summer is almost here.
Write the entire back end, front end, and operating system in node.js
This needs to happen
Blockchain that shit up. You'll need a wallet address to post, but it'll be kept hidden. Posts are free. Giving people (you)s costs tokens. Getting (you)s gives you tokens.This is to encourage people to make good posts and to not respond to shitass bait. Posting attachments > 2MB costs tokens, too, maybe.
rewrite in Rust
You're giving g00k ideas.